Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of '料金表'

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pronunciation: ryoukin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: fee, charge, toll, fare, rate
料金を払う: ryoukinnoharau: pay a fee <<<
料金を取る: ryoukinnotoru: charge a fee <<<
料金を取らずに: ryoukinnotorazuni: free of charge, gratuitously
料金表: ryoukinhyou: price list <<<
料金所: ryoukinsho, ryoukinjo: tollgate <<<
料金免除: ryoukinmenjo: remission of fees <<< 免除
特定料金: tokuteiryoukin: special fee [fare] <<< 特定
宿泊料金: shukuhakuryoukin: lodging charges, fees <<< 宿泊
片道料金: katamichiryoukin: single fare, one-way fare <<< 片道
書留料金: kakitomeryoukin: registration fee <<< 書留
電報料金: denpouryoukin: telegram fee [charge] <<< 電報
水道料金: suidouryoukin: water rates [charges] <<< 水道
規定料金: kiteiryoukin: regulation [standard] charge <<< 規定
改正料金: kaiseiryoukin: revised price <<< 改正
翻訳料金: honnyakuryoukin: charge for translation <<< 翻訳
均一料金: kinnitsuryoukin: flat rate <<< 均一
郵便料金: yuubinryoukin: postage, postal charges <<< 郵便
配達料金: haitatsuryoukin: delivery fee <<< 配達
急行料金: kyuukouryoukin: express charges <<< 急行
基本料金: kihonryoukin: basic charge <<< 基本
寝台料金: shindairyoukin: berth charge <<< 寝台
深夜料金: shinnyaryoukin: late-night fare <<< 深夜
電気料金: denkiryoukin: electric charges, power rates <<< 電気
割引料金: waribikiryoukin: discount charge, reduced fare <<< 割引
タクシー料金: takushiiryoukin: taxi fare <<< タクシー
サービス料金: saabisuryoukin: tip, service charge <<< サービス
check also: 価格 , 値段

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