Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of '持って来いの'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: have, take, hold, carry, possess, own, entertain, harbor, cherish, bear, stand
持つ: motsu: have in one's hand, take, hold, carry, possess, own, entertain, harbor, cherish, bear, stand (up), pay, take charge of
持てる: moteru: can be carried, be made much of, be welcomed [lionized], be popular (among girls)
持て余す: moteamasu: do not know what to do with, find unmanageable, be more than one can manage, be too much for one, be out of one's control <<<
持って来る: mottekuru: bring along <<<
持って来いの: mottekoino: most desirable, ideal <<<
持って行く: motteiku: take along, carry away <<<
持て成す: motenasu: entertain, treat, play host (to), receive (a person) <<<
持て囃す: motehayasu: talk much about, praise (of the skies), make much of, lionize <<<
持ち上がる: mochiagaru: be lifted, be raised, arise, occur, happen, turn up <<<
持ち上げる: mochiageru: raise, lift up, hold up, flatter, praise (a person) to the skies <<<
持ち歩く: mochiaruku: carry (a thing) about (one) <<<
持ち帰る: mochikaeru: carry back, bring [take] (a thing) home <<<
持ち運ぶ: mochihakobu: carry, convey <<<
持ち運びの出来る: mochihakobinodekiru: portable
持ち掛ける: mochikakeru: offer, suggest, propose <<<
持ち込む: mochikomu: carry [bring] in, propose <<<
持ちつ持たれつ: mochitsumotaretsu: give-and-take
持ち越す: mochikosu: carry over <<<
持ち崩す: mochikuzusu: ruin oneself <<<
持ち堪える: mochikotaeru: hold out, stand <<<
持ち去る: mochisaru: take [carry] away, make off with <<<
持ち出す: mochidasu: take [carry] out, save, carry away, run away with (a thing), propose, introduce, bring up <<<
持ち直す: mochinaosu: rally (from), take a favorable turn, improve <<<
持ち回る: mochimawaru: take round, carry about <<<
Kanji words: 維持 , 持女 , 心持 , 持主 , 矜持 , 受持 , 掛持 , 金持 , 持参 , 所持 , 持続 , 気持 , 支持
Expressions: 疑問を持つ , 偏見を持つ , 学位を持つ , 癲癇持ち , 趣味を持つ , 愛着を持つ , 女房持ち , 太刀持ち , 確信を持って , 家庭を持つ , 関心を持つ , 関心を持たない , 勘定を持つ , 威力を持って , 好感持つ , 希望を持つ , 悪意を持つ , 交渉を持つ , 亭主持ち , 頭痛持ち , 提灯を持つ , 提灯持ち , 所帯を持つ , 所帯持ち , 好意を持つ , 信念を持って , 誠意を持って , 癇癪持ち , 癇癪持ちの , 興味を持つ , 興味を持って , 持ちつ持たれつ , 株を持つ , 家を持つ , 満を持す , 肩を持つ , 膿を持つ , 捧げ持つ , 根に持つ , 取り持つ

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