Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of '他所事'

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pronunciation: yoso   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 余所  
translation: another place, somewhere else
他所の: yosono: other, strange
他所の人: yosonohito: stranger, outsider <<<
他所者: yosomono <<<
他所で: yosode: elsewhere, at some other place
他所で食事する: yosodeshokujisuru: dine out, go out for one's meal <<< 食事
他所へ行く: yosoeiku: go out [away] <<<
他所行き: yosoiki, yosoyuki: one's best [holiday] clothes, one's Sunday best
他所行きの顔をする: yosoikinokaoosuru, yosoyukinokaoosuru: try to look one's best
他所見をする: yosomiosuru: look away [aside, off], take one's eyes off <<<
他所目: yosome: casual eye [observer] <<<
他所目にも: yosomenimo: even to a casual eye [observer]
他所事: yosogoto: matter of non concern (to one) <<<
他所事でない: yosogotodenai: The matter concerns me
他所他所しい: yosoyososhii: cold, distant, frigid, standoffish
他所他所しく: yosoyososhiku: coldly, frigidly, standoffishly
他所他所しくする: yosoyososhikusuru: be cold (to a person), treat (a person) coldly, turn the cold shoulder (to)

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