Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'do'

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Direct access: 奥歯 , 音階 , 掛持 , 加減 , 関係 , 頑張 , 危害 , 奇跡 , 曲芸 , 義理


pronunciation: okuba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: back tooth, molar (tooth), grinder
奥歯に挟まる: okubanihasamaru: stick between the molars <<<
奥歯に物が挟まった言い方をする: okubanimonogahasamattaiikataosuru: talk as if one were concealing something, do not speak frankly
奥歯に物が挟まった様な話し方をする: okubanimonogahasamattayounahanashikataosuru


pronunciation: onkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: music   
translation: musical scale
音階を練習する: onkaiorenshuusuru: do scales <<< 練習
長音階: chouonkai: major scale <<<
短音階: tanonkai: minor scale <<<
全音階: zenonkai: diatonic scale <<<
半音階: hanonkai: chromatic scale <<<
check also: 音程


pronunciation: kakemochi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 掛け持   keyword: job   
translation: additional post [office]
掛持する: kakemochisuru: work [do business] in two or more places, hold two or more posts concurrently


pronunciation: kagen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , mathematics   
translation: degree, extent, taste, flavor (n.), seasoning, health, condition, adjustment, regulation, moderation, allowance, influence, addition and subtraction
加減する: kagensuru: moderate, adjust, regulate, modulate, make allowance for, flavor (v.)
加減を見る: kagennomiru: taste (v.), try the flavor <<<
加減が良い: kagengaii: be [feel] well, be in good condition <<<
加減が悪い: kagengawarui: be [feel] unwell [ill], be in bad condition <<<
加減乗除: kagenjoujo: addition subtraction multiplication and division, four rules of arithmetic
味加減: ajikagen: seasoning <<<
味加減が良い: ajikagengaii: be well seasoned <<<
味加減が悪い: ajikagengawarui: be badly seasoned <<<
匙加減: sajikagen: prescription, allowance, manipulation <<<
匙加減をする: sajikagennosuru: use one's discretion, make allowance (for)
手加減する: tekagensuru <<<
手加減: tekagen: allowance, knack, discretion
好い加減な: iikagennna: random, halfway, indifferent <<<
好い加減に: iikagennni: at random, indifferently
好い加減にやる: iikagennniyaru: do things by halves, scamp one's work
check also: 具合 , 調子


pronunciation: kankei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar , society   
translation: relation, relationship, connection
関係する: kankeisuru: be related [connected]
関係が有る: kankeigaaru: have something to do <<<
関係が無い: kankeiganai: have nothing to do <<<
関係を絶つ: kankeiotatsu: sever [cut off] a connection from <<<
関係者: kankeisha: persons concerned <<<
関係諸国: kankeishokoku: nations concerned
関係書類: kankeishorui: related papers <<< 書類
関係当局: kankeitoukyoku: authorities concerned <<< 当局
関係官庁: kankeikanchou <<< 官庁
関係閣僚: kankeikakuryou: ministers concerned <<< 閣僚
関係代名詞: kankeidaimeishi: relative pronoun
関係形容詞: kankeiyoushi: relative adjective
関係副詞: kankeihukushi: relative adverb <<< 副詞
無関係の: mukankeino: irrelevant, unrelated <<<
check also: 関連


pronunciation: ganbari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: perseverance, tenacity
頑張る: ganbaru: do one's best, stand firm, persist in, hold [stand] out
頑張れ: ganbare: Hold out!
頑張って: ganbatte: Good cheer!
頑張が効く: ganbarigakiku: be tenacious [persistent] <<<
頑張が効かない: ganbarigakikanai: give in easily
頑張屋: ganbariya: hard-working [stubborn] fellow <<<


pronunciation: kigai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: harm, injury
危害を加える: kigaiokuwaeru: inflict an injury (on), do harm (to), do (a person) harm <<<
危害を免れる: kigaiomanugareru: escape unhurt, keep out of harm's way <<<


pronunciation: kiseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: miracle, wonder
奇跡的: kisekiteki: miraculous <<<
奇跡的に: kisekitekini: miraculously
奇跡的に助かる: kisekitekinitasukaru: escape death by a miracle <<<
奇跡を行う: kisekiookonau: work [do] wonders <<<
奇跡を起す: kisekiookosu <<<
奇跡が起る: kisekigaokoru: A miracle happens
奇跡を信じる: kisekioshinjiru: believe in miracles <<<
synonyms: ミラクル


pronunciation: kyokugei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show   
translation: tricks, acrobatic feats
曲芸の: kyokugeino: acrobatic
曲芸する: kyokugeisuru: do [perform] stunts, juggle
曲芸師: kyokugeishi: acrobat <<<
曲芸飛行: kyokugeihikou: stunt flying <<< 飛行


pronunciation: giri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: obligation, duty, justice
義理堅い: girigatai: having a strong sense of duty, faithful, conscientious <<<
義理を欠く: giriokaku: having no sense of duty, ungrateful, thankless <<<
義理を立てる: giriotateru: do one's duty (by a friend) <<<
義理の娘: girinomusume: daughter-in-law, stepdaughter <<<
義理の息子: girinomusuko: son-in-law, stepson <<< 息子
義理の姉妹: girinoshimai: sister-in-law, stepsister <<< 姉妹
義理の兄弟: girinokyoudai: brother-in-law, stepbrother <<< 兄弟 , 義兄 , 義弟
義理の母: girinohaha: mother-in-law, stepmother <<< ,
義理の母親: girinohahaoya <<< 母親
義理の父: girinochichi: father-in-law, stepfather <<< ,
義理の父親: girinochichioya <<< 父親

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