Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'a'

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Direct access: 基準 , 傷口 , 軌跡 , 煙管 , 几帳 , 切手 , 喫煙 , 危篤 , 競技 , 協議


pronunciation: kijun   kanji characters:    other spells: 規準   keyword: industry   
translation: standard (n.), basis, criterion
基準の: kijunnno: standard (a.), base, basic
基準を設ける: kijunnomoukeru: set a standard <<<
基準に則して: kijunnnisokushite: in accordance [conformity] with the rules
基準線: kijunsen: base line <<<
基準面: kijunmen: base plane <<<
基準量: kijunryou: normal [fixed] quantity
基準価格: kijunkakaku: standard price
基準賃金: kijunchingin: standard wages
check also: スタンダード


pronunciation: kizuguchi   kanji characters:    keyword: medicine   
translation: open wound
傷口を縫う: kizuguchionuu: sew up the wound
傷口が塞がる: kizuguchigahusagaru: The wound closes
傷口が開く: kizukuchigahiraku: The wound opens
傷口を消毒する: kizuguchioshoudokusuru: disinfect a wound <<< 消毒


pronunciation: kiseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: locus
軌跡を求める: kisekiomotomeru: find a locus <<<


pronunciation: kiseru   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: tobacco pipe
煙管する: kiserusuru: steal a ride without paying the fare for the middle part of the way
煙管差し: kiserusashi: pipe sheath
check also: パイプ


pronunciation: kichou   kanji characters:    keyword: decoration   
translation: movable screen setup in a room (anc.)
几帳面な: kichoumennna: exact, precise, methodical, scrupulous, steady, punctual <<<
几帳面に: kichoumennni: exactly, precisely, punctually, regularly


pronunciation: kitte   keyword: amusement   
translation: (postage) stamp
切手を貼る: kitteoharu: stamp (v.), put a stamp <<<
切手帳: kittechou: stamp album <<<
切手収集: kitteshuushuu: stamp collection, philately
切手収集家: kitteshuushuuka: stamp collector, philatelist
check also: , 印紙


pronunciation: kitsuen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: smoking
喫煙する: kitsuensuru: smoke (tobacco, pipe), have a smoke
喫煙室: kitsuenshitsu: smoking room <<<
喫煙者: kitsuensha: smoker <<<
喫煙車: kitsuensha: smoking car <<<
喫煙所: kitsuensho: smoking lounge <<<
喫煙禁止: kitsuenkinshi: No smoking
check also: , スモーキング


pronunciation: kitoku   kanji characters:    keyword: medicine , life   
translation: critical illness
危篤の: kitokuno: dying, seriously ill, critical
危篤に陥る: kitokuniochiiru: fall into a dangerous condition <<<
危篤状態: kitokujoutai: critical condition
check also: 臨終


pronunciation: kyougi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: competition, match, game
競技をする: kyougiosuru: have a match [game]
競技に加わる: kyouginikuwawaru: take part in games
競技に勝つ: kyouginikatsu: win a match [game]
競技に負ける: kyouginimakeru: lose a match [game]
競技場: kyougijou: stadium <<< スタジアム
競技会: kyougikai: athletic meeting, contest <<<
競技者: kyougisha: contestant, player <<<
競技種目: kyougishumoku: sport entries <<< 種目
check also:


pronunciation: kyougi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: discussion, negotiation
協議する: kyougisuru: discuss, negotiate
協議に掛ける: kyouginikakeru: bring one's plan up at a meeting <<<
協議が整う: kyougigatotonou: come to [arrive at] an agreement
協議の上: kyouginoue: upon deliberation with, by mutual consent [agreement] <<<
協議を凝らす: kyougiokorasu: deliberate fully
協議会: kyougikai: council, board, conference <<<
協議員: kyougiin: delegate to a conference <<<
協議離婚: kyougirikon: divorce by consent
協議事項: kyougijikou: subject [topic] of discussion
協議価格: kyougikakaku: negotiated price
check also:

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