Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'death'

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Direct access: , , , , キス , ショック , ナイル , ベニス , ペスト

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: slap, pat, tap, clap
叩く: tataku: slap, pat, tap, clap, attack, censure, criticize
叩き上げる: tatakiageru: struggle [work] one's way up (from) <<<
叩き起こす: tatakiokosu: knock (a person) up, rouse (a person) mercilessly from his sleep <<<
叩き落す: tatakiotosu: beat [strike] down, knock off, knock (a thing) from [out of] (a person's) hand <<<
叩き切る: tatakikiru: hack, chop <<<
叩き込む: tatakikomu: drive in (a nail), strike [hammer, beat] (an idea) into a person's head <<<
叩き殺す: tatakikorosu: beat [flog] (a person) to death, strike [knock] (a person) dead <<<
叩き壊す: tatakikowasu: knock (a thing) to pieces, smash up, shatter, wreck <<<
叩き出す: tatakidasu: kick out, turn out, send (a person) packing, fire <<<
叩き付ける: tatakitsukeru: throw [hurl] (a thing at, against) <<<
叩き潰す: tatakitsubusu: smash [knock] (a thing) to pieces <<<
叩き直す: tatakinaosu: flog (laziness) out of (a person) <<<
叩きのめす: tatakinomesu: knock down, floor (a person) with a blow
叩き伏せる: tatakihuseru: knock down <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: seize, grasp, grip, hold, clutch, understand
掴む: tsukamu: seize, grasp, grip, hold, take [catch] hold of, clutch, lay hands on, understand
掴み出す: tsukamidasu: (seize and) turn (a person) out, take (a thing) out <<<
掴み殺す: tsukamikorosu: crush [squeeze] (a person) to death <<<
掴み取る: tsukamitoru: snatch (a thing) away, grasp, catch <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: animal , mechanics    nb of strokes: 15
translation: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate
噛む: kamu: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate <<<
噛み合い: kamiai: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合う: kamiau: bite at [fight with] each other, gear with, occlude <<<
噛み合わせ: kamiawase: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合わせる: kamiawaseru: clench one's teeth, engage (gear wheels), set (animals) fighting each other <<<
噛み殺す: kamikorosu: bite to death, suppress, keep back <<<
噛み砕く: kamikudaku: crunch, crash with the teeth <<<
噛み締める: kamishimeru: chew (well), masticate, appreciate, meditate on <<<
噛み付く: kamitsuku: bite [snap] (at) <<<
噛み分ける: kamiwakeru: understand, appreciate <<<
噛る: kajiru: gnaw (upon), nibble (at), bite (at), have a smattering of <<<

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: life    nb of strokes: 4
translation: young, relieved, relaxed
夭やか: nobiyaka: relieved, relaxed, at ease <<<
夭い: wakai: young <<<
夭: wakajini: premature death


pronunciation: kisu   other spells: キッス   etymology: kiss (eg.)   keyword: love   
translation: kiss (n.), smack (n.)
キスする: kisusuru: kiss (v.), give a kiss, smack (v.), peck
別れのキスをする: wakarenokisuosuru: kiss (a person) good-bye <<<
キスを投げる: kisuonageru: throw a kiss <<<
キス・シーン: kisushiin: love scene <<< シーン
キス・マーク: kisumaaku: hickey, love bite <<< マーク
死のキス: shinokisu: kiss of death <<<
check also: 接吻 , 口付け


pronunciation: shokku   etymology: shock (eg.)   keyword: medicine   
translation: shock, blow
ショックを与える: shokkuoataeru: shock (v.), give a shock <<<
ショックを受け: rushokkuoukeru: be shocked <<<
ショック死: shokkushi: death from shock <<<
ショック療法: shokkuryouhou: shock therapy
ショックアブソーバー: shokkuabusoobaa: shock absorber
check also: 衝撃


pronunciation: nairu   etymology: Nile (eg.)   keyword: africa   
translation: Nile
ナイル川: nairugawa: Nile River, the Nile <<<
ナイルに死す: nairunishisu: Death on the Nile (Novel of Agatha Christie, 1937) <<<
ナイルの海戦: nairunokaisen: Battle of the Nile (1798)
青ナイル: aonairu: the Blue Nile <<<
白ナイル: shironairu: the White Nile <<<
check also: エジプト


pronunciation: benisu   other spells: ヴェニス   etymology: Venice (eg.)   keyword: europe   
translation: Venice, Venezia
ベニスの: benisuno: Venetian
ベニス市: benisushi: City of Venice <<<
ベニスに死す: benisunishisu: Death in Venice (novel of Thomas Mann, 1912) <<<
ベニスの商人: benisunoshounin: The Merchant of Venice (play of William Shakespeare, 1596-1598)


pronunciation: pesuto   etymology: pest (eg.)   keyword: disease   
translation: pest, black plague [death]
ペスト菌: pesutokin: pest bacillus <<<
ペストに罹る: pesutonikakaru: be affected with plague <<<
ペストに罹った: pesutonikakatta: plague-stricken (a.)
ペスト患者: pesutokanja: plague-stricken (n.)

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