
オンライン英和辞典: 「To」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:cause, relation, origin
因る: よる: be based [founded] on [upon], depend [rely] on, be due [owing] to, be caused by, use <<<
因って: よって: due to, therefore, consequently
因: よすが: hold, clue, key, 手掛り
因む: ちなむ: have relation to, be connected with
因んで: ちなんで: in [with] relation to, with reference to
因に: ちなみに: incidentally, in this connection, by the way
因: もと: origin <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 6
翻訳:like, love, prefer, favorite, please, desire, nice, beautiful
好い: よい, よし: good, nice, fine <<<
好しい: うつくしい: beautiful, desirable <<<
好: よしみ: friendship <<<
好む: このむ, すく: like, love, prefer, wish, want
好み: このみ: liking, fondness, fancy, taste
好みが喧しい: このみがやかましい: be fastidious in one's taste <<<
好ましい: このましい: desirable, pleasant, agreeable, preferable
好ましくない: このましくない: undesirable, unpleasant, disagreeable, unpreferable
好き: すき: liking, fondness, fancy, taste
好きな: すきな: favorite, pet
好きです: すきです: I love you [him, her, it]
好きな様にする: すきなようにする: do what one likes, follow one's own beat <<<
好きな道: すきなみち: one's hobby [passion, weakness] <<< , 趣味
好きに成る: すきになる: become [grow] fond of, come to like, take a fancy to <<<
好: よし, たか, すみ: pers.

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 時間    画数: 6
翻訳:fast, quick, early
ソウ, サッ
早い: はやい: fast, quick, early
早い話が: はやいはなしが: to make a long history short, in short, for example
早い者勝ち: はやいものがち: First come first served
早く: はやく: quickly, fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, hastily, promptly
早くしろ: はやくしろ: Make haste! Hurry up! Be quick (about)!
早く起きる: はやくおきる: rise [get up] early <<<
早まる: はやまる: be too hasty
早める: はやめる: quicken
早: さ: young (pref., jp.)

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 仕事    画数: 6
翻訳:duty, service, job, office, business, responsibility
ニン, ジン
任じる: にんじる, にんずる: appoint, nominate, commission (v.)
任う: になう: assume the responsibility (of)
任め: つとめ: duty, service, job, office, business <<<
任せる: まかせる: leave (a matter) to (a person), put (a matter) in [into] a person's handle, entrust (a person) with (a matter), leave (a person) to do, let (a person) do
任す: まかす
任: きまま: caprice <<< 気儘

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 6
翻訳:think, consider, suspect, intend, mean, expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude
考え: かんがえ: thinking, thought, idea, notion, conception, initiative, one's opinion [views], belief, suggestion, intention, design, plan, view, motive, discretion, prudence, judgment, deliberation, reflection, meditation, expectation, imagination
考えを述べる: かんがえをのべる: express one's opinion, make a suggestion <<<
考えを言う: かんがえをいう, かんがえをゆう
考えを変える: かんがえをかえる: change one's opinion <<<
考えの有る: かんがえのある: thoughtful, discreet <<<
考え深い: かんがえぶかい <<<
考えの無い: かんがえのない: thoughtless, imprudent <<<
考えの足りない: かんがえのたりない <<<
考えに入れる: かんがえにいれる: take (a matter) into consideration <<<
考え込む: かんがえこむ: be lost [buried, absorbed] in thought, brood (over, on) <<<
考え出す: かんがえだす: think out, devise, hit upon, think up, recall, recollect, call to mind, fall to thinking
考え付く: かんがえつく: guess, strike on [upon], get away with, think of <<<
考え直す: かんがえなおす: reconsider, think over again, think better, refrain from (doing) <<<
考える: かんがえる: think (of, about), consider, deem (as), suspect, intend [mean] to (do), think of (doing), expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude, take (a matter) into consideration [account], regard (a person) as, take (a thing, a person) as [for]

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 7
翻訳:tell [relate, express] in order, foreword, preface
序の口: じょのくち: start, first stage <<< ,
序で: ついで: next, secondly, in the next [second] place, after, subsequently, occasion (jp.), opportunity <<<
序べる: のべる: state, mention, tell, relate, express, explain, refer to <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: ショー    画数: 7
翻訳:art, performance, technique
ゲイ, ウン
芸の無い: げいのない: talentless, untalented, dilettante, amateurish, incompetent <<<
芸を磨く: げいをみがく: cultivate the art <<<
芸は身を助ける: げいはみをたすける: Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor
芸が細い: げいがこまかい: have an elaborate way of acting <<<
芸: わざ: art, performance, technique, feat, trick, stunt <<<
芸: のり: rule, standard <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 7
翻訳:live, inhabit, settle, reside, stay, remain
住む: すむ: live, inhabit, settle, reside
住まう: すまう
住まい: すまい: house, dwelling, residence, abode, one's address <<< , 住所
住み込む: すみこむ: live in (one's employer's house), live with (a family) <<<
住み着く: すみつく: settle (in a house) <<<
住み慣れる: すみなれる: get used to a place, live long <<<
住めば都: すめばみやこ: There is no place like home, To every bird its own nest is charming <<<
住まる: とどまる: stay, remain <<<
住なす: いなす: parry, dodge <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: スポーツ , 自動車    画数: 7
翻訳:run, dash, sail, scud
ソウ, ス
走る: はしる: run (v.), dash, sail, scud
走らす: はしらす: make [let] run, drive, gallop, send, dispatch, rout, write (hurriedly)
走り: はしり: the first of the season, the first supply
走り読みする: はしりよみする: read hastily [cursorily], skim (through)
走り下りる: はしりおりる: run down <<<
走り込む: はしりこむ: run in [into] <<<
走り寄る: はしりよる: run up to <<<
走り出る: はしりでる: run out
走り出す: はしりだす: start running, break into a run
走り回る: はしりまわる: run about [round] <<<
走り去る: はしりさる: run off [away] <<<
走り通す: はしりとおす: run all the way
走って来る: はしってくる: come running <<<
走: めしつかい: servant
次もチェック: ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 商業    画数: 7
翻訳:sell, sale
バイ, マイ
売る: うる: sell, offer (a thing) for sale, deal in (goods), dispose of
売: うり: selling, sale
売に出す: うりにだす: offer (a thing) for sale, place [put] (a thing) on sale [on the market]
売に出る: うりにでる: come up for sale
売り歩く: うりあるく: peddle, hawk <<<
売り急ぐ: うりいそぐ: be anxious [in a hurry] to sell, push the sale (of) <<<
売り惜しむ: うりおしむ: hold back [over] from selling <<<
売り控える: うりひかえる <<<
売り崩す: うりくずす: bear the market <<<
売り付ける: うりつける: sell, force (a thing) upon (a person) <<<
売り飛ばす: うりとばす: sell off, dispose of
売り払う: うりはらう: sell off, dispose of. part with
売り広める: うりひろめる: extend the market [sale] (of), find a (new) market (for) <<<
売り込む: うりこむ <<<
売り叩く: うりたたく: beat down prices <<<
売り渡す: うりわたす: sell (over) to, deliver, negotiate <<<

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