Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'a'

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Direct access: 汚名 , 御礼 , 改心 , 回診 , 会談 , 会報 , 格言 , 過失 , 柏餅 , 家人


pronunciation: omei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: dishonor, disgrace, stigma, stain on one's name
汚名を被る: omeiokoumuru: bring disgrace [a bad name] upon oneself, be stigmatized <<<
汚名を雪ぐ: omeiososogu: clear oneself of a charge, wipe off the disgrace <<<


pronunciation: orei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: reward (n.), thanks, gratitude
御礼をする: oreiosuru: reward (v.), give a reward, remunerate, pay a fee
御礼に: oreini: in return for
御礼を述べる: oreionoberu: thank (v.), express one's thanks <<<
御礼を言う: oreioiu
御礼参り: oreimairi: visit (of a temple) for thanksgiving, revenge call (by gangsters)
check also: , 謝意


pronunciation: kaishin   kanji characters:   
translation: self-reform, repentance
改心する: kaishinsuru: reform oneself, turn over a new leaf (of one's life), mend [amend] one's ways, repent
改心させる: kaishinsaseru: reform so.
check also:


pronunciation: kaishin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: round visit (of one's patients)
回診する: kaishinsuru: make a round of visits (to one's patients)
回診時間: kaishinjikan: visiting hours, time of round visit


pronunciation: kaidan   kanji characters:    keyword: politics   
translation: conference, dialogue, conversation, talk, interview
会談する: kaidansuru: talk together, have a talk, an interview


pronunciation: kaihou   kanji characters:    keyword: book   
translation: bulletin, report, transactions [proceedings] of a society


pronunciation: kakugen   kanji characters:    keyword: grammar   
translation: proverb, maxim, wise saying
格言の: kakugennno: proverbial
格言に曰く: kakugennniiwaku: A [The] proverb says that
check also:


pronunciation: kashitsu   kanji characters:    keyword: crime   
translation: fault, mistake, blunder, error, accident, negligence
過失の: kashitsuno: accidental
過失で: kashitsude: by accident, through one's fault
過失をする: kashitsuosuru: commit a fault, make an error
過失を犯す: kashitsuookasu <<<
過失死: kashitsushi: accidental death <<<
過失致死: kashitsuchishi: accidental homicide, involuntary manslaughter
過失傷害: kashitsushougai: accidental infliction of injury
check also:


pronunciation: kashiwamochi   kanji characters:    other spells: カシワモチ   keyword: confectionery   
translation: a rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf, kashiwamochi


pronunciation: kajin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: family, a member of one's family
check also:

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