Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'death'

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Direct access: 天使 , 溺死 , 悲惨 , 瀕死 , 病死 , 不慮 , 末期 , 無残 , 来世 , 臨終


pronunciation: tenshi   kanji characters: , 使    keyword: christianity   
translation: angel
天使の様な: tenshinoyouna: angelic <<<
天使の翼: tenshinotsubasa: angel's wing <<<
大天使: daitenshi: archangel <<<
堕天使: datenshi: fallen angel <<<
黒い天使: kuroitenshi: black angel <<<
死の天使: shinotenshi: angel of death <<<
synonyms: エンジェル


pronunciation: dekishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: [death by] drowning
溺死する: dekishisuru: be [get] drowned; drown
溺死させる: dekishisaseru: drown sb.
溺死者: dekishisha: drowned person <<<
溺死体: dekishitai: drowned body <<<


pronunciation: hisan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: tragedy, misery
悲惨な: hisannna: tragic, miserable, wretched, distressful, dire
悲惨を極める: hisannokiwameru: be in the depth of misery <<<
悲惨な最期: hisannnasaigo: tragic death [end] <<< 最期
悲惨な最期を遂げる: hisannnasaigootogeru: meet with a tragic death [end] <<<
悲惨な生活: hisannnaseikatsu: miserable [wretched] life, dog's life <<< 生活
悲惨な光景: hisannnakoukei: terrible sight <<< 光景


pronunciation: hinshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: dying state, agony
瀕死の: hinshino: dying, fatal, mortal
瀕死の重傷: hinshinojuushou: fatal [mortal] injury <<< 重傷
瀕死の重傷を負う: hinshinojuushouoou: get fatally [mortally] injured, receive a mortal wound <<<
瀕死の人間: hinshinoningen: dying person <<< 人間
瀕死の状態に在る: hinshinojoutainiaru: be dying, be on the verge of death, be critically ill
check also: 危篤


pronunciation: byoushi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: death due to sickness, natural death
病死する: byoushisuru: die of sickness [a disease]


pronunciation: huryo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: unexpectedness, suddenness
不慮の: huryono: unexpected, unlocked-for, accidental, sudden
不慮の死を遂げる: huryonoshiotogeru: meet with an untimely death
不慮の出来事: huryonodekigoto: accident, unforeseen event


pronunciation: makki, matsugo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: the last years [stage], one's dying hour
末期的: makkiteki: decadent <<<
末期的症状: makkitekishoujou: signs of downfall <<< 症状
末期の苦しみ: matsugonokurushimi: death agonies <<<
末期の水: matsugonomizu: last earthly drink <<<
末期に臨んで: matsugoninozonde: on one's deathbed <<<
check also: 初期 , 臨終


pronunciation: muzan   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 無惨  
translation: mercilessness, cruelty
無残な: muzannna: merciless, cruel, pitiless,
無残にも: muzannnimo: mercilessly, cruelly, pitilessly, pitifully
無残な最期を遂げる: muzannnasaigootogeru: die a tragic death
check also: 悲惨 , 残酷


pronunciation: raise   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: next [other] world, world beyond
来世を信じる: raiseoshinjiru: believe in the life after death <<<


pronunciation: rinjuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: one's last moment
臨終の: rinjuuno: dying, last
臨終に: rinjuuni: at one's death, on one's deathbed
check also: 最期

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