Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'death'

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Direct access: 最期 , 殺人 , 死因 , 死刑 , 死線 , 死闘 , 死神 , 射殺 , 修羅 , 商人


pronunciation: saigo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: one's death [end]
最期の言葉: saigonokotoba: one's last [dying] words <<< 言葉
check also: 最後 , 臨終


pronunciation: satsujin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: murder, homicide, slaughter
殺人を犯す: satsujinnookasu: commit murder <<<
殺人者: satsujinsha: killer, murderer, homicide, slayer <<<
殺人犯: satsujinhan <<<
殺人犯人: satsujinhannnin <<< 犯人
殺人鬼: satsujinki: devilish homicide <<<
殺人事件: satsujinjiken: murder case <<< 事件
殺人未遂: satsujinmisui: attempted murder
殺人光線: satsujinkousen: death ray <<< 光線
殺人幻想曲: satsujingensoukyoku: Unfaithfully Yours (American movie by Preston Sturges, 1948)
synonyms: 殺害


pronunciation: shiin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: cause of death
死因を調べる: shiinnoshiraberu: inquire into the cause of a person's death <<< 調 , 検死


pronunciation: shikei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: death penalty, capital punishment
死刑の: shikeino: capital (punishment)
死刑にする: shikeinisuru: execute
死刑囚: shikeishuu: condemned (to death) <<<
死刑台: shikeidai: scaffold <<<
死刑台に上る: shikeidaininoboru: ascend the scaffold <<<
死刑執行: shikeishikkou: execution <<< 執行
死刑執行人: shikeishikkounin: hangman, executioner, headsman <<<
死刑宣言: shikeisengen: death sentence <<< 宣言
死刑廃止: shikeihaishi: abolition of capital punishment <<< 廃止
check also: 処刑


pronunciation: shisen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: death   
translation: death line
死線を越える: shisennokoeru: cross the threshold of death [the death line], survive a life-or-death crisis <<<


pronunciation: shitou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , sport   
translation: desperate struggle, deadly combat, mortal combat
死闘する: shitousuru: fight desperately, engage in a struggle to the death


pronunciation: shinigami   kanji characters: ,    keyword: fantasy , religion   
translation: god of death


pronunciation: shasatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: shooting to death
射殺する: shasatsusuru: shoot (a person) dead [to death]


pronunciation: shura   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Asura (a buddhist god)
阿修羅: ashura <<<
修羅場: shuraba: scene of bloodshed, shambles, pandemonium <<<
修羅の巷: shuranochimata: death camp <<<


pronunciation: shounin, akindo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , business   
translation: merchant, dealer, trader, tradesman
商人の: shouninnno: mercantile, mercenary
商人根性: shouninkonjou: tradesman's [mercenary] spirit <<< 根性
商人道徳: shounindoutoku: tradesman's morality <<< 道徳
死の商人: shinoshounin: merchant of death, weapon trader <<<

69 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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