Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'at'

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Direct access: 具合 , 係争 , 結婚 , 決死 , 決断 , 結論 , 拳銃 , 見当 , 顕微鏡 , 見物


pronunciation: guai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: condition, state, shape, circumstances, health, way, manner, fitness
具合が良い: guaigaii, guaigayoi: be in good order, work well [smoothly], be [feel] well, be convenient, fit well <<<
具合が悪い: guaigawarui: be out of order, be [feel] unwell [ill], be inconvenient, do not fit <<<
具合良く: guaiyoku: luckily, conveniently, satisfactorily <<<
具合悪く: guaiwaruku: unluckily, at the wrong moment, inopportunely, inconveniently <<<
不具合: huguai: bad condition [state, shape], unfitness <<<
懐具合: hutokoroguai: one's financial circumstances <<<


pronunciation: keisou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: dispute, contention
係争中: keisouchuu: be at issue [in dispute], be pending in court <<<
係争中の: keisouchuuno: contentious
係争点: keisouten: point at issue, disputed point <<<
係争問題: keisoumondai: question at issue <<< 問題


pronunciation: kekkon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: fest , love   
translation: marriage, matrimony
結婚する: kekkonsuru: marry (a person), be [get] married to, wed (a person)
結婚して: kekkonshite: Marry me!
結婚の: kekkonnno: nuptial, matrimonial
結婚式: kekkonshiki: wedding <<<
結婚式場: kekkonshikijou: wedding [marriage] ceremony hall <<<
結婚を申込む: kekkonnomoushikomu: make a proposal (of marriage) to, propose to, ask for her hand <<< 申込
結婚指輪: kekkonnyubiwa: wedding ring <<< 指輪
結婚詐欺: kekkonsagi: matrimonial fraud [swindler] <<< 詐欺
結婚相手: kekkonnaite: marriage partner <<< 相手
結婚生活: kekkonseikatsu: married life <<< 生活
結婚年齢: kekkonnnenrei: one's age at marriage <<< 年齢
結婚相談所: kekkonsoudansho: matrimonial agency
結婚披露: kekkonhirou: wedding feast [reception] <<< 披露
結婚披露宴: kekkonhirouen <<<
結婚記念日: kekkonkinenbi: wedding anniversary
check also: 縁談 , 婚約 , 婚姻


pronunciation: kesshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: desperation, despair
決死の: kesshino: desperate, death-defying
決死の覚悟で: kesshinokakugode: at the risk of one's life, with desperate course <<< 覚悟
決死隊: kesshitai: forlorn hope, suicide corps <<<
check also: 必死


pronunciation: ketsudan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: decision, determination, resolution
決断する: ketsudansuru: decide, give [make] a decision, determine, resolve
決断を下す: ketsudannokudasu <<<
決断が早い: ketsudangahayai: be quick to arrive at a decision <<<
決断力: ketsudanryoku: resolution <<<
決断力に乏しい: ketsudanryokunitoboshii: lack decision, be irresolute <<<
決断力を欠く: ketsudanryokuokaku <<<
check also: 決定


pronunciation: ketsuron   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: conclusion
結論する: ketsuronsuru: conclude, close
結論を出す: ketsuronnodasu <<<
結論として: ketsurontoshite: in conclusion, to conclude
結論に達する: ketsuronnnitassuru: reach (come to, arrive at) a conclusion <<<
結論を急ぐ: ketsuronnoisogu: jump at a conclusion <<<


pronunciation: kenjuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: pistol, revolver, gun (n.), handgun
拳銃を撃つ: kenjuuoutsu: gun (v.) <<<
拳銃を向ける: kenjuuomukeru: level [point, aim] a revolver at <<<
拳銃強盗: kenjuugoutou: holdup <<< 強盗
check also: 鉄砲 , ピストル


pronunciation: kentou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: aim, direction, estimate, guess, conjecture
見当を付ける: kentouotsukeru: take aim at, estimate, guess <<< , 見積
見当が付かない: kentougatsukanai: have no idea
見当違いの: kentouchigaino: misdirected, misplaced, wrong <<<
見当違いをする: kentouchigaiosuru: be on the wrong track
見当が外れる: kentougahazureru: shoot at the wrong mark, make a wrong guess, be disappointed <<<
check also: 方角 , 判断 , 大体


pronunciation: kenbikyou   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: optics   
translation: microscope
顕微鏡の: kenbikyouno: microscopic
顕微鏡的: kenbikyouteki <<<
顕微鏡で見る: kenbikyoudemiru: look at (a thing) through a microscope, see (a thing) under a microscope <<<
顕微鏡で調べる: kenbikyoudeshiraberu: examine through a microscope <<< 調
顕微鏡検査: kenbikyoukensa: microscopic examination <<< 検査
顕微鏡写真: kenbikyoushashin: microphotograph <<< 写真


pronunciation: kenbutsu, mimono   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show , travel   
translation: sight-seeing, theater-going, play-going
見物する: kenbutsusuru: see, look at [on], watch, visit
見物に行く: kenbutsuniiku: go sight-seeing <<<
見物人: kenbutsunin: visitor, sightseer, spectator, audience, looker-on, by-stander <<<
見物席: kenbutsuseki: seat, stand, box seats, gallery <<<
check also: 観光 , 観劇

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