Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'a'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food , bird    nb of strokes: 7
translation: egg, spawn, roe
ran, kon
卵: tamago: egg, spawn (n.), roe
卵の殻: tamagonokara: eggshell <<<
卵を産む: tamagooumu: lay an egg, spawn (v.) <<<
卵を抱く: tamagoodaku: sit on eggs, brood <<<
卵を焼く: tamagooyaku: fry a egg <<<
卵を割る: tamagoowaru: break [open] an egg <<<
卵を孵す: tamagookaesu: hatch an egg

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 7
translation: near, close, immediate, proximate, kin, familiar, approach
kin, kon, gon
近い: chikai: near, close, immediate, kin
近い内に: chikaiuchini: before long, shortly, one of these days, in the near [immediate] future <<<
近く: chikaku: closely, nearby, close by, soon, shortly
近付く: chikaZuku: come [draw, get] near, approach <<<
近寄る: chikayoru
近付ける: chikaZukeru: allow (a person) to approach [come near], bring (a thing) close (to) <<<
近寄せる: chikayoseru
近くの家: chikakunoie: nearby [neighboring] home <<<
近くに: chikakuni: near, close to, in the neighborhood
近くに住む: chikakunisumu: live close by [within a short distance] <<<
近くで見る: chikakudemiru: see close at hand

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 7
translation: effort, labor, work, pains
労する: rousuru: make an effort, take pains
労せずに: rousezuni: without difficulty, very easily
労を取る: rouotoru: take the trouble to do [of doing]
労れる: tsukareru: get tired
労る: itawaru: take care of
労う: negirau: thank a person for his trouble [service]
労を謝する: rouoshasuru <<<
労を労う: roonegirau
労に報いる: rounimukuiru: reward [remunerate] (a person) for his service [labor]
労を厭わない: rouoitowanai: spare no pains [trouble], do not spare oneself [one's pains]
労を惜しまない: rouooshimanai <<<
労を省く: rouohabuku: save (one) trouble <<<
労を惜しむ: rouooshimu <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: unit    nb of strokes: 7
translation: bundle, bunch, batch
soku, shoku
soku: ten bundles (jp.)
束: taba: bundle, bunch, batch
束にする: tabanisuru: make (things) up into a bundle, sheave
束ねる: tabaneru
束: tsuka: unit of length (jp.)
束の間に: tsukanomani: in a moment [minute]
束の間の: tsukanomano: momentary, passing, brief

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 7
translation: cold, cool, chilly, icy
rei, ryou
冷える: hieru: get cold
冷やす: hiyasu: cool (v.), ice, refrigerate
冷める: sameru: become cool, get cold, be spoiled, be chilled, cool down
冷ます: samasu: cool (v.), spoil person's pleasure, dampen a person's enthusiasm, bring down, allay, abate
冷たい: tsumetai: cold, chilly, icy, indifferent
冷たさ: tsumetasa: coldness, chilliness, chill, indifference
冷しい: suzushii: cool
冷や: hiya: cold water (jp.)
冷やかし: hiyakashi: banter (n., jp.), chaff, jeer, mere inspection
冷やかす: hiyakasu: banter (v., jp.), chaff, make fun of, tease, just look at (goods)
冷ややかな: hiyayakana: cold, coldhearted, unkind, indifferent
冷ややかに: hiyayakani: coldly, indifferently, coolly
check also:

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 7
translation: face to face, side by side, pair
tai, tsui
対する: taisuru: be opposite to, face (v.), confront, oppose, against, toward
対かう: mukau: face (v.), go toward <<<
対: soroi: set, couple, pair <<<
対える: kotaeru: answer, reply <<<
対: tsureai: companion, one's husband, one's wife
対: aite: partner, companion, competitor, opponent, rival
対ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: geography    nb of strokes: 7
translation: slope, hill
han, ban
坂: saka
坂を上る: sakaonoboru: walk up a hill, go uphill <<<
坂を下る: sakaokudaru: walk down a hill, go downhill
坂を下りる: sakaooriru
synonyms: スロープ ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief, auxiliary
助ける: tasukeru: help (v.), assist, aid, support, second, back (up)
助けて: tasukete: Help!
助け: tasuke: aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief
助けを求める: tasukeomotomeru: call [cry] for help, ask for aid <<<
助けを呼ぶ: tasukeoyobu <<<
助けに行く: tasukeniiku: go to the rescue (of)
助け合い: tasukeai: mutual aid
助け合う: tasukeau: help each other [one another]
助け起す: tasukeokosu: help (a person) to his feet, help (a person) up <<<
助け出す: tasukedasu: rescue (a person) from
助けを借りて: tasukeokarite: with the help of
助けと成る: tasuketonaru: be a help (to), be of help [service] (to), contribute to <<<
助かる: tasukaru: be saved, be rescued, be spared
助: suke: person (suff., pej.)

category: to learn in school   other spells: 聲   radicals:    keyword: audio    nb of strokes: 7
translation: voice, sound
sei, juu
声: koe: voice
声を立てる: koeotateru: cry (v.) utter a cry
声を出す: koeodasu
声が出ない: koegadenai: lose one's voice
声を掛ける: koeokakeru: call out [shout], hail (a person) <<<
声を潜める: koeohisomeru: lower one's voice
声を落す: koeootosu
声を張り上げる: koeohariageru: raise one's voice
声を呑む: ikionomu: be astounded (at, by) <<<
声を揃えて: koeosoroete: with one voice, in chorus <<<
声の届く所に: koenotodokutokoroni: within hearing [call, earshot]
声の届かぬ所に: koenotodokanutokoroni: beyond [out of] hearing [call, earshot]
声: kowa: voice
声: oto: sound <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: disaster    nb of strokes: 7
translation: evil, misfortune, mishap, disaster, calamity
災い: wazawai
災いを招く: wazawaiomaneku: invite disaster, bring an evil upon oneself <<<
災いと成る: wazawaitonaru: be injurious to, do harm (to), be one's ruin <<<
災いを転じて福と成す: wazawaiotenjitehukutonasu: turn a misfortune to a blessing

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