Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 's'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: mechanics    nb of strokes: 6
translation: turn, tour
kai, e
回る: mawaru: turn (vi.), rotate (vi.), move around, evolve
回す: mawasu: turn (vt.), rotate (vt.)
回り: mawari: circumference, surroundings, neighborhood
回りに: mawarini, mawario: around, round, about
回りくどい: mawarikudoi: roundabout, circuitous
回りくどい言い方: mawarikudoiiikata: circumlocution
回りくどい言い方をする: mawarikudoiiikataosuru: speak in a roundabout way, break about the bush
回し: mawashi: sumo wrestler's loincloth
回し者: mawashimono: spy, secret agent, emissary <<< , スパイ
回る: meguru: go round <<<
回り: meguri: tour
回る: kaeru: come back, return <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather , chemistry , psychology    nb of strokes: 6
translation: air, atmosphere, ambiance, gas, breath, climate
ki, ke
気: iki: breath, respiration <<<
気が有る: kigaaru: have a mind (to do), be [feel] inclined (to do), be interested in, take a fancy to (a person) <<<
気が無い: kiganai: have no mind (to do), be [feel] reluctant (to do), be not interested in, take no fancy to (a person) <<<
気が短い: kigamijikai: be impatient <<<
気が合う: kigaau: agree [hit it off] (with a person) <<<
気が小さい: kigachiisai: be timid [diffident, chickenhearted] <<<
気が散る: kigachiru: One's attention is distracted <<<
気が塞ぐ: kigahusagu: feel blue, become melancholy <<<
気が晴れる: kigahareru: be diverted, feel fine <<<
気が向かない: kigamukanai: be reluctant (to do) <<<
気が引ける: kigahikeru: feel small [self-conscious] <<<
気が変わる: kigakawaru: change one's mind <<<
気が利く: kigakiku: be clever [sensible, tactful], be quick-witted <<<
気が抜ける: kiganukeru: lose its flavor, become flat, be disheartened, One's enthusiasm dies down <<<
気が付く: kigatsuku: notice, perceive, become aware of, be attentive [considerate], come to oneself [one's senses], recover consciousness <<<
気を付ける: kiotsukeru: take care (of), pay attention to, look out (for) <<<
気に入る: kiniiru: like, take a fancy to, be pleased [satisfied] with, please (a person), find a favor with (a person), take catch [strike, suit] a person's fancy <<<
気に成る: kininaru: weigh on one's mind, lie at one's heart, cause a person anxiety, feel uneasy (about), be anxious (about), bring oneself to (do), feel like (doing) <<<
気にする: kinisuru: care, mind, worry about, take (a matter) to heart
気遣う: kiZukau: be [feel] anxious (about), be concerned (about), fear, be afraid of [that] <<<
気遣わしい: kiZukawashii: alarming, uncertain <<<
気遣わしげに: kiZukawashigeni: anxiously, with a look of anxiety <<<
気の強い: kinotsuyoi: stouthearted, brave <<<
気に食わない: kinikuwanai: do not like, be displeased (with a person), be disagreeable (to one) <<<
synonyms: ガス

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 6
translation: way, go (ext.), carry out, deed
kou, gyou, an
行く: iku, yuku: go, go away, leave (for), frequent, attend, visit
行く春: ikuharu, yukuharu: departing spring <<<
行く秋: ikuaki, yukuaki: departing autumn <<<
行く年を送る: ikutoshiookuru, yukutoshiookuru: see the old year out
行き: iki, yuki: for, to
行き合う: ikiau, yukiau: meet on the way, come across, fall in with (a person) <<<
行き当たる: ikiataru, yukiataru: come [strike, bump] against <<< ,
行き当たりばったりの: ikiataribattarino, yukiataribattarino: haphazard, blind, hit-or-miss <<<
行き交う: ikikau, yukikau: come and go, pass [go] to and fro <<<
行き掛けに: ikigakeni, yukigakeni: on one's way (to a place) <<< , 途中
行き届く: ikitodoku, yukitodoku: be careful, be attentive, be scrupulous, be prudent, be complete, be thoroughgoing <<<
行き届かない: yukitodokanai: be careless, be inattentive, be thoughtless, be incomplete <<<
行る: meguru: come round <<<
行う: okonau: do, carry out, perform
行: michi: way, road <<<
check also: ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: love    nb of strokes: 6
translation: like, love, prefer, favorite, please, desire, nice, beautiful
好い: yoi, yoshi: good, nice, fine <<<
好しい: utsukushii: beautiful, desirable <<<
好: yoshimi: friendship <<<
好む: konomu, suku: like, love, prefer, wish, want
好み: konomi: liking, fondness, fancy, taste
好みが喧しい: konomigayakamashii: be fastidious in one's taste <<<
好ましい: konomashii: desirable, pleasant, agreeable, preferable
好ましくない: konomashikunai: undesirable, unpleasant, disagreeable, unpreferable
好き: suki: liking, fondness, fancy, taste
好きな: sukina: favorite, pet
好きです: sukidesu: I love you [him, her, it]
好きな様にする: sukinayounisuru: do what one likes, follow one's own beat <<<
好きな道: sukinamichi: one's hobby [passion, weakness] <<< , 趣味
好きに成る: sukininaru: become [grow] fond of, come to like, take a fancy to <<<
好: yoshi, taka, sumi: pers.

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 6
translation: duty, service, job, office, business, responsibility
nin, jin
任じる: ninjiru, ninzuru: appoint, nominate, commission (v.)
任う: ninau: assume the responsibility (of)
任め: tsutome: duty, service, job, office, business <<<
任せる: makaseru: leave (a matter) to (a person), put (a matter) in [into] a person's handle, entrust (a person) with (a matter), leave (a person) to do, let (a person) do
任す: makasu
任: kimama: caprice <<< 気儘

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: think, consider, suspect, intend, mean, expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude
考え: kangae: thinking, thought, idea, notion, conception, initiative, one's opinion [views], belief, suggestion, intention, design, plan, view, motive, discretion, prudence, judgment, deliberation, reflection, meditation, expectation, imagination
考えを述べる: kangaeonoberu: express one's opinion, make a suggestion <<<
考えを言う: kangaeoiu, kangaeoyuu <<<
考えを変える: kangaeokaeru: change one's opinion <<<
考えの有る: kangaenoaru: thoughtful, discreet <<<
考え深い: kangaebukai <<<
考えの無い: kangaenonai: thoughtless, imprudent <<<
考えの足りない: kangaenotarinai <<<
考えに入れる: kangaeniireru: take (a matter) into consideration <<<
考え込む: kangaekomu: be lost [buried, absorbed] in thought, brood (over, on) <<<
考え出す: kangaedasu: think out, devise, hit upon, think up, recall, recollect, call to mind, fall to thinking <<<
考え付く: kangaetsuku: guess, strike on [upon], get away with, think of <<<
考え直す: kangaenaosu: reconsider, think over again, think better, refrain from (doing) <<<
考える: kangaeru: think (of, about), consider, deem (as), suspect, intend [mean] to (do), think of (doing), expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude, take (a matter) into consideration [account], regard (a person) as, take (a thing, a person) as [for]

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: medicine , biology    nb of strokes: 6
translation: blood, lineage
ketsu, kechi
血: chi
血が出る: chigaderu: Blood runs [flows] out, Blood oozes, bleed <<<
血を出す: chiodasu: shed [let] blood <<<
血を流す: chionagasu <<<
血を吐く: chiohaku: cough out [spit] blood, vomit blood <<<
血を止める: chiotomeru: stop the bleeding [blood] <<<
血の付いた: chinotsuita: stained with blood, bloodstained <<<
血を見る: chiomiru: end in bloodshed <<<
血に飢えた: chiniueta: bloodthirsty <<<
血の繋がり: chinotsunagari: blood relationship <<<
血が繋がった: chigatsunagatta: related (to a person) by blood <<<
血を沸かす: chiowakasu: stir one's blood <<<
血の気の無い: chinokenonai: pale (and bloodless)
血の気の多い: chinokenoooi: hot-blooded, sanguine
血塗れの: chimamireno: bloodly, blood-stained <<<
血祭にする: chimatsurinisuru: make a person the first victim (to), make a scapegoat of a person (for) <<<
血迷う: chimayou: run [go] mud, be crazed, lose one's senses [mind] <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weapon , sport    nb of strokes: 6
translation: hit, strike, touch, graze, face, confront
当たる: ataru: hit, strike, come true, hit the truth, prove right, be right, draw a prize, touch, graze, shine upon, warm oneself, face, confront, lie, stand, fall on, correspond to, be equivalent to, be poisoned, be [win] a success, make a hit, turn out well
当てる: ateru: put, place, apply, hold, press, hit, strike, guess (v.), make a guess, make a hit, make a great deal, expose, subject, appropriate
当たり: atari: hit, success, bit (in fishing), batting average (in baseball)
当てられる: aterareru: be hit, get angry, be called upon
当りが良い: atarigaii, atarigayoi: affable, sociable, amiable, friendly <<<
当りが悪い: atarigawarui: unaffable, unsociable <<<
当たって: atatte: in the direction of, when, on the occasion of
当り散らす: atarichirasu: be cross with everybody, work off one's bad temper (on a person) <<<
当り前の: atarimaeno: natural, proper, reasonable, ordinary, common, normal <<<
当て込む: atekomu: calculate [count] upon, expect <<<
当て嵌まる: atehamaru: be applicable, hold tru, conform to, come under, fit <<<
当て嵌める: atehameru: apply, adapt <<<
当かう: mukau: face to face <<<
当: soko: bottom <<<
当: shichi: pledge <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 7
translation: live, inhabit, settle, reside, stay, remain
住む: sumu: live, inhabit, settle, reside
住まう: sumau
住まい: sumai: house, dwelling, residence, abode, one's address <<< , 住所
住み込む: sumikomu: live in (one's employer's house), live with (a family) <<<
住み着く: sumitsuku: settle (in a house) <<<
住み慣れる: suminareru: get used to a place, live long <<<
住めば都: sumebamiyako: There is no place like home, To every bird its own nest is charming <<<
住まる: todomaru: stay, remain <<<
住なす: inasu: parry, dodge <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: man, masculine, male
dan, nan
男: otoko: man, male (n.), lover
男の: otokono: man's, masculine, male (a.)
男の人: otokonohito: man, male <<< , 男性
男の子: otokonoko: boy, baby boy, son <<< , 男子
男らしい: otokorashii: manly, manlike, manful
男らしさ: otokorashisa: manliness
男を上げる: otokooageru: raise one's reputation <<<
男を下げる: otokoosageru: lower one's reputation <<<
男が廃る: otokogasutaru: lose one's honor <<<
男が立たない: otokogatatanai <<<
男を拵える: otokookoshiraeru: have a lover, carry on with a man <<<
男と女: otokotoonnna: man and woman <<<
男の様な女: otokonoyounaonnna: mannish woman
男: o: pers.
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