Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'a'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: geography    nb of strokes: 6
translation: sands in the river, island, country, state, region, province
shuu, su
州: shima: island
州: nakasu: sands in the river, islet in the middle of a river
州: kuni: country, state

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 6
translation: insect, bug, worm, nervousness (fig.), temper
chuu, ki
虫: mushi
虫の食った: mushinokutta: worm-eaten, moth-eaten
虫が起こる: mushigaokoru: become petulant [peevish], have an amorous itching <<<
虫が知らせる: mushigashiraseru: have a hunch [presentiment] (of, that), feel in one's bones (that)
虫の知らせ: mushinoshirase: hunch, presentiment, foreboding
虫が付く: mushigatsuku: be infested with vermin, have a lover <<<
虫が好かない: mushigasukanai: dislike, have an aversion (to)
虫の好かない: mushinosukanai: disagreeable, hateful
虫の良い: mushinoii: self-indulgent, self-seeking, selfish
虫の良い話だ: mushinoiihanashida: His plan is too selfish [self-seeking]
虫が良すぎる: mushigayosugiru: That's asking too much.
虫の息で: mushinoikide: breathing faintly, gaspingly
虫を殺す: mushiokorosu: suppress one's rising passion, control [keep] one's temper
虫も殺さぬ: mushimokorosanu: innocent-looking, look as if one could not even hurt a fly

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: society , transport    nb of strokes: 6
translation: cross, intersect, exchange, mix, mingle
交わる: majiwaru: cross, intersect, associate with
交わり: majiwari: intercourse, association, friendship
交わりを結ぶ: majiwariomusubu: make friends (with), cultivate a friendship (with) <<<
交わりを絶つ: majiwariotatsu: break with <<<
交る: majiru: get mixed [mingled] (with), blend <<<
交える: majieru: get mixed, exchange
交ぜる: mazeru: mix, mingle <<<
交: komogomo: one after another
交う: kau: cross (v.), intersect
交わす: kawasu: cross (v.), intersect, exchange

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 6
translation: tongue
zetsu, setsu
舌: shita: tongue, reed, clapper
舌の: shitano: lingual
舌の先: shitanosaki: tip of the tongue
舌が荒れる: shitagaareru: One's tongue is sore <<<
舌が回る: shitagamawaru: have a long tongue, wag one's tongue <<<
舌が回らない: shitagamawanarai: be inarticulate, be unable to speak distinctly, speak with lips <<<
舌を出す: shitaodasu: put [stick] out the tongue
舌をだらりと垂らす: shitaodararitotarasu: loll out the tongue
舌を噛む: shitaokamu: bite one's tongue <<<
舌を鳴らす: shitaonarasu: clack the tongue
舌を巻く: shitaomaku: marvel (at), be speechless with admiration
舌を滑らす: shitaosuberasu: make a mistake (speaking error), make a slip (of the tongue), misspeak (oneself) <<<
舌足らずの: shitatarazuno: tongue-tied, short and sweet

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: stay, next (ext.), auxiliary, second
次ぐ: tsugu: follow, succeed
次: tsugi: following (who rests next)
次の: tsugino: next, following, coming, ensuing, adjoining, second
次の間: tsuginoma: next [adjoining] room, anteroom
次の日: tsuginohi: the next day <<<
次に: tsugini: next, secondly, in the next [second] place
次ず: tsuizu: make a sorting
次まる: todomaru: stay, take a rest
次る: yadoru: stay

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: security    nb of strokes: 6
translation: danger, risk, peril
危ない: abunai: dangerous, perilous, injurious, risky, hazardous, adventurous, insecure, unsafe, critical, serious, grave, Look out! Be careful!
危ない目に遭う: abunaimeniau: be exposed to a danger
危ない橋を渡る: abunaihashiowataru: tread [walk] on thin ice
危ない所を助かる: abunaitokorootasukaru: have a lucky escape, have a close shave, escape by the skin of one's teeth
危うい: ayaui: compromising, dangerous, perilous, injurious, risky, hazardous, adventurous
危うくする: ayaukusuru: endanger, imperil, jeopardize
危ぶむ: ayabumu: be afraid (of, that), fear, have misgivings (about), doubt (v.), be doubtful (of, whether), distrust

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: name    nb of strokes: 6
translation: name, surname, title, designation, appellation, fame, notoriety, renown, reputation
mei, myou
名: na: name, surname, title, designation, appellation, fame, notoriety, renown, reputation, pretext, plea
名を付ける: naotsukeru: give a name (to), name (v.), christen <<<
名を告げる: naotsugeru: give [tell, mention] one's name <<<
名を明かす: naoakasu
名の知れた: nanoshireta: well-known, famous
名の知れない: nanoshirenai: nameless, unknown, insignificant, worthless
名も無い: namonai <<<
名を揚げる: naoageru: make oneself famous, win [build up] a reputation [fame] <<<
名を売る: naouru <<<
名を汚す: naokegasu: blot a person's reputation <<<
名を落とす: naootosu
名を騙る: naokataru: assume a person's name, assume a false name <<<
名を捨てて実をとる: naosutetejitsuotoru: pudding rather than praise, words pay no debts

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: conquer, fulfill (ext.), become
sei, jou
成る: naru, nasu: become, fulfill
成る可く: narubeku: preferably, as possible, at most, if possible, if circumstances allow <<<
成る可く早く: narubekuhayaku: as soon [quickly, early] as possible
成る可く多く: narubekuooku: as much [many] as possible
成らげる: tairageru: subdue, defeat, conquer <<<
成り: nari: arriving of an important person (jp.)
成り上がる: nariagaru: rise suddenly (from, to), become suddenly rich <<<
成り代わる: narikawaru: take a person's place, step into a person's shoes
成り切る: narikiru: become to the bone
成り下がる: narisagaru: come down in the world, be degraded (to)
成り果てる: narihateru: be reduced to (a wretched state) <<<
成り済ます: narisumasu: impersonate successfully, pose as <<<
成り損なう: narisokonau: fail to become
成れの果て: narenohate: ruin of what one was <<<
成: shige, nori: pers.

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: lump, mass, clod, bloc, group, globe, corps
dan, ton
団: dan: body, group, party, troupe
団をなして: dannonashite: in a group [body, party, flock]
団い: marui: round, circular, spherical <<<
団り: katamari: lump, mass, clod, bloc, group

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: mechanics    nb of strokes: 6
translation: turn, tour
kai, e
回る: mawaru: turn (vi.), rotate (vi.), move around, evolve
回す: mawasu: turn (vt.), rotate (vt.)
回り: mawari: circumference, surroundings, neighborhood
回りに: mawarini, mawario: around, round, about
回りくどい: mawarikudoi: roundabout, circuitous
回りくどい言い方: mawarikudoiiikata: circumlocution
回りくどい言い方をする: mawarikudoiiikataosuru: speak in a roundabout way, break about the bush
回し: mawashi: sumo wrestler's loincloth
回し者: mawashimono: spy, secret agent, emissary <<< , スパイ
回る: meguru: go round
回り: meguri: tour
回る: kaeru: come back, return

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