Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'a'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 5
translation: older brother, elder brother, big brother
kei, kyou
兄: ani
兄さん: niisan: My (elder) brother
兄: e: one of elements forming a pair in jikkan (jp.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 5
translation: mother, mama, mom
bo, mo, bou
母: haha
母の: hahano: motherly, maternal
母らしい: haharashii
母らしさ: haharashisa: motherliness
母に成る: hahaninaru: become a mother <<<
母の無い: hahanonai: motherless <<<
母の会: hahanokai: mother's association <<<
母の日: hahanohi: Mother's Day <<<
母の心: hahanokokoro: mother's heart
母の情: hahanojou <<<
母の愛: hahanoai
母さん: kaasan: my mom
synonyms: ママ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 5
translation: stick, attach, belong, join, follow, accompany, touch, contact, wear, add, append, give, offer
付き: tsuki: attachment, adherence, junction, contact, luck, fortune, per, for, on account of, because of, through, as
付く: tsuku: stick [adhere] to, be connected with, be stained [smeared] with, belong to, be attached to, join, side with, go over to, follow, accompany, attend, wait on, be in attendance upon, touch, come in contact with, get lucky (jp.)
付ける: tsukeru: attach [affix, fix] (a thing to), fasten (a thing to), stick (a thing) to [on, together], put (a thing) on, apply (a thing to), put down, enter in (a book), put on, wear, add, append
付いて居る: tsuiteiru: be with (one), be lucky, be in luck <<<
付いて来る: tsuitekuru: follow (a person), come along with (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付いて行く: tsuiteiku, tsuiteyuku: follow (a person), go along with (a person), shadow, dog, keep up with
付け: tsuke: account, bill
付けで買う: tsukedekau: buy (a thing) on credit <<<
付けを払う: tsukeoharau: pay a [one's] bill
付け回る: tsukemawaru: pursue, follow (everywhere), shadow (v.) <<<
付け狙う: tsukenerau: keep watch on, follow, shadow, dog <<<
付け上がる: tsukeagaru: be puffed up, be stuck-up, grow impudent, grow vain <<<
付け替える: tsukekaeru: replace (a thing with another), change (a thing for a new one) <<<
付け加える: tsukekuwaeru: add (a thing to another), supplement, append
付け込む: tsukekomu: take an advantage of, presume [impose] upon <<<
付け入る: tsukeiru <<<
付き纏う: tsukimatou: follow (a person) about, hang about (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付える: ataeru: give, offer <<<
check also:

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 5
translation: serve
shi, ji
仕える: tsukaeru: serve, be in a person's service, wait on (a person)
仕る: tsukamatsuru: do (pol., jp.), perform
仕向ける: shimukeru: force (a person to do), egg on (a person to do) <<<
check also: 使

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: optics    nb of strokes: 5
translation: copy, transcribe, trace, imitate, reproduce, reflect, mirror (v.), take a photograph [picture], photograph
写す: utsusu: copy (v.) , transcribe, trace, imitate, reproduce, describe, depict, reflect, mirror (v.), take a photograph [picture] of, photograph
写し: utsushi: copy (n.), duplicate, transcript,, reproduction
写しを取る: utsushiotoru: copy, make a copy [duplicate] (of), reproduce (the original)
写る: utsuru: be reflected [mirrored] (in), fall upon, be taken, suit, match
synonyms: , コピー

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: life    nb of strokes: 5
translation: live, alive, rare, born, raw, grow
sei, shou
生ずる: shouzuru, shoujiru: produce, yield, bring about, give rise to, cause, arise, grow (out of), spring up, result, happen, occur, come about, accrue
生まれる: umareru: be born
生む: umu: bear (a child) <<<
生まれ: umare: birth, lineage
生まれ変わり: umarekawari: rebirth, regeneration, reincarnation
生まれ変わる: umarekawaru: be born again, become a new man, start one's life afresh
生まれたて: umaretate: newborn
生まれつき: umaretsuki: one's nature, one's character, by nature
生まれつく: umaretsuku: be born
生まれながら: umarenagara: by nature, naturally
生まれながらの: umarenagarano: born, natural
生きる: ikiru: live (v.), exist
生かす: ikasu: revive, bring to a life
生きている: ikiteiru: be alive [living]
生きた: ikita: live (a.), living
生き抜く: ikinuku: survive, live through <<<
生き残る: ikinokoru: survive <<<
生き返る: ikikaeru: revive (vi.), recover consciousness, come to oneself, come [return] to life <<<
生き返らす: ikikaerasu: revive (vt.), resuscitate, bring (a person) to life <<<
生える: haeru: grow (vi.), sprout (vt.)
生やす: hayasu: grow (vt.), cultivate
生: nama: raw, uncooked, rare, fresh
生: ubu: innocent (jp.), naive
check also: , ライブ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 6
translation: rest, pause
休む: yasumu: rest (vi.), take a rest
休める: yasumeru: rest oneself, repose, suspend, set a ease, give relief (to)
休み: yasumi: rest (n.), pause, recess, vacation, holiday
休みを取る: yasumiotoru: take a rest [pause], take a recess [holiday, leave], get off
休み無く: yasuminaku: without rest [stopping], continuously, incessantly <<<
休みに成る: yasumininaru: close [break up] (school) <<<
休み中に: yasumichuuni: during one's holidays, on one's vacation <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 6
translation: ear
耳: mimi: ear, edge, selvage, selvedge
耳が早い: mimigahayai: be quick of hearing
耳が良い: mimigaii
耳が遠い: mimigatooi: be hard of hearing <<<
耳が鳴る: mimiganaru: have a ringing [singing, buzzing] in one's ears, One's ears ring [sing]
耳にする: miminisuru: hear
耳に入る: miminihairu: learn, reach one's ears, come to one's knowledge <<<
耳に入れる: miminiireru: informer <<<
耳に残る: mimininokoru: ring [linger] in one's ear <<<
耳を貸す: mimiokasu: lend one's ear to <<<
耳を貸さない: mimiokasanai: give no ear to, turn a deaf ear to, won't listen to <<<
耳を澄ます: mimiosumasu: pick up [strain, cock] one's ears <<<
耳を欹てる: mimiosobadateru
耳が痛い: mimigaitai: have an earache, be ashamed to hear (it), tingle in one's ears

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 6
translation: contest, dispute, quarrel, fight, struggle
争う: arasou: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), vie [compete] (with a person in doing), fight, struggle
争い: arasoi: quarrel (n.), dispute, argument, discord, feud, trouble, competition, contest
争いが起こる: arasoigaokoru: A dispute takes place <<<
争いの種: arasoinotane: apple of discord <<<
争う: aragau: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), vie [compete] (with a person in doing)
争でか: ikadeka: why <<< 何故

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 6
translation: peace, peaceful, tranquil, calm, why (bor.)
安い: yasui: peaceful, quiet, calm, cheap (jp.)
安んじる: yasunjiru: soothe, quiet (vt.), calm, be contented [satisfied] (with), rest assured, be at ease [rest]
安くんぞ: izukunzo: why
安く: yasuku: cheap, at a low price, at a bargain
安くする: yasukusuru: lower [drop] the price
安く売る: yasukuuru: sell (a thing) cheap, undercut <<<
安く買う: yasukukau: buy [get] (a thing) cheap <<<
安く見る: yasukumiru: underestimate, underrate, undervalue
安く成る: yasukunaru: become cheaper, go down (in price), fall <<<
安っぽい: yasuppoi: cheap, tawdry, flashy, flippant, sleazy
安らぎ: yasuragi: tranquility, serenity, peace, calmness
安らかな: yasurakana: peaceful, tranquil, calm, free from anxiety [care]
安らかに: yasurakani: peacefully, tranquilly, calmly
安んじて: yasunjite: contentedly, in contentment, trustingly, at ease, in peace
安かろう悪かろう: yasukarouwarukarou: cheap and nasty

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