Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'at'

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Direct access: 入口 , 色気 , 上目 , 英語 , 笑顔 , 円卓 , 縁日 , 円満 , 王座 , 往診


pronunciation: iriguchi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 入り口   keyword: house , transport   
translation: entrance, in way
入口で: iriguchide: at the entrance
入口の所で: iriguchinotokorode <<<
入口を塞ぐ: iriguchiohusagu: block the entrance <<<
synonyms: 玄関
antonyms: 出口


pronunciation: iroke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: tone of color, coloring, tint, amorous passion, sex appeal, interest
色気の有る: irokenoaru: amorous, coquettish, voluptuous, sexy <<< , セクシー
色気が有る: irokegaaru: be interested in, take an interest in
色気の無い: irokenonai: colorless, without sex appeal, innocent, native, prosaic, brusque, curl <<<
色気の無い返事: irokenonaihenji: straight answer <<< 返事
色気付く: irokeZuku: become awakened to love, arrive at puberty <<<
色気抜きの: irokenukino: without any hint of feminine charm <<<


pronunciation: uwame   kanji characters: ,   
translation: upward glance
上目を使う: uwameotsukau: cast an upward glance (at) <<< 使
上目で見る: uwamedemiru <<<
上目使いで見る: uwameZukaidemiru: look at (a person) from under (one's) brows


pronunciation: eigo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , grammar   
translation: English (language)
英語を話す: eigoohanasu: speak English <<<
英語で話す: eigodehanasu: speak in English
英語話せますか: eigohanasemasuka: Can you speak English?
英語解りますか: eigowakarimasuka: Do you understand English? <<<
英語で書く: eigodekaku: write in English <<<
英語に訳す: eigoniyakusu: translate to English <<<
英語が巧い: eigogaumai: be good at English, be proficient in English <<<
英語が出来る: eigogadekiru <<< 出来
英語学: eigogaku: Anglistics, study of English, English linguistics <<<
英語学者: eigogakusha: Anglicist, English scholar, specialist of English <<< 学者
英語の先生: eigonosensei: teacher of English, English teacher <<< 先生
英語の教師: eigonokyoushi <<< 教師
英語国民: eigokokumin: Anglo-Saxon, English-speaking people <<< 国民


pronunciation: egao   kanji characters: ,   
translation: beaming face, smile
笑顔に成る: egaoninaru: smile, beam with a joy <<<
笑顔で迎える: egaodemukaeru: greet [welcome] a person with a smile <<<
笑顔を向ける: egaoomukeru: smile at a person <<<


pronunciation: entaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: furniture   
translation: round table
円卓を囲む: entakuokakomu: sit at a round table <<<
円卓会議: entakukaigi: round-table conference <<< 会議


pronunciation: ennnichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion , business   
translation: temple [shrine] festival fair
縁日の店: ennnichinomise: street stall [booth] at a fair <<<
縁日の商人: ennnichinoshounin: stallkeeper at a fair <<< 商人


pronunciation: enman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: perfection, harmony, smoothness, peace
円満な: enmannna: perfect, harmonious, amicable, smooth
円満な人格: enmannnajinkaku: (man of) mellow character <<< 人格
円満な解決: enmannnakaiketsu: peaceful [amicable] settlement <<< 解決
円満な家庭: enmannnakatei: happy home <<< 家庭
円満な紳士: enmannnashinshi: perfect gentleman <<< 紳士
円満に: enmannni: perfectly, harmoniously, amicably, smoothly
円満に暮らす: enmannnikurasu: live in harmony (with) <<<
円満を欠く: enmannokaku: lack harmony, be at odds [not harmonious] (with a person) <<<


pronunciation: ouza   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history , sport   
translation: throne, championship
王座を占める: ouzaoshimeru: occupy the premier position, be at the top, hold the championship <<<
王座に就く: ouzanitsuku: occupy the throne <<<
王座に登る: ouzaninoboru <<<
王座を争う: ouzaoarasou: contend for the championship <<<
check also: チャンピオン


pronunciation: oushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: (doctor's) visit (to a patient)
往診する: oushinsuru: go and see a patient at his house, call on one's patient
往診料: oushinryou: doctor's fee for a visit <<<
往診時間: oushinjikan: hours for visiting patients <<< 時間

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