Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'do'

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Direct access: 精根 , 背伸 , 世話 , 僭越 , 善処 , 全力 , 算盤 , 損害 , 存在 , 多忙


pronunciation: seikon   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 精魂  
translation: heart and soul
精根を尽くす: seikonnotsukusu: do one's best, try one's utmost <<<
精根を打ち込む: seikonnouchikomu: devote all one's energy (to), put one's heart and soul (into)
精根を傾ける: seikonnokatamukeru <<<


pronunciation: senobi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: stretching of own body
背伸する: senobisuru: stand on tiptoe, stretch oneself, try to do what one cannot do


pronunciation: sewa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: good [kind] offices, recommendation, care, trouble, help, aid, assistance
世話をする: sewaosuru: do [render] a service [kind offices] (to), take charge [care] of, look after
世話を焼く: sewaoyaku <<<
世話を焼かせる: sewaoyakaseru: trouble (a person), give (a person) trouble
世話焼きな: sewayakina: meddlesome, officious
世話焼き: sewayaki: meddlesome person, busyboy
世話の焼ける: sewanoyakeru: troublesome, annoying
世話の焼けない: sewanoyakenai: untroublesome, giving little trouble
世話の要らない: sewanoiranai <<<
世話に成る: sewaninaru: be under the care of (a person), be dependent upon (a person) <<<
世話好き: sewazuki: obliging, meddlesome <<<
世話人: sewanin: manager, sponsor, go-between <<<
世話女房: sewanyoubou: good housewife <<< 女房
check also: 面倒


pronunciation: sennetsu   kanji characters:   
translation: presumption, insolence, audacity
僭越な: sennetsuna: presumptuous, insolent, audacious
僭越ながら: sennetsunagara: It is presumptuous of me to say [do] this but, take the liberty of doing sth.
check also: 高慢


pronunciation: zensho   kanji characters: ,   
translation: proper measures
善処する: zenshosuru: do [manage]as one thinks fit, take proper measures (against), cope with (the situation), make the best of


pronunciation: zenryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , transport   
translation: all one's strength
全力で: zenryokude: at one's best, at full power, at full throttle
全力を尽くす: zenryokuotsukusu: do one's best <<<
全力を注ぐ: zenryokuososogu: devote oneself to something, put all one's energies <<<
全力疾走: zenryokushissou: sprint (n.), spurt, full throttle


pronunciation: soroban   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: abacus
算盤高い: sorobandakai: be calculating <<<
算盤が合わない: sorobangaawanai: The accounts do not square, It is a losing business <<<
算盤が取れる: sorobangatoreru: pay, be profitable <<<
算盤の取れる: sorobannnotoreru: paying, profitable
算盤を弾く: sorobannohajiku: work [use] an abacus, calculate <<<
算盤玉: sorobandama: counter <<<
算盤珠: sorobandama <<<


pronunciation: songai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster , transport   
translation: damage, injury, harm (n.)
損害を与える: songaioataeru: harm (v.), injure, damage, do damage [harm], inflict damage [losses] <<<
損害を蒙る: songaiokoumuru: be damaged, suffer a loss <<<
損害を受ける: songaioukeru <<<
損害額: songaigaku: amount of damages <<<
損害賠償: songaibaishou: compensation for damages, reparation, indemnity <<< 賠償
損害保険: songaihoken: insurance against loss <<< 保険
check also: 被害 , 損失 , 損傷


pronunciation: sonzai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: existence
存在する: sonzaisuru: exist, be in an existence
存在しない: sonzaishinai: do not exist
存在を認められる: sonzaiomitomerareru: be recognized, win recognition <<<
存在を信じる: sonzaioshinjiru: believe in <<<
神の存在を信じる: kaminosonzaioshinjiru: believe in god <<<
存在物: sonzaibutsu: being (n.) <<<
存在理由: sonzairiyuu: reason for being, raison d'être <<< 理由


pronunciation: tabou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: pressure of business
多忙な: tabouna: busy
多忙である: taboudearu: be occupied with, have much to do
多忙を極める: tabouokiwameru: be pressed by work, be busy as a bee <<<
多忙の為: tabounotame: on account of the pressure of business <<<

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