Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 愛欲 , 悪夢 , 胡坐 , 足跡 , 足腰 , 足下 , 暗殺 , 意外 , 意見 , 意思


pronunciation: aiyoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sex , love   
translation: passion, lust
愛欲に溺れる: aiyokunioboreru: give vent to one's (amorous) passion <<<
愛欲の虜に成る: aiyokunotorikoninaru: become a slave to (amorous) passion
愛欲盛んな: aiyokusakannna: lecherous, wanton, lewd, lascivious <<<


pronunciation: akumu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: nightmare, bad dream, incubus
悪夢の様な: akumunoyouna: nightmarish <<<
悪夢を見る: akumuomiru: have a nightmare <<<
悪夢から覚める: akumukarasameru: start from a nightmare, come to one's senses <<<


pronunciation: agura   kanji characters: ,   
translation: cross-legged sitting
胡坐を掻く: aguraokaku: sit cross-legged, sit with one's legs crossed <<<


pronunciation: ashiato   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: footprint, footmark, trace
足跡を残す: ashiatoonokosu: leave one's footprints <<<
足跡を辿る: ashiatootadoru: trace [follow up] a person's footmarks <<< 辿


pronunciation: ashikoshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: legs and hips [haunch]
足腰が痛い: ashikoshigaitai: have a pain in one's legs and hips <<<
足腰が立たない: ashikoshigatatanai: be crippled <<<
足腰が立つ内に: ashikoshigatatsuuchini: while one is strong enough to work


pronunciation: ashimoto   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 足元, 足許  
translation: gait, step
足下に: ashimotoni: at one's feet
足下を見る: ashimotoomiru: take [mean] advantage of <<<
足下に付込む: ashimotonitsukekomu
足下が明るい内に: ashimotogaakaruiuchini: before it gets dark [is too late]
足下が危ない: ashimotogaabunai: have an unsteady gait <<<


pronunciation: ansatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: assassination
暗殺する: ansatsusuru: assassinate
暗殺を企てる: ansatsuokuwadateru: make an attempt on a person's life <<<
暗殺を謀る: ansatsuohakaru <<<
暗殺者: ansatsusha: assassin <<<
check also: 刺客


pronunciation: igai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: unexpectedness
意外性: igaisei <<<
意外な: igaina: unexpected, surprising
意外な知らせ: igainashirase: unexpected [surprising] news <<<
意外な結果: igainakekka: unexpected result <<< 結果
意外な出来事: igainadekigoto: unlooked-for event, accident
意外に: igaini: unexpectedly, contrary to one's unexpectations
意外と: igaito
意外な事に: igainakotoni <<<
意外に早く: igainihayaku: earlier than expected <<<
意外に思う: igainiomou: be surprised (at, to hear that) <<<


pronunciation: iken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: opinion, view, advice, remark, comment, judgment, observation, remonstration, reprimand, admonition
意見する: ikensuru: advise, remonstrate, admonish
意見を言う: ikennoiu: express one's opinion, opine <<<
意見を述べる: ikennonoberu <<<
意見を求める: ikennomotomeru: ask a person's opinion [views, advice] <<<
意見を叩く: ikennotataku <<<
意見に従う: ikennnishitagau: take [follow] a person's advice <<<
意見を曲げない: ikennomagenai: stick to one's opinion <<<
意見を異にする: ikennokotonisuru: disagree (with a person), have a different opinion [view] <<<
意見が一致する: ikengaitchisuru: be of the same opinion, agree (with a person about a matter)
意見を交換する: ikennokoukansuru: exchange views
意見交換: ikenkoukan: exchange of views
意見の対立: ikennnotairitsu: conflict of views
意見調査: ikenchousa: survey, opinion poll <<< 調査
check also: コメント


pronunciation: ishi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: intention, purpose
意思が通じる: ishigatsuujiru: make oneself understand <<<
意思が疎通する: ishigasotsuusuru: come to an understanding, understand each other
意思の疎通を図る: ishinosotsuuohakaru: bring about a good understanding (between)
意思の疎通を欠く: ishinosotsuuokaku: There is a lack of understanding (between)
意思表示: ishihyouji: declaration of one's intention
意思表示する: ishihyoujisuru: make a declaration of one's intention

256 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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