Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'death'

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Direct access: 命日 , 安楽 , 一回 , 一周 , 仮死 , 過失 , 感電 , 餓死 , 奇跡 , 決死


pronunciation: meinichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: death   
translation: day of a person's death, obit


pronunciation: anraku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: comfort, ease
安楽な: anrakuna: comfortable, easy, happy
安楽な生活: anrakunaseikatsu: comfortable life <<< 生活
安楽に: anrakuni: comfortably, in comfort
安楽に感じる: anrakunikanjiru: be at ease, be relaxed, feel comfortable <<<
安楽に暮らす: anrakunikurasu: live in comfort, lead an easy life <<<
安楽死: anrakushi: easy and painless death, mercy killing, euthanasia <<<
安楽椅子: anrakuisu: easy chair <<< 椅子
check also: 快適 , 呑気


pronunciation: ikkai   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1回   keyword: time   
translation: once, one time, a round, a game
一回に: ikkaini: at a time
一回で: ikkaide: straightaway
一回目: ikkaime: the first time <<<
一回戦: ikkaisen: the first round, one round <<<
一回分: ikkaibun: a dose, an installment <<<
一回忌: ikkaiki: the first anniversary of the death <<<
第一回: daiikkai: the first <<<
check also: 一度 , 二回


pronunciation: isshuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , travel   
translation: one round, revolution
一周する: isshuusuru: go [travel, revolve] round, make a round
一周忌: isshuuki: the first anniversary of a person's death <<<
一周年: isshuunen: the first anniversary <<<
一周年記念: isshuunenkinen: celebration of the first anniversary <<< 記念
一周旅行: isshuuryokou: round trip <<< 旅行
check also: 一巡


pronunciation: kashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: apparent death
仮死状態: kashijoutai: asphyxia, syncope <<< 状態
仮死状態に在る: kashijoutainiaru: be in a syncopic state <<<


pronunciation: kashitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: fault, mistake, blunder, error, accident, negligence
過失の: kashitsuno: accidental
過失で: kashitsude: by accident, through one's fault
過失をする: kashitsuosuru: commit a fault, make an error
過失を犯す: kashitsuookasu <<<
過失死: kashitsushi: accidental death <<<
過失致死: kashitsuchishi: accidental homicide, involuntary manslaughter <<< 致死
過失傷害: kashitsushougai: accidental infliction of injury
check also: 間違


pronunciation: kanden   kanji characters: ,    keyword: electricity   
translation: electric shock
感電する: kandensuru: receive an electric shock
感電死: kandenshi: death by an electric shock <<<
感電死する: kandenshisuru: be killed by an electric shock
check also: 電撃


pronunciation: gashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: death from starvation [hunger]
餓死する: gashisuru: starve [be starved] to death, die of hunger


pronunciation: kiseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: miracle, wonder
奇跡的: kisekiteki: miraculous <<<
奇跡的に: kisekitekini: miraculously
奇跡的に助かる: kisekitekinitasukaru: escape death by a miracle <<<
奇跡を行う: kisekiookonau: work [do] wonders <<<
奇跡を起す: kisekiookosu <<<
奇跡が起る: kisekigaokoru: A miracle happens
奇跡を信じる: kisekioshinjiru: believe in miracles <<<
synonyms: ミラクル


pronunciation: kesshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: desperation, despair
決死の: kesshino: desperate, death-defying
決死の覚悟で: kesshinokakugode: at the risk of one's life, with desperate course <<< 覚悟
決死隊: kesshitai: forlorn hope, suicide corps <<<
check also: 必死

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