Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'a'

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Direct access: 圧倒 , 甘味 , 有難う , 暗示 , 医者 , 遺書 , 移籍 , 位置 , 一条 , 一部


pronunciation: attou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: overpower, preponderance
圧倒する: attousuru: overwhelm, overpower, weigh down
圧倒的: attouteki: overwhelming, overpowering, devastating, preponderant <<<
圧倒的に: attoutekini: overwhelmingly
圧倒的な勢い: attoutekinaikioi: overwhelming [irresistible] force
圧倒的な勝利: attoutekinashouri: sweeping victory, a landslide


pronunciation: amami, kanmi   kanji characters:    keyword: food   
translation: sweet flavor [taste], sweetness
甘味の有る: amaminoaru: sweet (a.)
甘味が有る: amamigaaru: have a sweet flavor
甘味が出る: amamigaderu: become sweet
甘味を付ける: amamiotsukeru: sweeten <<<
甘味品: kanmihin: sweets <<<
甘味料: kanmiryou: sweetening, sweetener <<<


pronunciation: arigatou   other spells: 有り難う   keyword: greeting   
translation: thank you, thanks
有難う御座います: arigatougozaimasu: thank you very much, I owe you a lot
check also:


pronunciation: anji   kanji characters: ,   
translation: hint (n.), suggestion, allusion
暗示する: anjisuru: hint (v.), suggest, give a hint [clue]
暗示を与える: anjioataeru <<<
暗示的な: anjitekina: suggestive, full of suggestions, allusive <<<
暗示に富む: anjinitomu
check also: 示唆


pronunciation: isha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: (medical) doctor
医者を呼ぶ: ishaoyobu: call in a doctor, send a person for the doctor <<<
医者に掛かる: ishanikakaru: consult [see] a doctor <<<
医者に掛ける: ishanikakeru: make a person see a doctor
医者に掛かっている: ishanikakatteiru: be under the care of a doctor
歯医者: haisha: dentist
目医者: meisha: oculist, eye doctor, ophthalmologist
耳医者: mimiisha: otolaryngologist <<<
藪医者: yabuisha: charlatan, quack, mountebank <<<
check also: 医師 , 博士


pronunciation: isho   kanji characters:    keyword: life   
translation: last will, testament
遺書を残す: ishoonokosu: leave a testament <<<
check also: 遺言


pronunciation: iseki   kanji characters:    keyword: sport   
translation: transfer of a player from [to] another club
移籍する: isekisuru: remove [transfer] (a player) from [to] another club
移籍料: isekiryou: rights of transfer <<<
check also:


pronunciation: ichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: situation, localization, position
位置する: ichisuru: be situated, [located, positioned]
位置を占める: ichioshimeru
位置に就く: ichinitsuku: take a position <<<
位置が良い: ichigaii: be well situated
位置が悪い: ichigawarui: be ill situated
位置を定める: ichiosadameru: fix position, locate


pronunciation: ichijou, hitosuji   kanji characters:    keyword: unit   
translation: a line, a streak, a passage (of a document), an article (of a law)
一条の光: ichijounohikari, hitosujinohikari: a beam [ray, shaft, stream] of light <<<


pronunciation: ichibu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: book   
translation: a part, a portion, a copy, some part
一部の: ichibuno: partial, some, local
一部の人々: ichibunohitobito: some people <<<
一部始終: ichibushijuu: the whole story
一部始終を語る: ichibushijuuokataru: give full particulars (of), tell the whole story (of)

300 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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