Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: calendar

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Direct access: 明日 , 或日 , 幾度 , 以降 , 以後 , 以前 , 一月 , 一日 , 一年 , 一週


pronunciation: ashita, asu, myounichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: tomorrow
明日の: ashitano, asuno, miyounichino: tomorrow's
明日のジョー: ashitanojoo: Tomorrow's Joe (a manga of Tetsuya Chiba, 1968-1973)
明日の朝: ashitanoasa, asunoasa: tomorrow morning <<<
明日の晩: ashitanoban, asunoban: tomorrow evening <<<
明日の夜: ashitanoyoru, asunoyoru: tomorrow night <<<
明日から: ashitakara, asukara: from tomorrow
明日まで: ashitamade, asumade: till [until] tomorrow
又明日: mataashita: See you tomorrow! <<<
synonyms: 翌日
antonyms: 昨日
check also: 未来


pronunciation: aruhi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 或る日, ある日   keyword: calendar   
translation: one day


pronunciation: ikudo, ikutabi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: how often
幾度も: ikudomo: often, frequently, many times, over and over again
幾度となく: ikudotonaku: repeatedly
check also: 何度


pronunciation: ikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: afterward, downward, later
check also: 以後


pronunciation: igo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: from now, in future, since then, after, afterward
check also: 以前 , 以降


pronunciation: izen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: before, past
以前に: izennni: previously, formerly
check also: 以後


pronunciation: ichigatsu, hitotsuki   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 壱月, 1月   keyword: calendar   
translation: January, one [a] month
一月前: hitotsukimae: a month ago <<<
一月後: hitotsukigo: after a month <<<
一月に一度: hitotsukiniichido: once a month <<< 一度
一月に一回: hitotsukiniikkai <<< 一回
一月に二度: hitotsukininido: twice a month <<< 二度
一月に二回: hitotsukininikai <<< 二回


pronunciation: ichinichi, tsuitachi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1日   keyword: calendar   
translation: a single day, one day, the whole day, all day long, the first day
一日で: ichinichide: in one day
一日置きに: ichinichiokini: every other day <<<
一日に付き: ichinichinitsuki: a day, in a day <<<
一日中: ichinichijuu: all day long <<<
一日一日と: ichinichiichinichito: day by [after] day, daily
一日の仕事: ichinichinoshigoto: day's work <<< 仕事
良い一日を: yoiichinichio: Have a nice day! <<<
check also: 毎日


pronunciation: ichinen   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1年   keyword: calendar   
translation: a [one] year
一年毎に: ichinengotoni: year by [after] year, yearly <<<
一年置きに: ichinenokini: every other [second] year, biennially <<<
一年中: ichinenjuu: all the year round <<< , 年中
一年目: ichinenme: the first year <<<
一年生: ichinensei: first-year-grade boy [girl], freshman <<<
一年生植物: ichinenseishokubutsu: annual plant <<< 植物
一年草: ichinensou <<<
一年に一度: ichinennniichido: once a year <<< 一度


pronunciation: isshuu   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1週   keyword: calendar   
translation: one [a] week
一週間: isshuukan <<<
一週間前: isshuukanmae: a week ago <<<
一週間後: isshuukango: after a week <<<
一週間に一度: isshuukannniichido: once a week <<< 一度
一週間に一回: isshuukannniikkai <<< 一回
一週間に二度: isshuukannninido: twice a week <<< 二度
一週間に二回: isshuukannninikai <<< 二回

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