Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: accounting

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Direct access: , , , , コスト , バランス , マージン , レシート , レート

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 11
translation: lead, direct, percentage (bor.), rate
ritsu, sotsu, sui
率: wariai: percentage, rate <<< 割合
率う: shitagau: obey, follow, accompany <<< ,
率いる: hikiiru: lead, direct, manage
率: oomune: in general, roughly <<<
率: osa: chief, leader <<<
率: ritsu: percentage, rate
の率で: noritsude: at a [the] rate of, on a percentage of
率が良い: ritsugaii, ritsugayoi: show a good rate <<<
率が悪い: ritsugawarui: show a poor rate <<<
率を高める: ritsuotakameru: raise the rate <<<
率を上げる: ritsuoageru <<<
率を低める: ritsuohikumeru: lower the rate <<<
率を下げる: ritsuosageru <<<
check also: レート

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: accounting , hygiene    nb of strokes: 5
translation: brush, wipe, mop
払う: harau: brush, wipe, clear [sweep] away, pay (jp.), repay
払: harai: payment (jp.)
払い込む: haraikomu: pay (money), pay in, pay up <<<
払い込み: haraikomi: payment, subscription <<<
払い下げる: haraisageru: sell, dispose of <<<
払い下げ: haraisage: sale, disposal <<<
払い過ぎる: haraisugiru: overpay <<<
払い過ぎ: haraisugi: overpayment <<<
払い戻す: haraimodosu: pay back, repay, refund (v.) <<<
払い戻し: haraimodoshi: repayment, refund (n.) <<<
払う: nuguu: wipe, mop, scarp away <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 12
translation: change, exchange, substitute, replace
替える: kaeru: change (vt.), exchange <<<
替わる: kawaru: substitute, replace <<<
替れる: sutareru: abandon, fall into disuse <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 12
translation: symptom, nearly
幾: kizashi: symptom, omen <<<
幾ど: hotondo: nearly <<<
幾: hotohoto: quite (at a loss) <<<
幾: iku: unknown quantity
幾ら: ikura: how much, how many, how far, how long
幾らでも: ikurademo: any number [amount] of, as many [much] as one likes [wants]
幾らですか: ikuradesuka: How much does it cost, What is the price [charge, fare, fee]
幾らか: ikuraka: some, a little, somewhat, to some extent, partly
幾ら遅くとも: ikuraosokutomo: at (the) latest <<<
幾ら多くても: ikuraookutemo: at (the) most <<<
幾ら良くても: ikurayokutemo: at (the) best <<<
幾つ: ikutsu: how many, how old
幾つか: ikutsuka: some, several, few
幾つですか: ikutsudesuka: How old are you?


pronunciation: kosuto   etymology: cost (eg.)   keyword: accounting   
translation: cost
コストを下げる: kosutoosageru: reduce the cost <<<
コスト高: kosutodaka: cost increase <<<
コスト計算: kosutokeisan: cost accounting
コスト削減: kosutosakugen: cost cutting
コスト・ダウン: kosutodaun <<< ダウン
コスト・インフレ: kosutoinhure: cost inflation <<< インフレ
コスト・コントロール: kosutokontorooru: cost control <<< コントロール
コスト・パフォーマンス: kosutopafoomansu: cost performance
check also: 費用


pronunciation: baransu   etymology: balance (eg.)   keyword: accounting   
translation: balance (n.)
バランスを取る: baransuotoru: balance (v.) <<<
バランスを保つ: baransuotamotsu <<<
バランスの取れた: baransunotoreta: well-balanced <<<
バランスを失う: baransuoushinau: lose one's balance <<<
バランス・シート: baransushiito: balance sheet <<< シート


pronunciation: maajin   etymology: margin (eg.)   keyword: accounting , finance   
translation: margin (of the profit)
マージン取引: maajintorihiki: margin trading
check also: 限界


pronunciation: reshiito   etymology: receipt (eg.)   keyword: accounting   
translation: receipt


pronunciation: reeto   etymology: rate (eg.)   keyword: accounting   
translation: rate
check also:

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