Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: geography

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Direct access: 赤道 , 瀬戸 , 先進 , 全域 , 全国 , 測量 , 祖国 , 対岸 , 大西洋 , 太平洋


pronunciation: sekidou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: equator
赤道の: sekidouno: equatorial (a.)
赤道祭: sekidousai: ceremony of crossing the line, Neptune's revel <<<
赤道儀: sekidougi: an equatorial <<<
赤道面: sekidoumen: equatorial plane <<<
赤道流: sekidouryuu: equatorial current <<<
赤道海流: sekidoukairyuu <<< 海流


pronunciation: seto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: strait, gut
瀬戸際: setogiwa: the last moment, critical moment, brinkmanship <<<
瀬戸際に: setogiwani: at the last moment, at a critical moment
瀬戸際外交: setogiwagaikou: brinkmanship <<< 外交
瀬戸物: setomono: crockery, china, pottery, porcelain <<< , 陶器 , 磁器 , 焼物 , セラミック
瀬戸物屋: setomonoya: china store [shop] <<<
瀬戸引: setobiki: enamel <<< , エナメル
瀬戸引の: setobikino: enameled
瀬戸内海: setonaikai: Inland Sea (of Japan)
check also: 海峡


pronunciation: senshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: advanced, seniority, senior
先進国: senshinkoku: advanced nation [country] <<<
check also: 後進


pronunciation: zenniki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: the whole region, all the region


pronunciation: zenkoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , media , politics   
translation: whole country
全国の: zenkokuno: national, nation-wide, country-wide
全国的: zenkokuteki <<<
全国で: zenkokude: all over the country, across the nation
全国紙: zenkokushi: national newspaper <<<
全国区: zenkokku: nationwide constituency <<<
全国放送: zenkokuhousou: national network broadcast <<< 放送
全国中継: zenkokuchuukei: nationwide hookup <<< 中継


pronunciation: sokuryou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: measurement, surveying, topography, sounding
測量する: sokuryousuru: measure, survey, sound
測量図: sokuryouzu: survey map <<<
測量部: sokuryoubu: surveying department <<<
測量班: sokuryouhan: surveying squad <<<
測量船: sokuryousen: surveying ship <<<
測量術: sokuryoujutsu: surveying art [technique] <<<
測量師: sokuryoushi: surveyor, topographer <<<
測量技師: sokuryougishi: surveying engineer <<< 技師
測量器: sokuryouki: surveying instrument <<<
測量器具: sokuryoukigu <<< 器具
check also: 測定


pronunciation: sokoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: one's fatherland, one's motherland, one's (mother) country
祖国愛: sokokuai: love for one's country, patriotism <<< , 愛国
check also: 母国


pronunciation: taigan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: opposite bank [shore]
対岸の火災視する: taigannnokasaishisuru: look on (a matter) with indifference


pronunciation: taiseiyou   kanji characters: , 西 ,    keyword: geography , sea   
translation: Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic
大西洋の: taiseiyouno: Atlantic (a.)
大西洋沿岸: taiseiyouengan: Atlantic coast <<< 沿岸
大西洋横断: taiseiyououdan: crossing of the Atlantic <<< 横断
大西洋横断の: taiseiyououdannno: transatlantic
大西洋憲章: taiseiyoukenshou: Atlantic Charter
北大西洋: kitataiseiyou: northern Atlantic <<<
北大西洋条約: kitataiseiyoujouyaku: North Atlantic Treaty <<< 条約
北大西洋条約機構: kitataiseiyoujouyakukikou: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO <<< 機構
南大西洋: minamitaiseiyou: southern Atlantic <<<
synonyms: アトランティック
check also: 太平洋


pronunciation: taiheiyou   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: geography , sea   
translation: Pacific Ocean
太平洋の: taiheiyouno: Pacific (a.)
太平洋沿岸: taiheiyouengan: Pacific coast <<< 沿岸
太平洋横断: taiheiyououdan: crossing of the Pacific <<< 横断
太平洋横断の: taiheiyououdannno: transpacific
太平洋艦隊: taiheiyoukantai: Pacific fleet <<< 艦隊
太平洋諸島: taiheiyoushotou: Pacific islands <<< 諸島
太平洋戦争: taiheiyousensou: Pacific War, War in the Pacific <<< 戦争
南太平洋: minamitaiheiyou: southern Pacific <<<
北太平洋: kitataiheiyou: northern Pacific <<<
check also: 大西洋

210 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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