Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 't'

This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters. If you have any questions on Japan or Japanese language, please post your messages to our Japanese forum.
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Direct access: 艫綱 , 富山 , 豊田 , 虎猫 , 鳥居 , 鳥籠 , 取組 , 取消 , 取締 , 取立て


pronunciation: tomoZuna   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship   
translation: hawser, mooring line
艫綱を解く: tomoZunaotoku: weigh anchor, unmoor <<<


pronunciation: toyama   kanji characters: ,    keyword: japan   
translation: Toyama (prefecture, city)
富山県: toyamaken: Prefecture of Toyama <<<
富山市: toyamashi: City of Toyama <<<
富山藩: toyamahan: Toyama Domain <<<
富山湾: toyamawan: Toyama Bay <<<
富山の薬売り: toyamanokusuriuri: traveling pharmacist from Toyama
富山空港: toyamakuukou: Toyama Airport <<< 空港
check also: Toyama


pronunciation: toyota, toyoda   kanji characters: ,    other spells: トヨタ (a Japanese car brand)   keyword: japan , car brand   
translation: Toyoda (a Japanese family name), Toyota (motors, city)
豊田市: toyotashi: City of Toyota <<<
豊田佐吉: toyodasakichi: Sakichi Toyoda (founder of Toyota Motors 1867-1930)
豊田プリウス: toyotapuriusu: Toyota Prius
check also: Toyota


pronunciation: toraneko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: pet   
translation: tabby cat, tiger cat


pronunciation: torii   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion , japan   
translation: gate of Shinto shrine, torii
check also: 神社 , Torii


pronunciation: torikago   kanji characters: ,    keyword: pet   
translation: bird cage


pronunciation: torikumi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: match, bout
好取組: koutorikumi: interesting match, feature bout <<<
synonyms: 試合 , マッチ


pronunciation: torikeshi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 取り消  
translation: cancellation, revocation, withdrawal
取消す: torikesu: cancel, retract, revoke, withdraw, recant, rescind, renege
取消の出来る: torikeshinodekiru: revocable <<< 出来
取消の出来ない: torikeshinodekinai: irrevocable, beyond recall
synonyms: 解消 , 破棄 , キャンセル


pronunciation: torishimari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: administration , security   
translation: control (n.), management, supervision, order, discipline, supervisor, overseer, director
取締る: torishimaru: control (v.), manage, supervise, oversee, regulate, keep in order, maintain, discipline
取締役: torishimariyaku: managing director <<<
取締役会議: torishimariyakukaigi: directors' meeting, board of directors <<< 会議
取締規則: torishimarikisoku: regulations, rules <<< 規則


pronunciation: toritate   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 取り立て  
translation: collection, appointment, promotion, patronage
取立ての: toritateno: fresh
取立てる: toritateru: collect, levy, exact, patronize, appoint, promote, engage
取立てて: toritatete: particularly, in particular

811 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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