Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'i'

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Direct access: 威信 , 維持 , 意地 , 移住 , 以上 , 異常 , 偉人 , 椅子 , 伊勢 , 異性


pronunciation: ishin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: prestige, dignity, authority
威信に係る: ishinnnikakawaru: affect one's prestige [dignity] <<<
威信を保つ: ishinnotamotsu: preserve one's dignity <<<
威信を失う: ishinnoushinau: lose one's prestige <<<
威信の有る: ishinnnoaru: prestigious <<<
check also: 権威


pronunciation: iji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: maintenance, preservation, keeping
維持する: ijisuru: maintain, keep (v.), sustain
維持費: ijihi: maintenance cost <<<
維持者: ijisha: protector, supporter <<<
維持会員: ijikaiin: sustaining member <<< 会員
check also: 保守


pronunciation: iji   kanji characters: ,   
translation: temper, disposition, perverseness, obstinacy, will, pride
意地の汚い: ijinokitanai: greedy <<<
意地悪: ijiwaru: nastiness, malice, maliciousness, viciousness <<<
意地悪な: ijiwaruna: ill-natured, cross, nasty, malicious, vicious, pernicious
意地の悪い: ijinowarui
意地が悪い: ijigawarui: be ill-natured, have bad idea
意地悪く: ijiwaruku: ill-naturedly, unfortunately
意地っ張りの: ijipparino: obstinate, stubborn <<< , 頑固
意地が有る: ijigaaru: have a strong will, have backbone <<<
意地を通す: ijiotoosu: have one's will [one's own way] <<<
意地を張る: ijioharu: be [grow] obstinate [stubborn] <<<
意地に成る: ijininaru <<<
意地に成って: ijininatte: stubbornly, doggedly


pronunciation: ijuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: migration, emigration, immigration
移住する: ijuusuru: emigrate (to, into), immigrate (from), settle (in), move (to)
移住民: ijuumin: settler, colonist, emigrant, immigrant <<<
移住者: ijuusha <<<
synonyms: 移民 , 植民


pronunciation: ijou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: above, beyond, more than, over
以上の如く: ijounogotoku: as mentioned above, as we have seen <<<
以上に: ijouni: hereinbefore, more than
二つ以上: hutatsuijou: more than one, too or more <<<
した以上は: shitaijouha: since, now that
check also: 未満 , 以下


pronunciation: ijou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , medicine   
translation: anomaly, abnormality, disorder, trouble
異常な: ijouna: abnormal, unusual, atypical
異常に: ijouni: abnormally, unusually
異常児: ijouji: abnormal child <<<
異常反応: ijouhannnou: allergy, abnormal reaction [response] <<< 反応
異常接近: ijousekkin: near miss <<< 接近
異常乾燥: ijoukansou: abnormal dryness <<< 乾燥
異常事態: ijoujitai: abnormal situation <<< 事態
異常状態: ijoujoutai: abnormal state <<< 状態
check also: 変態 , 正常


pronunciation: ijin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: great man, hero
偉人伝: ijinden: biography of great men <<<


pronunciation: isu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: furniture   
translation: chair, seat, post, position, portfolio
椅子を勧める: isuosusumeru: offer a chair <<<
椅子を狙う: isuonerau: have an eye on a post <<<
椅子から立つ: isukaratatsu: get up of the chair <<<
椅子に腰掛ける: isunikoshikakeru: sit on [in] a chair <<< 腰掛
椅子席: isuseki: seat <<<
椅子カバー: isukabaa: chair cover
揺り椅子: yuriisu: rocking chair <<<
車椅子: kurumaisu: wheelchair <<<
長椅子: nagaisu: sofa, bench <<< , ベンチ
check also: 腰掛


pronunciation: ise   kanji characters: ,    keyword: japan   
translation: Ise (old name of Mie prefecture)
伊勢の国: isenokuni <<<
伊勢市: iseshi: City of Ise <<<
伊勢参り: isemairi: pilgrimage to Ise Shrine <<<
伊勢湾: isewan: Ise Bay <<<
伊勢屋: iseya: merchant from Ise region <<<
伊勢神宮: isejinguu: Ise Shrine <<< 神宮
伊勢海老: iseebi: (spiny) lobster <<< 海老
check also: 三重


pronunciation: isei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: opposite [other] sex
異性に接する: iseinisessuru: know a woman [a man] <<<
異性を知る: iseioshiru <<<
異性愛: iseiai: heterosexuality <<<
異性愛の: iseiaino: heterosexual
check also: 同性

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