Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: society

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Direct access: 二世 , 人間 , 媒介 , 引篭 , 人助 , 人々 , 貧困 , 風習 , 風俗 , 普及


pronunciation: nisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: second generation (immigrant), junior
check also: ジュニア


pronunciation: ningen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: human being, man, mortal, flesh and blood, character, mankind, humanity
人間の: ningennno: human, mortal
人間らしい: ningenrashii: manlike
人間らしい生活: ningenrashiiseikatsu: life worthy of man <<< 生活
人間嫌い: ningengirai: misanthropy, misanthropist <<<
人間並みの: ningennnamino: like the common run of men, ordinary, average <<<
人間性: ningensei: humanity, human nature <<<
人間性の無い: ningenseinonai: dehumanized <<<
人間味: ningenmi: humanity, human touch, milk of human kindness <<<
人間味の有る: ningenminoaru: humane, warmhearted <<<
人間業でない: ningenwazadenai: be beyond human power, be superhuman <<<
人間愛: ningennai: humanity, human love <<<
人間関係: ningeikankei: human relations <<< 関係
人間形成: ningenkeisei: character modeling <<< 形成
人間工学: ningenkougaku: human engineering <<< 工学
人間社会: ningenshakai: human society <<< 社会
check also: 人類


pronunciation: baikai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine , society   
translation: mediation, intermediation, good offices
媒介する: baikaisuru: mediate (between), act as (a), go-between
媒介者: baikaisha: mediator, middleman, agent <<<
媒介物: baikaibutsu: medium <<<
synonyms: 仲介 , 斡旋


pronunciation: hikikomori   kanji characters:    other spells: 引き篭, 引籠り   keyword: society   
translation: indoor stay, social retreat [isolation]
引篭る: hikikomoru: stay indoors, shut oneself in, be laid up, keep to one's bed
check also: ニート


pronunciation: hitodasuke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: act of kindness [mercy]
人助をする: hitodasukeosuru: help someone in trouble


pronunciation: hitobito   kanji characters:    other spells: 人人   keyword: society   
translation: people, men
check also: 大衆 , 人民


pronunciation: hinkon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: poverty, misery
貧困の: hinkonnno: poor (a.), necessitous, miserable
貧困者: hinkonsha: poor (n.), needy, pauper, poor man <<< , 乞食
貧困率: hinkonritsu: misery index <<<
check also: 貧乏


pronunciation: huushuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: manners and customs, convention, practices
風習を破る: huushuuoyaburu: break a custom <<<
風習に従う: huushuunishitagau: observe a custom <<<
synonyms: 習慣 , 慣習


pronunciation: huuzoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: customs, manners, public morals
風俗を害する: huuzokuogaisuru: corrupt [be injurious to] public morals <<<
風俗画: huuzokuga: genre picture <<<
風俗史: huuzokushi: history of morality <<<
風俗犯: huuzokuhan: moral offence <<<
風俗営業: huuzokueigyou: business affecting public morals <<< 営業
風俗壊乱: huuzokukairan: corruption of public morals
風俗習慣: huuzokushuukan: manners and customs <<< 習慣
風俗小説: huuzokushousetsu: novel of popular manners <<< 小説


pronunciation: hukyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: diffusion, propagation, popularization
普及する: hukyuusuru: diffuse, pervade, propagate, spread, popularize, become pervasive
普及版: hukyuuban: popular [cheap] edition <<<
普及率: hukyuuritsu: rate of propagation [popularization] <<<

114 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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