Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 't'

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Direct access: 転換 , 転機 , 天気 , 天球 , 転居 , 転勤 , 天空 , 天狗 , 典型 , 点検


pronunciation: tenkan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market , technology   
translation: conversion, switchover, diversion
転換する: tenkansuru: convert, change, switch over, divert (one's mind from)
転換期: tenkanki: turning point <<<
転換炉: tenkanro: converter reactor <<<
転換価格: tenkankakaku: conversion price <<< 価格
転換社債: tenkanshasai: convertible bond, CB <<< 社債


pronunciation: tenki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: turning point
転機と成る: tenkitonaru: reach a turning point <<<


pronunciation: tenki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: (fine) weather
天気が良い: tenkigaii: it's fine [sunny] <<<
天気が悪い: tenkigawarui: it's bad <<<
天気に成る: tenkininaru: it becomes fine <<<
天気図: tenkizu: weather chart [map] <<<
天気予報: tenkiyohou: weather forecast <<< 予報
天気概況: tenkigaikyou: general weather condition <<< 概況
好い天気: iitenki, yoitenki: fine weather <<<
好天気: koutenki
synonyms: 天候


pronunciation: tenkyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: astronomy   
translation: celestial globe
天球儀: tenkyuugi: celestial sphere <<<
check also: 地球


pronunciation: tenkyo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: change of residence, removal
転居する: tenkyosuru: change one's residence [address]
synonyms: 引越
check also: 移転


pronunciation: tenkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: transfer (to another office), transference
転勤する: tenkinsuru: be transferred to (another office)


pronunciation: tenkuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: astronomy   
translation: sky, air
天空のエスカフローネ: tenkuunoesukahuroone: the Vision of Escaflowne (a Japanese anime, 1996)
check also: 大空


pronunciation: tengu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: legend   
translation: tengu, long-nosed goblin, braggart, boaster, conceited person
天狗の面: tengunomen: long-nosed mask <<<
天狗に成る: tenguninaru: become conceited (with) <<<
check also: Tengu


pronunciation: tenkei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: type, model, specimen, pattern
典型的な: tenkeitekina: typical, model, ideal <<<
非典型的: hitenkeiteki: atypical
美の典型: binotenkei: paragon of beauty <<<
check also: モデル


pronunciation: tenken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: car   
translation: inspection, examination, roll calling
点検する: tenkensuru: examine, inspect, check, overhaul (a car), call the roll
check also: 検査 , チェック

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