Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: weapon

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Direct access: 鉄砲 , 投槍 , 刃物 , 破裂 , 爆弾 , 爆発 , 引金 , 吹矢 , 武器 , 武装


pronunciation: teppou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: gun
鉄砲を撃つ: teppououtsu: shoot a gun <<<
鉄砲を担ぐ: teppouokatsugu: shoulder the gun <<<
鉄砲玉: teppoudama: bullet <<<
鉄砲傷: teppoukizu: bullet [gunshot] wound <<<
鉄砲水: teppoumizu: flash flood <<< , 洪水
無鉄砲な: muteppouna: daredevil, devil-may-care, reckless, foolhardy <<<
無鉄砲に: muteppouni: recklessly, foolhardily
check also: 拳銃 , ピストル


pronunciation: nageyari   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 投げ槍   keyword: weapon   
translation: javelin, throwing spear, dart


pronunciation: hamono   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon , utensil   
translation: edge [edged] tool, cutlery
刃物師: hamonoshi: cutler <<<
synonyms: 包丁 , ナイフ


pronunciation: haretsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: explosion, eruption, rupture
破裂する: haretsusuru: explode, burst up, blow up, broken off, end in [come to] a rupture
破裂音: haretsuon: plosive, explosive <<<
check also: 爆発


pronunciation: bakudan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: bomb, bombshell
爆弾の雨: bakudannnoame: hail of bombs <<<
爆弾を投げる: bakudannonageru: throw a bomb <<<
爆弾霰: bakudannarare: popcorn
爆弾の破片: bakudannnohahen: bomb fragment [splinter] <<< 破片
爆弾を仕掛ける: bakudannoshikakeru: plant an explosive <<< 仕掛
爆弾を投下する: bakudannotoukasuru: bomb (v.), drop [throw] a bomb <<< 投下
爆弾投下: bakudantouka: bomb dropping [release]
爆弾宣言: bakudansengen: bombshell declaration <<< 宣言
爆弾声明: bakudanseimei <<< 声明
check also: 爆撃


pronunciation: bakuhatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: chemistry , weapon   
translation: explosion, blast (n.)
爆発する: bakuhatsusuru: explode, blast (v.)
爆発性の: bakuhatsuseino: explosive (a.) <<<
爆発物: bakuhatsubutsu: explosive (n.) <<<
爆発薬: bakuhatsuyaku <<<
爆発音: bakuhatsuon: report, loud noise, detonation <<<
爆発力: bakuhatsuryoku: brisance, explosive power <<<
爆発ガス: bakuhatsugasu: explosive gas
核爆発: kakubakuhatsu: nuclear explosion <<<
check also: 破裂


pronunciation: hikigane   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 引き金   keyword: weapon   
translation: trigger
引金を引く: hikiganeohiku: pull the trigger <<<


pronunciation: hukiya   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 吹き矢   keyword: weapon   
translation: blowgun, blowpipe


pronunciation: buki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: arms, weapon, weaponry
武器を取る: bukiotoru: take up arms, rise in arms against <<<
武器を捨てる: bukiosuteru: lay down one's arms <<<
武器商: bukishou: gunsmith, armourer <<<
武器庫: bukiko: arsenal, armory, armoury <<<
武器工場: bukikoujou <<< 工場
武器援助: bukienjo: arms aid <<< 援助
武器弾薬: bukidannyaku: munitions <<< 弾薬
武器密輸: bukimitsuyu: arms smuggling, weapons smuggling <<< 密輸
武器よ去らば: bukiyosaraba: A Farewell to Arms (Ernest Hemingway's novel, 1929) <<<
synonyms: 兵器


pronunciation: busou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: armaments, equipments
武装する: busousuru: arm (oneself with), equip (an army)
武装した: busoushita: armed, armored
武装している: busoushiteiru: be armed (with)
武装を解く: busouotoku: disarm, dismantle <<<
武装解除: busoukaijo: disarmament, dismantlement <<< 解除
武装警官: busoukeikan: armed policeman <<< 警官
武装警官隊: busoukeikantai: armed police <<<
武装平和: busouheiwa: armed peace <<< 平和
武装中立: busouchuuritsu: armed neutrality <<< 中立
武装列車: busouressha: armored train <<< 列車
武装ゲリラ: busougerira: armed guerrilla

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