Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: politics

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Direct access: 革新 , 革命 , 閣僚 , 可決 , 過激 , 諌言 , 勧告 , 干渉 , 関税 , 官庁


pronunciation: kakushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: innovation, reform (n.), renovation
革新する: kakushinsuru: make innovation, reform (v.), renovate, make a reform
革新的な: kakushintekina: reformatory, reformative <<<
革新派: kakushinha: reformist group <<<
革新政党: kakushinseitou: reformist party <<< 政党
革新候補: kakushinkouho: reformist candidate <<< 候補
革新勢力: kakushinseiryoku: progressive force <<< 勢力
革新運動: kakushinnundou: renovation movement <<< 運動


pronunciation: kakumei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , history   
translation: revolution
革命を起こす: kakumeiookosu: cause a revolution, revolutionize <<<
革命が起こる: kakumeigaokoru: a revolution breaks out
革命的: kakumeiteki: revolutionary <<<
革命軍: kakumeigun: revolutionary army <<<
革命家: kakumeika: revolutionist <<<
革命党: kakumeitou: revolutionary party <<<
革命政府: kakumeiseihu: revolutionary government <<< 政府
革命戦争: kakumeisensou: revolutionary war <<< 戦争
革命思想: kakumeishisou: revolutionary idea <<< 思想
革命理論: kakumeiriron: theory of the revolution <<< 理論
革命運動: kakumeiundou: revolutionary movement <<< 運動
反革命: hankakumei: anti-revolution <<<
反革命運動: hankakumeiundou: anti-revolutionary movement <<< 運動


pronunciation: kakuryou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: cabinet member
閣僚に成る: kakuryouninaru: enter a ministry <<<
閣僚会議: kakuryoukaigi: cabinet council [meeting] <<< 会議
前閣僚: zenkakuryou: ex-minister <<<
check also: 大臣


pronunciation: kaketsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: approval, adoption, passage
可決する: kaketsusuru: pass [adopt, approve] (a bill), vote
可決される: kaketsusareru: be passed [adopted, approved]
antonyms: 否決


pronunciation: kageki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: violence
過激な: kagekina: excessive, violent, radical
過激に: kagekini: excessively, violently, radically
過激派: kagekiha: radicals, extremists <<<
過激分子: kagekibunshi: radical element, extremist <<< 分子
過激思想: kagekishisou: radical [revolutionary] idea <<< 思想
過激主義: kagekishugi: extremism <<< 主義
synonyms: 暴力


pronunciation: kangen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: admonition, remonstrance
諌言する: kangensuru: admonish (a person against doing, a person not to do), remonstrate with (a person on)


pronunciation: kankoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: advice, admonishment
勧告する: kankokusuru: advise, admonish
勧告に従う: kankokunishitagau: follow an advice <<<
勧告に従って: kankokunishitagatte: on a person's advice
勧告者: kankokusha: adviser, advisor <<<
勧告案: kankokuan: recommendation <<<
勧告書: kankokusho: written advice <<<
check also: 忠告


pronunciation: kanshou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: optics , politics   
translation: interference, meddling, intervention
干渉する: kanshousuru: interfere, meddle, intervene
干渉好き: kanshouzuki: meddlesome person, meddler, busybody <<<
干渉計: kanshoukei: interferometer <<<
干渉縞: kanshoujima: band of interference <<<
干渉主義: kanshoushugi: interventionism <<< 主義
干渉主義者: kanshoushugisha: interventionist <<<
不干渉: hukanshou: noninterference, nonintervention <<<
無干渉: mukanshou <<<
無干渉主義: mukanshoushugi: non intervention policy <<< 主義
synonyms: 御節介 , 妨害 , 邪魔


pronunciation: kanzei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , economy   
translation: customs duty, customs, tariff
関税の掛かる: kanzeinokakaru: dutiable, customable <<<
関税の掛からない: kanzeinokakaranai: duty-free, tax-free
関税を課する: kanzeiokasuru: levy [impose] a duty <<<
関税率: kanzeiritsu: tariff rate, customs tariff <<<
関税局: kanzeikyoku: customs bureau <<<
関税吏: kanzeiri: customs officer <<<
関税壁: kanzeiheki: tariff wall [barrier] <<<
関税障壁: kanzeishouheki
関税申告: kanzeishinkoku: customs declaration <<< 申告
関税改正: kanzeikaisei: customs reform <<< 改正
関税協定: kanzeikyoutei: tariff agreement, customs convention <<< 協定
関税同盟: kanzeidoumei: customs union <<< 同盟
check also: 税関 , タックス


pronunciation: kanchou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: administration , politics   
translation: government office, authorities
官庁の: kanchouno: official, governmental
官庁風: kanchouhuu: bureaucratic <<<
官庁街: kanchougai: area of government offices <<<
官庁用語: kanchouyougo: officialese <<< 用語
官庁政治: kanchouseiji: bureaucracy <<< 政治
官庁統計: kanchoutoukei: governmental statistics <<< 統計
check also: 政府 , 当局

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