Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: job

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Direct access: 勤務 , 勤労 , 義務 , 業務 , 苦心 , 組合 , 玄人 , 経験 , 欠勤 , 欠員


pronunciation: kinmu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: work (n.), service, employment
勤務する: kinmusuru: work (v.), serve
勤務中: kinmuchuu: at work <<<
勤務先: kinmusaki: one's office [place of employment] <<<
勤務者: kinmusha: men in service [on duty], workers, staff <<<
勤務時間: kinmujikan: working hours, service time <<< 時間
勤務評定: kinmuhyoutei: working efficiency rating
勤務成績: kinmuseiseki: one's service record <<< 成績
勤務条件: kinmujouken: working conditions <<< 条件
synonyms: 仕事 , 労働 , 勤労


pronunciation: kinrou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: labor, work, service
勤労者: kinrousha: worker <<<
勤労時間: kinroujikan: working hours [time] <<< 時間
勤労奉仕: kinrouhoushi: labor service <<< 奉仕
勤労階級: kinroukaikyuu: working classes <<< 階級
勤労大衆: kinroutaishuu: working masses <<< 大衆
勤労学生: kinrougakusei: working student <<< 学生
勤労所得: kinroushotoku: earned income <<< 所得
勤労所得税: kinroushotokuzei: earned income tax <<<
勤労意欲: kinrouiyoku: will to work <<< 意欲
勤労精神: kinrouseishin: working spirit <<< 精神
勤労感謝の日: kinroukanshanohi: thanksgiving day
check also: 労働 , 勤務


pronunciation: gimu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , law   
translation: duty, obligation
義務が有る: gimugaaru: must, have to, ought to <<<
義務を尽くす: gimuotsukusu: perform [discharge, fulfill] one's duty <<<
義務を果たす: gimuohatasu <<<
義務を怠る: gimuookotaru: neglect one's duty <<<
義務的: gimuteki: obligatory, compulsory <<<
義務的に: gimutekini: obligatorily, by obligation
義務化: gimuka: make obligatory <<<
義務感: gimukan: sense of duty <<<
義務観念: gimukannnen
義務年限: gimunengen: obligatory term of service
義務教育: gimukyouiku: compulsory education <<< 教育
check also: 任務


pronunciation: gyoumu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: business (n.), affairs, duties
業務に励む: gyoumunihagemu: attend to one's business, work hard at one's business <<<
業務に勤しむ: gyoumuniisoshimu <<<
業務を怠る: gyoumuookotaru: neglect one's business <<<
業務用: gyoumuyou: for business use <<<
業務上: gyoumujou: professional, business (a.) <<<
業務上過失: gyoumujoukashitsu: business negligence, professional blunder <<< 過失
業務上過失致死: gyoumujoukashitsuchishi: corporate manslaughter <<< 致死
業務拡張: gyoumukakuchou: extension of business <<< 拡張
業務提携: gyoumuteikei: business tie-up [collaboration] <<< 提携
業務規則: gyoumukisoku: rules of operation [procedure] <<< 規則
業務報告: gyoumuhoukoku: business report <<< 報告
業務管理: gyoumukanri: business management <<< 管理
業務管理者: gyoumukanrisha: manager, chief executive <<<
業務時間: gyoumujikan: office [business] hours <<< 時間
業務命令: gyoumumeirei: business order <<< 命令
check also: 営業 , 仕事


pronunciation: kushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: efforts, pains, hard work
苦心する: kushinsuru: take pains, do one's best [utmost], apply oneself to (the work), make every possible effort
苦心して: kushinshite: by hard work, with great pains
苦心作: kushinsaku: fruit of much labor <<<
苦心談: kushindan: account of one's hard experiences <<<
苦心惨憺する: kushinsantansuru: take great pains, toil and labor, make strenuous efforts
check also: 努力 , 労力 , 丹精


pronunciation: kumiai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society , job   
translation: association, union, corporation
組合の: kumiaino: syndicalist
組合を作る: kumiaiotsukuru: form [organize] an association [a union] <<<
組合員: kumiaiin: associate, member of an association, union member <<<
組合費: kumiaihi: union dues <<<
組合に加盟する: kumiainikameisuru: join an association <<< 加盟
組合に加入する: kumiainikanyuusuru <<< 加入
組合活動: kumiaikatsudou: union activities, syndicalism, unionism <<< 活動
組合運動: kumiaiundou <<< 運動
組合規約: kumiaikiyaku: articles of association, union constitution <<< 規約
組合契約: kumiaikeiyaku: contract of partnership <<< 契約
組合幹部: kumiaikanbu: union leader [official] <<< 幹部
組合銀行: kumiaiginkou: associated bank <<< 銀行


pronunciation: kurouto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: professional, expert, veteran, specialist, connoisseur, woman of gay quarters
玄人の: kuroutono: professional (a.)
玄人筋: kuroutosuji: well-informed persons, professional traders <<<
玄人気質: kuroutokatagi: professionalism <<< 気質
synonyms: プロ
antonyms: 素人


pronunciation: keiken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , job   
translation: experience (n.)
経験する: keikensuru: experience (v.), have experience of, meet with, go through, undergo
経験上の: keikenjouno: empirical <<<
経験の有る: keikennnoaru: have experience, be experienced in <<<
経験の無い: keikennnonai: inexperienced, green <<<
未経験の: mikeikennno <<<
経験者: keikensha: man of experience, veteran <<<
未経験者: mikeikensha: inexperienced person, green hand <<<
経験談: keikendan: story of one's experience <<<
経験論: keikenron: empiricism <<<
経験則: keikensoku: rule of thumb <<<
check also: 体験


pronunciation: kekkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: absence (from one's duties), nonattendance
欠勤する: kekkinsuru: be absent (from duties, from school), absent oneself (from office)
欠勤者: kekkinsha: absentee <<<
欠勤率: kekkinritsu: absent rate <<<
欠勤届: kekkintodoke: report of absence <<<
欠勤届を出す: kekkintodokeodasu: tender a report of absence <<<
check also: 欠席 , 出勤


pronunciation: ketsuin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: vacancy
欠員を生じる: ketsuinnoshoujiru: cause a vacancy <<<
欠員を補う: ketsuinnooginau: fill a vacancy <<<
欠員を補充する: ketsuinnohojuusuru <<< 補充

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