Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: beauty

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Direct access: 優美 , 容姿 , 理髪 , 流行 , , , , , ,


pronunciation: yuubi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: beauty   
translation: grace, elegance
優美な: yuubina: graceful, elegant <<< エレガント
check also: 優雅 , 秀麗 , エレガンス


pronunciation: youshi   kanji characters: , 姿    keyword: beauty   
translation: one's face and figure, appearance, figure
容姿端麗: youshitanrei: having a graceful figure, personable
check also: 外観


pronunciation: rihatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: beauty   
translation: hairdressing
理髪師: rihatsushi: barber, hair-dresser <<<
理髪店: rihatsuten: barber shop <<<


pronunciation: ryuukou, hayari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: beauty , medicine   
translation: fashion, vogue, craze, prevalence
流行の: ryuukouno: in fashion [vogue], fashionable, prevailing, popular, epidemic
流行する: ryuukousuru: be in fashion [vogue], prevail, be widespread [prevalent, prevailing]
流行させる: ryuukousaseru: bring into fashion [vogue], introduce a new fashion
流行に後れる: ryuukouniokureru: be behind fashion <<<
流行を追う: ryuukouoou: follow the fashion <<<
流行歌: ryuukouka, hayariuta: popular song <<<
流行型: ryuukougata: fashionable shape, up-to-date style <<<
流行語: ryuukougo: cant, word in fashion <<<
流行児: ryuukouji: popular figure <<<
流行色: ryuukoushoku: fashionable color <<<
流行地: ryuukouchi: infected area <<<
流行病: ryuukoubyou: epidemic disease, epidemic (n.), pandemic <<<
流行歌手: ryuukoukashu: singer of popular songs <<< 歌手
流行作家: ryuukousakka: popular writer <<< 作家
synonyms: ファッション

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: color , beauty    nb of strokes: 6
translation: color, beauty
shoku, shiki
色: iro: color, hue, tint, shade, complexion, look, lover, mistress, love affair <<< ラブ
色が変わる: irogakawaru: change color, become discolored <<<
色が付く: irogatsuku: color (vi.) <<<
色を付ける: irootsukeru: color (vt.), colorize, dye, tint, make allowances (for), add (something) as a bonus, discount a little <<<
色が付いた: irogatsuita: colored <<<
色が褪せる: irogaaseru: fade (vi.), pale, dull <<<
色を暈す: iroobokasu: shade (color) <<<
色を抜く: iroonuku: discolor, discolorate, discolorize <<<
色を落す: iroootosu <<<
色が白い: irogashiroi: have a fair complexion <<<
色が黒い: irogakuroi: have a dark complexion <<<
色を失う: irooushinau: lose color, turn pale (with fear) <<<
色を好む: irookonomu: be amorous [lascivious] <<<
色っぽい: iroppoi: amorous, voluptuous, coquettish, sexy, seductive <<< セクシー
色めく: iromeku: become animated, grow lively, brighten up, get excited, grow agitated

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 9
translation: beautiful, pretty, lovely, picturesque, splendid, handsome, good-looking, good, nice, praise
bi, mi
美しい: utsukushii: beautiful, pretty, lovely, picturesque, charming, fine, splendid, handsome, good-looking, noble-minded
美しい話: utsukushiihanashi: beautiful story <<<
美しい心: utsukushiikokoro: pure heart <<<
美しく: utsukushiku: beautifully
美しくする: utsukushikusuru: beautify
美しく成る: utsukushikunaru: beautify oneself, become beautiful [pretty] <<<
美しさ: utsukushisa: beauty
美い: yoi, yoshi: nice, good <<<
美める: homeru: praise <<<
synonyms: 綺麗

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 1
translation: second, second symbol of jik.
otsu, itsu
乙: kinoto: second symbol of jik. <<< 十干
乙: oto: last (jp.)
乙な: otsuna: chic (jp.), smart, stylish <<< シック , エレガント , スマート
乙に澄ます: otsunisumasu: assum a prim air, put on the dog <<<
乙な事を言う: otsunakotooiu: say smart things

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 10
translation: pure, excellent
sui, sai
粋: iki: elegance (jp.), coquetry <<< エレガンス
粋な: ikina: elegant (jp.), smart, chic, coquettish, stylish <<< エレガント

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 10
translation: flower, beauty, brilliancy
ka, ke, ge
華: hana: flower <<<
華やかな: hanayakana: gay, flowery, showy
華やかに: hanayakani: gaily, flowerily, showily

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 12
translation: make up
shou, sou
粧う: yosoou

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