Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 't'

This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters. If you have any questions on Japan or Japanese language, please post your messages to our Japanese forum.
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Direct access: 氷柱 , 釣竿 , 吊橋 , 連合い , 手足 , 手当 , 手洗 , 提案 , 定員 , 庭園


pronunciation: tsurara   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: icicle
氷柱が下がる: tsuraragasagaru: Icicles hang <<<


pronunciation: tsurizao   kanji characters: , 竿    keyword: fish   
translation: fishing [angling] rod


pronunciation: tsuribashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: suspension bridge
吊橋を架ける: tsuribashiokakeru: suspend a bridge (over), construct a suspension bridge (over) <<<


pronunciation: tsureai   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 連れ合い   keyword: family   
translation: one's husband, one's wife, one's spouse
check also: ,


pronunciation: teashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: hand and foot, hands and feet, limbs
手足を縛る: teashioshibaru: bind (a person) hand and foot <<<
手足となって働く: teashitonattehataraku: move at the beck and call (of a person) <<<


pronunciation: teate   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , medicine   
translation: (medical) treatment, dressing, allowance, expense
手当する: teatesuru: treat, nurse
手当てを与える: teateoataeru: give an allowance, tip (v.) <<<
手当てを受ける: teateoukeru: receive a medical treatment <<<


pronunciation: tearai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: hand-washing, washstand, toilet, washroom, lavatory
手洗い場: tearaiba: washstand, toilet, washroom, lavatory <<<
手洗い所: tearaijo <<<
手洗い水: tearaisui: water for hand-washing <<<
手洗い鉢: tearaibachi: washbowl, washbasin <<<
check also: トイレット , 便所


pronunciation: teian   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: proposal, proposition, suggestion, overtures
提案する: teiansuru: propose, suggest, make suggestions [a proposal], put a proposition
提案者: teiansha: proposer <<<
逆提案: gyakuteian: counter proposition <<<
check also: 提示 , 提言


pronunciation: teiin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , school   
translation: seating [riding] capacity, admissible [prescribed, fixed, regular] number, quorum, head count
定員に達する: teiinnnitassuru: reach the regular number [the quorum] <<<
定員割れ: teiinware: incomplete (number) <<<
定員外の: teiingaino: supernumerary <<<
定員制: teiinsei: numerus clausus <<<
定員オーバー: teiinoobaa: overcapacity, excess capacity


pronunciation: teien   kanji characters: ,    keyword: garden   
translation: garden, park
庭園師: teienshi: gardener, landscape architect, landscaper <<< , 庭師
庭園術: teienjutsu: landscape gardening <<<
check also: 公園

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