Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'm'

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Direct access: 無線 , 夢想 , 無駄 , 無断 , 無知 , 無茶 , 夢中 , 無敵 , 無二 , 棟上


pronunciation: musen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: communication   
translation: wireless, radio
無線電報: musendenpou: wireless telegram [message], radiotelegram <<< 電報
無線電信: musendenshin: wireless telegraph, radiotelegraph
無線電信を打つ: musendenshinnoutsu: send a wireless, send a message by wireless
無線電信で: musendenshinde: by wireless [radio]
無線電信術: musendenshinjutsu: wireless telegraphy, radiotelegraphy
無線電信局: musendenshinkyoku: radio [wireless] station
無線電話: musendenwa: wireless telephone, radiophone, walkie-talkie <<< 電話
無線技師: musengishi: radio [wireless] operator <<< 技師
無線放送: musenhousou: radiobroadcasting, broadcasting by wireless <<< 放送
無線標識: musenhyoushiki: radio [wireless] beacon <<< 標識
無線工学: musenkougaku: radio engineering <<< 工学
無線装置: musensouchi: radio [wireless] apparatus <<< 装置
無線操縦: musensoujuu: radio [wireless] control <<< 操縦
無線操縦機: musensoujuuki: radio-controlled plane <<<
無線自動車: musenjidousha: radio car <<< 自動車
check also: ラジオ


pronunciation: musou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: fantasy   
translation: dream (n.), vision
夢想する: musousuru: dream of
夢想に耽る: musounihukeru <<<
夢想家: musouka: dreamer, visionary <<<


pronunciation: muda   kanji characters: ,   
translation: futility, uselessness, waste (n.), wastefulness
無駄な: mudana: useless, no use, futile, wasteful
無駄に: mudani: uselessly, wastefully, vainly, in vain, to no purpose
無駄使い: mudaZukai: waste (n.) <<< 使
無駄使いする: mudaZukaisuru: waste (v.), spoil, throw [idle, fritter] away
無駄にする: mudanisuru
無駄にしない: mudanishinai: make good use of, make the most of, be frugal of
無駄を省く: mudaohabuku: avoid waste, economize <<<
無駄に成る: mudaninaru: prove fruitless, come to naught, be wasted <<<
無駄足: mudaashi: fool's errand <<<
無駄足を運ぶ: mudaashiohakobu: be a fool for one's pains, go on a fool's errand, make an unnecessary trip <<<
無駄口: mudaguchi: waffle <<<
無駄口を叩く: mudaguchiotataku: waste words <<<
無駄口を利く: mudaguchiokiku <<<
無駄骨: mudabone: vain efforts, lost labor <<<
無駄骨を折る: mudaboneooru: make vain efforts, waste one's time and labor, beat the air <<<


pronunciation: mudan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: without notice, without permission [leave]
無断で: mudande
無断で借用する: mudandeshakuyousuru: borrow without asking <<< 借用
無断欠席: mudankesseki: unauthorized absence <<< 欠席
無断欠席する: mudankessekisuru: stay away without leave


pronunciation: muchi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: ignorance, darkness, illiteracy
無知の: muchino: ignorant, illiterate
無知な: muchina


pronunciation: mucha   kanji characters: ,   
translation: absurdity, recklessness, thoughtlessness
無茶を言う: muchaoiu: talk nonsense <<<
無茶な: muchana: unreasonable, absurd, rash, reckless, thoughtless, excessive, immoderate, disorderly, confused, topsy-turvy
無茶苦茶な: muchakuchana
無茶苦茶に: muchakuchani: pell-mell, in confusion [disorder], blindly, rashly, recklessly
無茶苦茶にする: muchakuchanisuru: disorganize, disturb, rattle
無茶苦茶に食う: muchakuchanikuu: eat like a horse
synonyms: 滅茶


pronunciation: muchuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love , amusement   
translation: ecstasy, trance
夢中で: muchuude: in a trance
夢中に成る: muchuuninaru: forget oneself, fall for <<<
check also: 熱中


pronunciation: muteki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , sport   
translation: invincibility
無敵の: mutekino: invincible, unbeaten, matchless
無敵艦隊: mutekikantai: Invincible Armada <<< 艦隊


pronunciation: muni   kanji characters: ,   
translation: matchlessness, peerlessness, uniqueness
無二の: munino: matchless, peerless, unique
無二の親友: muninoshinnyuu: the best friend, bosom friend <<< 親友
check also: 唯一


pronunciation: muneage   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: ridgepole-raising, setting up of the framework (of a house)
棟上する: muneagesuru: raise [set up] the framework (of a house)
棟上式: muneageshiki: framework-raising ceremony, ceremony of putting up the ridge beam (of a new house) <<<

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