Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: grammar

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Direct access: 完了 , 規則 , 規範 , 疑問 , 句読 , 訓読 , 敬語 , 形態 , 形容 , 言語


pronunciation: kanryou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: completion, conclusion
完了する: kanryousuru: complete, finish (doing), have done, be completed [concluded, finished]
完了時制: kanryoujisei: perfect tense
check also: 終了


pronunciation: kisoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , grammar   
translation: rule, regulation
規則に従う: kisokunishitagau: follow [conform to] the rule <<<
規則を守る: kisokuomamoru: observe the rule <<<
規則を立てる: kisokuotateru: establish [frame, make, state] a rule <<<
規則を破る: kisokuoyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規則的: kisokuteki: systematic, orderly, punctual <<<
規則的に: kisokutekini: regularly, in a regular manner, systematically, methodically, punctually
規則通りに: kisokudoorini: according to the rule, by rule <<<
規則に反する: kisokunikisokunihansuru: illegal, transgressive <<<
規則書: kisokusho: prospectus, regulations <<<
規則違反: kisokuihan: infraction, malpractice <<< 違反
規則違反を犯す: kisokuihannookasu: commit an infraction [an infringement] <<<
規則動詞: kisokudoushi: regular verb <<< 動詞
不規則: hukisoku: irregularity <<<
不規則な: hukisokuna: irregular, unsystematic, abnormal, anomalous
不規則動詞: hukisokudoushi: irregular verb [conjugation] <<< 動詞
check also: 規定 , ルール


pronunciation: kihan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: standard, norm, criterion
規範文法: kihanbunpou: prescriptive grammar <<< 文法
check also: 規格 , スタンダード


pronunciation: gimon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: doubt (n.), interrogation, question
疑問の: gimonnno: doubtful, uncertain, questionable
疑問を持つ: gimonnomotsu: doubt (v.), interrogate <<<
疑問を抱く: gimonnoidaku <<<
疑問点: gimonten: doubtful point <<<
疑問符: gimonhu: question mark <<<
疑問文: gimonbun: interrogative sentence <<<
疑問形: gimonkei: interrogative form <<<
疑問詞: gimonshi: interrogative <<<
疑問副詞: gimonhukushi: interrogative adverb <<< 副詞
疑問代名詞: gimondaimeishi: interrogative pronoun
疑問形容詞: gimonkeiyoushi: interrogative adjective


pronunciation: kutou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: punctuation
句読点: kutouten: punctuation symbol [mark] <<<
句読点を打つ: kutoutennoutsu: punctuate <<<
句読を切る: kutouokiru <<<


pronunciation: kunnyomi, kundoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: kunyomi reading, Japanese reading [rendering] of a Chinese character
antonyms: 音読


pronunciation: keigo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: term of respect, honorific word


pronunciation: keitai   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 形体   keyword: grammar   
translation: form, shape
形態を変える: keitaiokaeru: metamorphose (v.) <<< , 変態 , 変身
形態論: keitairon: morphology <<<
形態学: keitaigaku <<<
形態素: keitaiso: morpheme <<<
形態変化: keitaihenka: metamorphosis <<< 変化


pronunciation: keiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: metaphor, figure of speech, modification, description
形容する: keiyousuru: express figuratively, describe, modify, qualify
形容語: keiyougo: epithet, attribute <<<
形容詞: keiyoushi: adjective <<<
形容詞的: keiyoushiteki: adjectival <<<


pronunciation: gengo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: language, speech, tongue
言語の: gengono: linguistic
言語上: gengojou <<<
言語に絶する: gengonizessuru: be beyond description [words] <<<
言語を慎む: gengootsutsushimu: be careful in speech, weigh one's words <<<
言語学: gengogaku: linguistics <<<
言語学者: gengogakusha: linguist <<< 学者
言語教育: gengokyouiku: language teaching <<< 教育
言語障害: gengoshougai: speech defect <<< 障害
言語不随: gengohuzui: aphasia
言語中枢: gengochuusuu: speech center <<< 中枢
言語道断: gengodoudan: outrageous, unacceptable
check also: 言葉

136 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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