Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: drink

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Direct access: 緑茶 , , , , , , , , ,


pronunciation: ryokucha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: drink   
translation: green tea
check also: 紅茶

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 4
translation: water
水: mizu: water (n.), flood
水が出る: mizugaderu: There is a flood, be flooded [inundated] <<<
水を飲む: mizuonomu: drink water <<<
水の通らない: mizunotooranai: waterproof, watertight <<< , 防水
水の漏らない: mizunomoranai <<<
水を切る: mizuokiru: drip off <<<
水をやる: mizuoyaru: water (v.)
水で割る: mizudewaru: weaken, dilute <<<
水が入る: mizugahairu: take time out for rest (in Sumo) <<<
水の泡と成る: mizunoawatonaru: come to naught
水に流す: mizuninagasu: float, forgive and forget <<<
水を開ける: mizuoakeru: lead <<<
水を向ける: mizuomukeru: drop a hint, draw (a person) out, fish for <<<
水を注す: mizuosasu: pour water into, set a person against another, set persons at variance, throw cold water on, throw a wet blanket over <<<
水臭い: mizukusai: reserved, reticent, cagey, offish <<<
synonyms: ウォーター

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: drink , body    nb of strokes: 8
translation: milk, teat
nyuu, ju
乳: chichi, chi
乳を吸う: chichiosuu: suck (its mother's) milk <<<
乳を飲む: chichionomu <<<
乳を搾る: chichioshiboru: milk (v.) <<<
乳が張る: chichigaharu: Breasts swell <<<
synonyms: ミルク

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 9
translation: tea
cha, sa
茶を出す: chaodasu: serve tea, offer (a person) a cup of tea <<<
茶を入れる: chaoireru: make tea <<<
茶を立てる: chaotateru <<<
茶を飲む: chaonomu: drink [have] a cup of tea <<<
茶の湯: chanoyu: tea ceremony [cult] <<< , 茶道
茶化す: chakasu: make fun of, mock at, make cracks <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 10
translation: sake, wine, liquor, alcoholic beverage
酒: sake
酒を飲む: sakeonomu: drink sake, have a drink <<<
酒に飲まれる: sakeninomareru: be drowned in liquor <<<
酒に溺れる: sakenioboreru <<<
酒が強い: sakegatsuyoi: be a heavy drinker <<<
酒が弱い: sakegayowai: be a poor drinker <<<
check also: アルコール

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 12
translation: hot water
tou, shou
湯: yu: hot water, bath
湯を沸かす: yuowakasu: get the bath ready <<<
check also:

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 12
translation: drink, take a drink, swallow, gulp
in, on
飲む: nomu: drink, take, have, use, swallow, gulp down, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette), make nothing of, despise, accept, bear
飲まず食わずで: nomazukuwazude: without food or drink <<<
飲み明かす: nomiakasu: drink the night away, drink all night long <<<
飲み歩く: nomiaruku: drink at one place after another, paint the town red <<<
飲み込む: nomikomu: swallow, gulp down, understand, grasp (the meaning), learn (how to do) <<<
飲み過ぎる: nomisugiru: drink too much, overdrink (oneself) <<<
飲み潰れる: nomitsubureru: get [be] dead drunk, pass out <<<
飲み難い: nominikui: hard to drink, distasteful, nasty (medicine) <<<
飲み干す: nomihosu: drink up [off], drain (a cup), toss [quaff] off <<<
飲み易い: nomiyasui: pleasant to drink, easy to take <<<
飲める: nomeru: be good [fit] to drink, be drinkable

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 8
translation: boil, seethe
沸く: waku: boil, seethe (over), be excited, roar with laughter
沸かす: wakasu: boil (water)

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 11
translation: get drunk
酔う: you: get drunk, become [get] intoxicated [tipsy], get seasick [carsick, airsick]
酔った: yotta: drunk, seasick, carsick, airsick
酔わす: yowasu: inebriate, make (a person) drunk, intoxicate, fascinate, charm
酔わせる: yowaseru

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 12
translation: eat, drink, swallow (v.), take
喫する: kissuru: suffer (a defeat)
喫う: kuu: eat, taste, take (a food) <<<
喫む: nomu: drink, take a drink, swallow, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette) <<<

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