Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: politics

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Direct access: 自主 , 自治 , 次点 , 自由 , 情勢 , 譲歩 , 条約 , 自立 , 人権 , 人口


pronunciation: jishu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: independence
自主的: jishuteki: independent, voluntary, autonomous <<<
自主的に: jishutekini: voluntarily, of one's own accord [free will]
自主性: jishusei: independency <<<
自主権: jishuken: autonomy <<<
自主外交: jishugaikou: independent foreign policy <<< 外交
自主防衛: jishubouei: self-reliant [autonomous] defense <<< 防衛 , 自衛
自主規制: jishukisei: self-censorship, voluntary control <<< 規制
synonyms: 独立


pronunciation: jichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: political autonomy
自治の: jichino: autonomous, self-governing
自治領: jichiryou: dominion <<<
自治区: jichiku: autonomous region <<<
自治権: jichiken: autonomy, autonomous right <<<
自治制: jichisei: autonomous regime <<<
自治会: jichikai: student council, management committee of a apartment house <<<
自治体: jichitai: municipality <<<
自治団体: jichidantai: self-governing body <<< 団体
自治省: jichishou: Ministry of Home Affairs <<<
自治大臣: jichidaijin: Minister of Home Affairs <<< 大臣
自治機関: jichikikan: organ of self-government <<< 機関
自治政府: jichiseihu: autonomous government <<< 政府
synonyms: 独立


pronunciation: jiten   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , sport   
translation: next (highest) mark [number]
次点に成る: jitennninaru: come second, come next to <<<
次点者: jitensha: second person, candidate with next highest number, runner-up <<<


pronunciation: jiyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , society   
translation: freedom, liberty, disposal
自由な: jiyuuna: free, unrestricted, independent, liberal
自由に: jiyuuni: freely, unrestrictedly, as one's pleases [lines], at will, without restraint [reserve], with ease
自由にする: jiyuunisuru: free (v.), release (v.), liberate
自由港: jiyuukou: free port <<<
自由業: jiyuugyou: liberal profession <<<
自由型: jiyuugata: free style (swimming) <<<
自由化: jiyuuka: liberation (of trade), liberalization <<<
自由の女神: jiyuunomegami: Statue of Liberty <<< 女神
自由市民: jiyuushimin: free citizen <<< 市民
自由都市: jiyuutoshi: free city <<< 都市
自由主義: jiyuushugi: liberalism <<< 主義
自由貿易: jiyuuboueki: free trade <<< 貿易
自由投票: jiyuutouhyou: free vote <<< 投票
自由落下: jiyuurakka: free fall <<< 落下
自由市場: jiyuushijou: free [open] market <<< 市場
synonyms: フリー


pronunciation: jousei   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 状勢   keyword: politics   
translation: situation, affair, matter
synonyms: 情況


pronunciation: jouho   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: concession, compromise
譲歩する: jouhosuru: concede (to), make a concession (to), give way (to)
synonyms: 妥協


pronunciation: jouyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , law   
translation: treaty, agreement, pact, convention
条約を結ぶ: jouyakuomusubu: conclude a treaty <<<
条約を締結する: jouyakuoteiketsusuru <<< 締結
条約を破る: jouyakuoyaburu: break a treaty <<<
条約を守る: jouyakuomamoru: observe a treaty <<<
条約を犯す: jouyakuookasu: violate a treaty <<<
条約国: jouyakukoku: signatory state <<<
条約案: jouyakuan: treaty draft, protocol <<<
条約原案: jouyakugennan
条約批准: jouyakuhijun: ratification of a treaty
条約改正: jouyakukaisei: revision of a treaty, treaty revision <<< 改正
条約調印: jouyakuchouin: signing of a treaty <<< 調印
check also: 協定


pronunciation: jiritsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: independence, self-support
自立の: jiritsuno: independent
自立する: jiritsusuru: establish oneself, become independent, stand on one's own legs
自立心: jiritsushin: independent spirit <<<
自立経済: jiritsukeizai: self-supporting economy <<< 経済
synonyms: 独立
check also: 自律


pronunciation: jinken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , law   
translation: human rights
人権を守る: jinkennomamoru: defend human rights <<<
人権蹂躙: jinkenjuurin: infringement [outrage] upon human rights
人権侵害: jinkenshingai: breach [violation] of human rights <<< 侵害
人権保護: jinkenhogo: protection of human rights <<< 保護
人権問題: jinkenmondai: question of personal rights <<< 問題
人権宣言: jinkensengen: Declaration of the Rights of Man <<< 宣言


pronunciation: jinkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , politics   
translation: population
人口の: jinkouno: demographic, demographical
人口が多い: jinkougaooi: have a large population <<<
人口が少ない: jinkougasukunai: have a small population <<<
人口が増す: jinkougamasu: increase in population <<<
人口が減る: jinkougaheru: decrease [drop] in population <<<
人口過剰: jinkoukajou: overpopulation <<< 過剰
人口調査: jinkouchousa: head count, demography <<< 調査
人口密度: jinkoumitsudo: population density <<< 密度
人口政策: jinkouseisaku: demographic [population] policy <<< 政策
人口統計: jinkoutoukei: population statistics, demography <<< 統計
人口統計学: jinkoutoukeigaku <<<
人口統計学者: jinkoutoukeigakusha: demographer <<< 学者
人口問題: jinkoumondai: demographic problem <<< 問題

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