Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'i'

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Direct access: 一頭 , 一等 , 一派 , 一杯 , 一発 , 一般 , 一匹 , 一品 , 一歩 , 一方


pronunciation: ittou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: unit , animal   
translation: one head, one animal
一頭立て: ittoudate: one horse carriage, gig, buggy <<<
一頭立ての馬車: ittoudatenobasha <<< 馬車
一頭地を抜く: ittouchionuku: cut a conspicuous figure (among), stand head and shoulders above (others), outshine (others)
synonyms: 一匹


pronunciation: ittou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel , military rank   
translation: the first class [grade]
一等の: ittouno: first-class (a.), first-rate, best
一等賞: ittoushou: first [top] prize <<<
一等親: ittoushin: first-degree family relationship <<<
一等国: ittoukoku: first-class [first-rate] power <<<
一等車: ittousha: first-class carriage [car] <<<
一等客: ittoukyaku: first-class passenger <<<
一等席: ittouseki: first-class seat <<<
一等地: ittouchi: excellent piece of land <<<
一等兵: ittouhei: private first class <<<
一等星: ittousei: star of the first magnitude <<<
一等切符: ittoukippu: first-class ticket <<< 切符
一等船室: ittousenshitsu: first-class cabin
一等航海士: ittoukoukaishi: chief [first] officer [mate]
check also: 上等 , 一流


pronunciation: ippa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: a sect, a school, a party


pronunciation: ippai   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1杯   keyword: drink , unit   
translation: a cup, a glass, a drink, (the) whole, full, all
一杯やる: ippaiyaru: have a drink, have a shot
一杯の: ippaino: a cup of, a glass of, full of
一杯にする: ippainisuru: fill up
一杯に成る: ippaininaru: be filled up <<<
一杯飲ませる: ippainomaseru: give (a person) a drink <<<
一杯飲む: ippainomu: have a sip (of st.)
一杯食わせる: ippaikuwaseru: play a trick (on a person), take (a person) in <<<
一杯食わす: ippaikuwasu
一杯食う: ippaikuu: be taken in
一杯機嫌: ippaikigen: tipsy <<< 機嫌
一杯飲屋: ippainomiya: cheap bar
籠一杯: kagoippai: a basketful <<<
力一杯: chikaraippai: with all one's strength <<<
精一杯: seiippai <<<
もう一杯: mouippai: one more cup [glass, drink], already full, be full, have sufficient


pronunciation: ippatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: a shot, a pop, a punch
一発で: ippatsude: at a shot
一発打つ: ippatsuutsu: fire a shot (at) <<<
一発撃つ: ippatsuutsu <<<
一発食らわす: ippatsukurawasu: punch (v.) <<<
一発勝負: ippatsushoubu: one-shot match <<< 勝負


pronunciation: ippan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: generality
一般の: ippannno: general, universal, common
一般的: ippanteki <<<
一般に: ippannni: generally, universally, commonly
一般化: ippanka: generalization <<<
一般化する: ippankasuru: generalize
一般性: ippansei: generality, universality <<<
一般教育: ippankyouiku: general education <<< 教育
一般教養: ippankyouyou: common culture <<< 教養
一般教書: ippankyousho: State of Union
一般投票: ippantouhyou: popular vote <<< 投票
一般財源: ippanzaigen: source of general revenue
一般会計: ippankaikei: general account <<< 会計
一般価格: ippankakaku: common price <<< 価格
一般大衆: ippantaishuu: public at large, general public <<< 大衆
一般読者: ippandokusha: readers in general <<< 読者
check also: 全般


pronunciation: ippiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: unit , animal   
translation: one animal [bird, fish]
一匹狼: ippikiookami: lone wolf, maverick <<<
synonyms: 一頭


pronunciation: ippin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: an article, a dish
一品料理: ippinryouri: one dish meal, dishes à la carte <<< 料理 , アラカルト


pronunciation: ippo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one step
一歩進む: ipposusumu: take a step forward <<<
一歩退く: ipposhirizoku: take a step back <<< 退
一歩譲る: ippoyuzuru: yield a step <<<
一歩も譲らない: ippomoyuzuranai: do not yield an inch
一歩も引かない: ippomohikanai <<<
第一歩: daiippo: the first step <<<
一歩一歩: ippoippo: step by step, by degrees


pronunciation: ippou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: on one hand, one side, one party, reversely, meanwhile
一方で: ippoude: on the other hand, while, meanwhile
一方的: ippouteki: unilateral <<<
一方的に: ippoutekini: unilaterally
一方通行: ippoutsuukou: one way (traffic) <<< 通行
一方行為: ippoukoui: unilateral act <<< 行為
check also: 片方

302 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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