Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'g'

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Direct access: 議事 , 技術 , 犠牲 , 偽善 , 偽装 , 偽造 , 議題 , 議長 , 義弟 , 技能


pronunciation: giji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: proceedings, debate, deliberation
議事に入る: gijinihairu: open a sitting <<<
議事を閉じる: gijiotojiru: close a sitting <<<
議事録: gijiroku: minutes of proceedings <<<
議事堂: gijidou: Diet Building, Capitol, House of Parliament <<<
議事妨害: gijibougai: obstruction of proceedings, filibuster <<< 妨害
議事日程: gijinittei: order of the day <<< 日程 , アジェンダ


pronunciation: gijutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: technique, technology, skill
技術の: gijutsuno: technical, technological
技術的: gijutsuteki <<<
技術的に: gijutsutekini: technically
技術的に困難: gijutsutekinikonnnan: technically difficult <<< 困難
技術者: gijutsusha: technician, engineer <<< , 技師
技術援助: gijutsuenjo: technical aid [assistance] <<< 援助
技術協力: gijutsukyouryoku: technical corporation <<< 協力
技術提携: gijutsuteikei <<< 提携
技術革新: gijutsukakushin: technical renovation <<< 革新
技術開発: gijutsukaihatsu: technological development <<< 開発
技術移転: gijutsuiten: technology transfer <<< 移転
技術格差: gijutsukakusa: disparity in technology <<< 格差
check also: 技能


pronunciation: gisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , disaster   
translation: sacrifice (n.), immolation
犠牲にする: giseinisuru: sacrifice (v.), immolate
犠牲に供する: giseinikyousuru <<<
犠牲を払う: giseioharau: make sacrifices <<<
犠牲に成る: giseininaru: be sacrificed, fall a victim <<<
犠牲的: giseiteki: self-sacrificing, abnegation <<<
犠牲的精神: giseitekiseishin: self-sacrificing spirit <<< 精神
犠牲祭: giseisai: Eid al-Adha, feast of sacrifice <<<
犠牲打: giseida: sacrifice hit (in baseball) <<<
犠牲者: giseisha: victim, prey <<<
犠牲フライ: giseihurai: sacrifice fly (in baseball)
synonyms: 生贄 , 献身


pronunciation: gizen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: hypocrisy
偽善的: gizenteki: hypocritical <<<
偽善者: gizensha: hypocrite <<<
偽善者振る: gizenshaburu: cant <<<


pronunciation: gisou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: disguise (n.), camouflage (n.), falsification
偽装する: gisousuru: disguise (v.), camouflage (v.), falsify
偽装した: gisoushita: disguised, camouflaged
偽装結婚: gisoukekkon: camouflaged marriage <<< 結婚
偽装難民: gisounanmin: camouflaged refugees, refugees in disguise <<< 難民
偽装売買: gisoubaibai: money laundering, washing <<< 売買
偽装殺人: gisousatsujin: disguised suicide <<< 殺人


pronunciation: gizou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: forgery, falsification
偽造の: gizouno: forged, fake, counterfeit
偽造する: gizousuru: falsify, forge
偽造者: gizousha: forger <<<
偽造罪: gizouzai: forgery (crime) <<<
偽造品: gizouhin: counterfeit <<<
偽造紙幣: gizoushihei: forged banknote <<< 紙幣
偽造貨幣: gizoukahei: forged coin <<< 貨幣
synonyms: 偽装 , 模造


pronunciation: gidai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: subject [topic] for discussion, agenda
議題に上る: gidaininoboru: come [take] up for discussion, be mooted <<<
議題にする: gidainisuru


pronunciation: gichou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: chairman, president, speaker
議長の: gichouno: presidential, of chairman
議長を選ぶ: gichouoerabu: elect a chairman <<<
議長に選ぶ: gichounierabu: elect a person as chairman
議長に選ばれる: gichounierabareru: be elected as chairman
議長を務める: gichouotsutomeru: preside over [act as chairman in] (a conference) <<<
議長に成る: gichouninaru: assume the chairmanship (of) <<<
議長職: gichoushoku: chairmanship, presidency <<<
議長選挙: gichousenkyo: election of a chairman <<< 選挙
check also: 大統領 , 会長


pronunciation: gitei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: (younger) brother-in-law
antonyms: 義兄


pronunciation: ginou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , sport   
translation: skill, ability, talent
技能の有る: ginounoaru: skilled, able, talented <<<
技能賞: ginoushou: prize for superior skill (in Sumo) <<<
技能オリンピック: ginouorinpikku: Worldskills Competition
synonyms: 腕前 , 技術

474 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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