Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: technology

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Direct access: 機能 , 気密 , 吸水 , 強力 , 技師 , 技術 , 技能 , 計器 , 蛍光 , 限界


pronunciation: kinou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , medicine   
translation: faculty, function, specification
機能する: kinousuru: be workable [functional], function
機能的: kinouteki: functional <<<
機能的に: kinoutekini: functionally
機能有る: kinouaru: enable, be capable <<<
機能を果たす: kinouohatasu: fulfill one's function <<<
機能図: kinouzu: functional diagram <<<
機能主義: kinoushugi: functionalism <<< 主義
機能検査: kinoukensa: efficacy [functional] check <<< 検査
機能障害: kinoushougai: functional disorder <<< 障害
機能低下: kinouteika: depression <<< 低下
機能減退: kinougentai
機能不全: kinouhuzen: dysfunction <<< 不全
多機能の: takinouno: multifunctional <<<


pronunciation: kimitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: airtightness
気密の: kimitsuno: airtight
気密室: kimitsushitsu: airtight chamber <<<
気密服: kimitsuhuku: airtight [pressure] suit <<<


pronunciation: kyuusui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: suction of water
吸水管: kyuusuikan: siphon, suction pipe <<< , サイフォン
吸水ポンプ: kyuusuiponpu: suction pump


pronunciation: kyouryoku, gouriki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: power, great physical strength
強力な: kyouryokuna: powerful, strong, mighty, high-powered, beefy
強力に: kyouryokuni: powerfully, strongly
強力にする: kyouryokunisuru: fortify, make powerful
強力な武器: kyouryokunabuki: destructive weapon <<< 武器
強力な支持: kyouryokunashiji: powerful support <<< 支持
強力なエンジン: kyouryokunaenjin: high-powered engine
強力粉: kyourikiko: high gluten flour <<<
synonyms: 頑強 , 強烈


pronunciation: gishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: engineer, technologist
技師長: gishichou: chief engineer <<<


pronunciation: gijutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: technique, technology, skill
技術の: gijutsuno: technical, technological
技術的: gijutsuteki <<<
技術的に: gijutsutekini: technically
技術的に困難: gijutsutekinikonnnan: technically difficult <<< 困難
技術者: gijutsusha: technician, engineer <<< , 技師
技術援助: gijutsuenjo: technical aid [assistance] <<< 援助
技術協力: gijutsukyouryoku: technical corporation <<< 協力
技術提携: gijutsuteikei <<< 提携
技術革新: gijutsukakushin: technical renovation <<< 革新
技術開発: gijutsukaihatsu: technological development <<< 開発
技術移転: gijutsuiten: technology transfer <<< 移転
技術格差: gijutsukakusa: disparity in technology <<< 格差
check also: 技能


pronunciation: ginou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , sport   
translation: skill, ability, talent
技能の有る: ginounoaru: skilled, able, talented <<<
技能賞: ginoushou: prize for superior skill (in Sumo) <<<
技能オリンピック: ginouorinpikku: Worldskills Competition
synonyms: 腕前 , 技術


pronunciation: keiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , transport   
translation: Instrument, gauge
計器に頼って: keikinitayotte: on instrument, blind <<<
計器盤: keikiban: dashboard, panel <<<
計器飛行: keikihikou: instrument flight <<< 飛行
計器着陸: keikichakuriku: blind landing <<< 着陸


pronunciation: keikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: fluorescence
蛍光を発する: keikouohassuru: fluoresce (v.) <<<
蛍光性の: keikouseino: fluorescent <<<
蛍光灯: keikoutou: fluorescent light <<<
蛍光体: keikoutai: fluorescent object <<<
蛍光塗料: keikoutoryou: fluorescent paint <<< 塗料
蛍光照明: keikoushoumei: fluorescent lighting <<< 照明


pronunciation: genkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: limit (n.), limitation, margin, barrier
限界を置く: genkaiooku: set limits, limit (v.) <<<
限界を定める: genkaiosadameru <<<
限界を知る: genkaioshiru: know one's limits <<<
限界の無い: genkainonai: without limit [bound] <<<
限界角: genkaikaku: critical angle <<<
限界点: genkaiten: breaking point <<<
限界価格: genkaikakaku: ceiling price <<< 価格
限界効用: genkaikouyou: marginal utility <<< 効用
限界効用説: genkaikouyousetsu: theory of marginal utility <<<
synonyms: 限度
check also: 上限 , マージン

108 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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