Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: grammar

This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters. If you have any questions on Japan or Japanese language, please post your messages to our Japanese forum.
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Direct access: 格言 , 過去 , 括弧 , 活用 , 仮定 , 仮名 , 関係 , 冠詞 , 漢字 , 間接


pronunciation: kakugen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: proverb, maxim, wise saying
格言の: kakugennno: proverbial
格言に曰く: kakugennniiwaku: A [The] proverb says that <<<
check also:


pronunciation: kako   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar , grammar   
translation: past (n.), preterite
過去の: kakono: past (a.), bygone
過去に: kakoni: in the past
過去の人: kakonohito: has-been <<<
過去を懐しむ: kakoonatsukashimu: yearn for the past <<<
過去形: kakokei: past tense <<<
過去分詞: kakobunshi: past participle
過去完了: kakokanryou: past perfect tense <<< 完了
大過去: daikako: pluperfect tense <<<
半過去: hankako: imperfect tense <<<
check also: , 現在 , 未来


pronunciation: kakko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar , science   
translation: parenthesis
括弧の: kakkono: parenthetic
括弧に入れる: kakkoniireru: put in brackets, parenthesize <<<
括弧で囲む: kakkodekakomu <<<
括弧で括る: kakkodekukuru <<<
括弧を開く: kakkoohiraku: open the parentheses <<<
括弧を閉じる: kakkootojiru: close the parentheses <<<
丸括弧: marukakko: (round) bracket <<<
鉤括弧: kagikakko: (square) bracket <<<
中括弧: chuukakko: brace <<<
check also: ブラケット


pronunciation: katsuyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: practical use [application], inflection, conjugation, declension
活用する: katsuyousuru: put (knowledge) to practical use, make the most [best] of, apply, inflect, conjugate, decline
活用語: katsuyougo: inflective words <<<


pronunciation: katei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science , grammar   
translation: assumption, supposition, hypothesis
仮定する: kateisuru: assume, suppose
仮定の: kateino: hypothetical, assumptive, presumptive
仮定的: kateiteki <<<
仮定法: kateihou: subjunctive mood <<<
仮定形: kateikei: subjunctive form <<<
synonyms: 想定


pronunciation: kana   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: Japanese phonetic characters, Japanese alphabet
仮名で書く: kanadekaku: write in Japanese alphabet <<<
仮名を振る: kanaohuru: put close to a Chinese character the reading in Japanese alphabet <<<
振り仮名: hurigana: Japanese alphabet attached to Chinese characters (to show how to read them)
仮名使い: kanaZukai: use of Japanese alphabet <<< 使
平仮名: hiragana: Japanese Hiragana characters <<<
片仮名: katakana: Japanese Katakana characters <<<
check also: 漢字


pronunciation: kankei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar , society   
translation: relation, relationship, connection
関係する: kankeisuru: be related [connected]
関係が有る: kankeigaaru: have something to do <<<
関係が無い: kankeiganai: have nothing to do <<<
関係を絶つ: kankeiotatsu: sever [cut off] a connection from <<<
関係者: kankeisha: persons concerned <<<
関係諸国: kankeishokoku: nations concerned
関係書類: kankeishorui: related papers <<< 書類
関係当局: kankeitoukyoku: authorities concerned <<< 当局
関係官庁: kankeikanchou <<< 官庁
関係閣僚: kankeikakuryou: ministers concerned <<< 閣僚
関係代名詞: kankeidaimeishi: relative pronoun
関係形容詞: kankeiyoushi: relative adjective
関係副詞: kankeihukushi: relative adverb <<< 副詞
無関係の: mukankeino: irrelevant, unrelated <<<
check also: 関連


pronunciation: kanshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: article
定冠詞: teikanshi: definite article <<<


pronunciation: kanji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: Chinese characters, Kanji
漢字で書く: kanjidekaku: write in Chinese characters <<<
漢字制限: kanjiseigen: limitation in the use of Chinese characters <<< 制限
check also: 仮名


pronunciation: kansetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: indirect (n.)
間接の: kansetsuno: indirect (a.), mediate, roundabout
間接的: kansetsuteki <<<
間接に: kansetsuni: indirectly, mediately, at second hand
間接税: kansetsuzei: indirect tax <<<
間接貿易: kansetsuboueki: indirect trade <<< 貿易
間接投資: kansetsutoushi: indirect investment <<< 投資
間接感染: kansetsukansen: indirect infection <<< 感染
間接照明: kansetsushoumei: indirect lighting <<< 照明
間接撮影: kansetsusatsuei: fluoroscope <<< 撮影
間接選挙: kansetsusenkyo: indirect election <<< 選挙
間接雇用: kansetsukoyou: indirect employment <<< 雇用
間接目的: kansetsumokuteki: indirect object, dative object <<< 目的
間接補語: kansetsuhogo
間接話法: kansetsuwahou: indirect narration [speech]
antonyms: 直接

136 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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