Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'k'

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Direct access: 甲斐 , 会員 , 開運 , 海王星 , 開花 , 開会 , 改革 , 買掛 , 会館 , 開館


pronunciation: kai   kanji characters:    keyword: japanese history   
translation: effect, payoff, worth, Kai (old name of Yamanashi prefecture)
甲斐の有る: kainoaru: rewarding, worthwhile, profitable, paying, useful, beneficial <<<
甲斐が有る: kaigaaru: be worth while (to do), be worth (doing), be rewarded
甲斐の無い: kainonai: futile, vain, useless, worthless, ineffective, inefficacious <<<
甲斐が無い: kaiganai: be out of use [avail], be in vain, come to nothing
甲斐国: kainokuni: Kai (old name of Yamanashi prefecture) <<<
甲斐甲斐しい: kaigaishii: gallant, faithful
甲斐甲斐しい出立ち: kaigaishiiidetachi: fully equipped
甲斐甲斐しく: kaigaishiku: gallantly, faithfully, diligently, actively, busily
甲斐甲斐しく働く: kaigaishikuhataraku: work diligently
生き甲斐: ikigai: joy of living <<<
生き甲斐有る: ikigaiaru: worth living <<<
生き甲斐有る生活: ikigaiaruseikatsu: life worth living, substantive life <<<
生き甲斐を感じる: ikigaiokanjiru: find one's life worth living
友達甲斐: tomodachigai: true friendship <<< 友達
check also: 効果 , 山梨


pronunciation: kaiin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: member (of a society, club), membership
会員にする: kaiinnnisuru: affiliate
会員に成る: kaiinnninaru: become a member <<<
会員制: kaiinsei: reserved for members <<<
会員権: kaiinken: membership title [seat] <<<
会員証: kaiinshou: membership card <<<
会員券: kaiinken <<<
会員章: kaiinshou: membership badge <<<
会員名簿: kaiinmeibo: list of members
会員資格: kaiinshikaku: qualification of membership <<< 資格
正会員: seikaiin: full member <<<
準会員: junkaiin: associate member <<<
維持会員: ijikaiin: sustaining member <<< 維持
終身会員: shuushinkaiin: life member <<< 終身
現在会員: genzaikaiin: present members on the list <<< 現在
通常会員: tsuujoukaiin: ordinary [regular] member <<< 通常
特別会員: tokubetsukaiin: special member <<< 特別
アカデミー会員: akademiikaiin: academician <<< アカデミー


pronunciation: kaiun   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: improvement of one's fortune
開運を祈る: kaiunnoinoru: pray for better fortune <<<
開運の兆し: kaiunnnokizashi: augury of better fortune <<<
開運の御守: kaiunnnoomamori: charm of luck <<< 御守


pronunciation: kaiousei   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: astronomy   
translation: Neptune


pronunciation: kaika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: flower , nature   
translation: bloom (n.), blossom (n.)
開花する: kaikasuru: bloom (v.), blossom (v.)
開花期: kaikaki: flowering time, efflorescence <<<


pronunciation: kaikai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , politics   
translation: opening of a meeting [a session], inauguration
開会する: kaikaisuru: open a meeting [a session], inaugurate
開会の辞: kaikainoji: opening address <<<
開会中: kaikaichuu: during the session <<<
開会式: kaikaishiki: opening ceremony, inauguration <<<
開会日: kaikaibi: opening day <<<
antonyms: 閉会


pronunciation: kaikaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: reform (n.), reformation, innovation
改革する: kaikakusuru: reform (v.)
改革的: kaikakuteki: reformist (a.), innovatory, innovative <<<
改革者: kaikakusha: reformer <<<
改革派: kaikakuha: reformist group <<<
改革案: kaikakuan: reforming plan <<<
改革主義: kaikakushugi: reformism <<< 主義
機構を改革する: kikouokakikakusuru: reorganize the system, revamp the setup <<< 機構
機構改革: kikoukaikaku: reorganization, organizational reform <<< 機構
構造改革: kouzoukaikaku: structural reform <<< 構造
国語改革: kokugokaikaku: reform of Japanese language, linguistic reform <<< 国語
財政改革: zaiseikaikaku: fiscal reform <<< 財政
通貨改革: tsuukakaikaku: monetary reform <<< 通貨
行政改革: gyouseikaikaku: administrative reform <<< 行政
土地改革: tochikaikaku: land reform <<< 土地
農地改革: nouchikaikaku: agrarian reform <<< 農地
宗教改革: shuukyoukaikaku: religious reform <<< 宗教
check also: 改善


pronunciation: kaikake   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 買い掛   keyword: finance   
translation: credit purchase
買掛金: kaikakekin: accounts payable to creditors <<<
antonyms: 売掛


pronunciation: kaikan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town   
translation: (assembly) hall, institute, chamber
学士会館: gakushikaikan: university graduates' club <<< 学士
学生会館: gakuseikaikan: student club <<< 学生
文化会館: bunkakaikan: cultural hall <<< 文化
check also: ホール


pronunciation: kaikan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: opening of a hall
開館する: kaikansuru: open (a hall)

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