Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 結果 , 結核 , 血管 , 欠陥 , 血気 , 血球 , 結局 , 欠勤 , 結構 , 結婚


pronunciation: kekka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: result (n.), effect, consequence, conclusion
結果が良い: kekkagaii: be successful <<<
結果が悪い: kekkagawarui: be unsuccessful <<<
結果を生じる: kekkaoshoujiru: result (end) in <<<
検索結果: kensakukekka: search result <<< 検索
原因結果: genninkekka: cause and result, causality <<< 原因
意外な結果: igainakekka: unexpected result <<< 意外
当然の結果: touzennnokekka: natural result <<< 当然
測定結果: sokuteikekka: measurement results <<< 測定


pronunciation: kekkaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: tuberculosis
結核の: kekkakuno: tubercular, tuberculous
結核性: kekkakusei <<<
結核菌: kekkakukin: tuberculous germs, tubercle bacillus <<<
結核患者: kekkakukanja: tuberculosis patient <<< 患者
結核予防: kekkakuyobou: tuberculosis prevention <<< 予防
肺結核: haikekkaku: pulmonary tuberculosis <<<


pronunciation: kekkan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: organs   
translation: blood vessel
血管の: kekkannno: vascular
血管系: kekkankei: vascular system <<<
血管系統: kekkankeitou <<< 系統
血管腫: kekkanshu: vascular tumor, hemangioma <<<
血管破裂: kekkanharetsu: blood vessel burst <<< 破裂
血管造影: kekkanzouei: angiography, arteriography


pronunciation: kekkan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: car   
translation: defect, fault, flaw, bug, deficiency, shortcoming, vice, kink
欠陥が有る: kekkangaaru: defective, faulty <<<
欠陥が無い: kekkanganai: faultless <<<
欠陥車: kekkansha: defective car <<<
check also: 欠点


pronunciation: kekki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: physical vigor, youthful ardor
血気盛んの: kekkisakannno: hot-blooded, sanguine, lusty <<<
血気盛りだ: kekkisakarida: be in the prime of life, be full of youthful ardor
血気に逸る: kekkinihayaru: be driven by youthful ardor, act with impetuosity <<<


pronunciation: kekkyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: blood corpuscle
血球素: kekkyuuso: hemoglobin <<<
血球数: kekkyuusuu: blood count <<<
白血球: hakkekkyuu: white corpuscle, leukocyte <<<
赤血球: sekkekkyuu: red corpuscle, erythrocyte <<<


pronunciation: kekkyoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: after all, eventually, finally, ultimately
結局の所: kekkyokunotokoro <<<


pronunciation: kekkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: absence (from one's duties), nonattendance
欠勤する: kekkinsuru: be absent (from duties, from school), absent oneself (from office)
欠勤者: kekkinsha: absentee <<<
欠勤率: kekkinritsu: absent rate <<<
欠勤届: kekkintodoke: report of absence <<<
欠勤届を出す: kekkintodokeodasu: tender a report of absence <<<
長期欠勤: choukikekkin: chronic absence from work <<< 長期
check also: 欠席 , 出勤


pronunciation: kekkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction , greeting   
translation: structure, construction, scale, plan, project, nice (n.), excellence, kindness
結構な: kekkouna: splendid, capital, superb, magnificent, nice (a.), excellent, fine, pretty, delicious
結構です: kekkoudesu: That will do, No thanks
check also: 良好 , 美味


pronunciation: kekkon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: fest , love   
translation: marriage, matrimony
結婚する: kekkonsuru: marry (a person), be [get] married to, wed (a person)
結婚して: kekkonshite: Marry me!
結婚の: kekkonnno: nuptial, matrimonial
結婚式: kekkonshiki: wedding <<<
結婚式場: kekkonshikijou: wedding [marriage] ceremony hall <<<
結婚を申込む: kekkonnomoushikomu: make a proposal (of marriage) to, propose to, ask for her hand <<< 申込
結婚指輪: kekkonnyubiwa: wedding ring <<< 指輪
結婚詐欺: kekkonsagi: matrimonial fraud [swindler] <<< 詐欺
結婚相手: kekkonnaite: marriage partner <<< 相手
結婚生活: kekkonseikatsu: married life <<< 生活
結婚年齢: kekkonnnenrei: one's age at marriage <<< 年齢
結婚相談所: kekkonsoudansho: matrimonial agency
結婚披露: kekkonhirou: wedding feast [reception] <<< 披露
結婚披露宴: kekkonhirouen <<<
結婚記念日: kekkonkinenbi: wedding anniversary
偽装結婚: gisoukekkon: camouflaged marriage <<< 偽装
二重結婚: nijuukekkon: bigamy <<< 二重
恋愛結婚: rennaikekkon: love marriage <<< 恋愛
同族結婚: douzokukekkon: endogamy <<< 同族
友愛結婚: yuuaikekkon: companionate marriage <<< 友愛
国際結婚: kokusaikekkon: international marriage <<< 国際
集団結婚: shuudankekkon: mass marriage <<< 集団
近親結婚: kinshinkekkon: intermarriage <<< 近親
親族結婚: shinzokukekkon: intermarriage <<< 親族
check also: 縁談 , 婚約 , 婚姻

202 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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