Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'k'

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Direct access: 騎士 , 気質 , 記者 , 汽車 , 騎手 , 機首 , 奇襲 , 寄宿 , 起床 , 気象


pronunciation: kishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: knight (n.), chevalier
騎士の: kishino: knightly
騎士にする: kishinisuru: knight (v.), dub
騎士団: kishidan: knighthood <<<
騎士道: kishidou: chivalry <<<
騎士道精神: kishidouseishin: gentlemanliness <<< 精神
聖堂の騎士: seidounokishi: templar <<< 聖堂
リボンの騎士: ribonnnokishi: Princess Knight (a Japanese manga by Osamu Tezuka, 1953-1958) <<< リボン
check also: 騎手


pronunciation: kishitsu, katagi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: disposition, temper, cast of mind, character, spirit, turn of mind
玄人気質: kuroutokatagi: professionalism <<< 玄人
武士気質: bushikatagi: bushido, chivalry, chivalrousness <<< 武士
武士気質の: bushikatagino: samurai spirited, knightly <<< 武士
職人気質: shokuninkatagi: artisan spirit <<< 職人
check also: 気性


pronunciation: kisha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: journalist, reporter, correspondent
記者団: kishadan: press corps <<<
記者クラブ: kishakurabu: press club <<< クラブ
記者席: kishaseki: press gallery <<<
記者会見: kishakaiken: press conference <<< 会見
放送記者: housoukisha: (tv) reporter <<< 放送
取材記者: shuzaikisha: reporter, legman <<< 取材
悪徳記者: akutokukisha: corrupt newspaperman [journalist] <<< 悪徳
雑誌記者: zasshikisha: magazine writer, magazinist <<< 雑誌
訪問記者: houmonkisha: interviewer, reporter <<< 訪問
新聞記者: shinpunkisha: reporter, journalist <<< 新聞
事件記者: jikenkisha: crime reporter [journalist] <<< 事件
婦人記者: hujinkisha: lady writer (reporter) <<< 婦人
スポーツ記者: supootsukisha: sportswriter <<< スポーツ
ゴシップ記者: goshippukisha: gossip writer <<< ゴシップ
check also: レポーター


pronunciation: kisha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: train   
translation: train
汽車で: kishade: by train
汽車で行く: kishadeiku: go by train <<<
汽車に乗る: kishaninoru: take a train <<<
汽車を降りる: kishaooriru: leave [get off] a train <<<
汽車の旅: kishanotabi: train travel <<<
汽車旅行: kisharyokou <<< 旅行
汽車賃: kishachin: railway fare <<<
汽車弁: kishaben: railway lunch <<<
夜汽車: yogisha: night train <<<
東風汽車: touhuukisha: Dongfeng Motor (a Chinese automobile manufacturer) <<< 東風
check also: 電車 , 列車


pronunciation: kishu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: rider, horseman, jockey
競馬騎手: keibakishu: jockey <<< 競馬
check also: ジョッキー , 騎士


pronunciation: kishu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: airplane   
translation: nose of a plane
機首を上げる: kishuoageru: nose up <<<
機首を上にする: kishuouenisuru
機首を上に向ける: kishuouenimukeru
機首を下げる: kishuosageru: nose down <<<
機首を下にする: kishuoshitanisuru
機首を下に向ける: kishuoshitanimukeru
機首を東に向ける: kishuohigashinimukeru: head for the east, take an eastern course
機首を西に向ける: kishuonishinimukeru: head for the west, take a western course


pronunciation: kishuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: surprise attack
奇襲する: kishuusuru: make a surprise attack


pronunciation: kishuku   kanji characters: , 宿    keyword: school   
translation: lodging, boarding
寄宿する: kishukusuru: lodge [room] (at a person's, at a room)
寄宿舎: kishukusha: dormitory <<<
寄宿舎に入る: kishukushanihairu: enter into a boarding (school) <<<
寄宿舎に入れる: kishukushaniireru: put a person into a boarding (school) <<<
寄宿人: kishukunin: lodger, boarder, roomer <<<
寄宿生: kishukusei: boarding student, hoarder <<<
寄宿料: kishukuryou: boarding wages <<<
寄宿学校: kishukugakkou: boarding school <<< 学校
check also: 通学


pronunciation: kishou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: rising
起床する: kishousuru: rise, get up
起床時間: kishoujikan: hour of rising <<< 時間
起床ラッパ: kishourappa: reveille <<< ラッパ


pronunciation: kishou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: weather (conditions)
気象庁: kishouchou: meteorological agency <<<
気象図: kishouzu: meteorological chart <<<
気象台: kishoudai: meteorological observatory <<<
気象学: kishougaku: meteorology <<<
気象学者: kishougakusha: meteorologist <<< 学者
気象観測: kishoukansoku: meteorological observation <<< 観測
気象観測所: kishoukansokusho: meteorological observatory <<<
気象現象: kishougenshou: meteorological phenomena <<< 現象
気象衛星: kishoueisei: weather satellite <<< 衛星
気象通報: kishoutsuuhou: weather report
気象レーダー: kishoureedaa: weather radar <<< レーダー
海洋気象: kaiyoukishou: sea climate <<< 海洋
check also: 気候

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