Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 進行 , 新香 , 深刻 , 申告 , 新婚 , 信号 , 審査 , 震災 , 新作 , 診察


pronunciation: shinkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: advance (n.), progress, march
進行する: shinkousuru: advance (v.), make progress, move onward [forward]
進行が速い: shinkougahayai: make rapid progress <<<
進行が遅い: shinkougaosoi: make slow progress <<<
進行中: shinkouchuu: be in progress, be under way, be in motion <<<
進行係: shinkougakari: program director, moderator <<<
進行形: shinkoukei: progressive form <<<
進行方向: shinkouhoukou: direction of progress <<< 方向
synonyms: 進捗
check also: 行進


pronunciation: shinkou, shinko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: japanese food   
translation: pickled vegetables
御新香: oshinkou, oshinko <<<
synonyms: 漬物


pronunciation: shinkoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: seriousness, gravity, crisis
深刻な: shinkokuna: serious, grave, acute, critical
深刻な顔をする: shinkokunakaoosuru: look serious [grave] <<<
深刻化する: shinkokukasuru: become more serious [critical, strained], grow worse <<<


pronunciation: shinkoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: statement, report (n.), return
申告する: shinkokusuru: state (v.), report, notify, declare
申告漏れ: shinkokumore: undeclared [unreported] income [earnings] <<<
申告書: shinkokusho: a report, a statement <<<
申告者: shinkokusha: reporter <<<
申告制: shinkokusei: report [return] system <<<
申告制度: shinkokuseido <<< 制度
申告額: shinkokugaku: declared value [amount] <<<
申告所得: shinkokushotoku: taxable income <<< 所得
申告期限: shinkokukigen: term of declaration <<< 期限
申告用紙: shinkokuyoushi: return blank [form] <<< 用紙
税金申告: zeikinshinkoku: tax return <<< 税金
税金を申告する: zeikinnoshinkokusuru: make one's tax return <<< 税金
青色申告: aoiroshinkoku: blue return (form) <<< 青色
予定申告: yoteishinkoku: provisional declaration <<< 予定
移動申告: idoushinkoku: report of one's removal <<< 移動
税関申告: zeikanshinkoku: customs declaration <<< 税関
関税申告: kanzeishinkoku: customs declaration <<< 関税
確定申告: kakuteishinkoku: final (income tax) return <<< 確定
確定申告をする: kakuteishinkokuosuru: turn in a final return (of one's income tax) <<< 確定
通関申告: tsuukanshinkoku: custom declaration <<< 通関
check also: 税金 , 関税


pronunciation: shinkon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: recent [new] marriage
新婚の: shinkonnno: newly-married (a.)
新婚夫婦: shinkonhuuhu: newly-married couple, newlyweds <<< 夫婦
新婚旅行: shinkonryokou: honeymoon <<< 旅行 , ハネムーン
新婚生活: shinkonseikatsu: newly-married life <<< 生活
check also: 結婚


pronunciation: shingou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: signal (n.), signaling
信号する: shingousuru: signal (v.), give [make] a signal
信号を出す: shingouodasu <<<
信号を送る: shingouookuru <<<
信号を守る: shingouomamoru: observe the signal <<<
信号を無視する: shingouomushisuru: ignore the signal <<< 無視
信号機: shingouki: signal station, alarm, semaphore <<<
信号旗: shingouki: signal flag <<<
信号手: shingoushu: signalman <<<
信号所: shingousho: signal station <<<
信号灯: shingoutou: signal lamp, signal light <<<
信号弾: shingoudan: flare, distress rocket <<<
赤信号: akashingou: red light <<<
黄信号: kishingou: yellow light <<<
青信号: aoshingou: green light <<<
停止信号: teishishingou: stop signal <<< 停止
発車信号: hasshashingou: starting signal <<< 発車
警戒信号: keikaishingou: caution [warning] signal <<< 警戒
遭難信号: sounanshingou: signal of distress, SOS <<< 遭難
難破信号: nanpashingou: signal of distress, SOS <<< 難破
暴風信号: bouhuushingou: storm signal <<< 暴風
映像信号: eizoushingou: video signal <<< 映像
救助信号: kyuujoshingou: SOS <<< 救助
危険信号: kikenshingou: SOS <<< 危険
交通信号: koutsuushingou: traffic light <<< 交通
モールス信号: moorusushingou: Morse code <<< モールス


pronunciation: shinsa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: judgment, audit (n.), examination, vetting
審査する: shinsasuru: examine, judge (v.), audit (v.), vet
審査員: shinsain: judge, examiner <<<
審査委員: shinsaiin <<< 委員
審査委員会: shinsaiinkai: inquiry counsel <<<
審査会: shinsakai
資格審査: shikakushinsa: examination of qualification <<< 資格
入国審査: nyuukokushinsa: control of the entry <<< 入国
給与審査: kyuuyoshinsa: salary review <<< 給与
synonyms: 審理


pronunciation: shinsai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: earthquake disaster
震災に遭う: shinsainiau: suffer from earthquake <<<
震災地: shinsaichi: earthquake stricken district <<<
大震災: daishinsai: great earthquake disaster <<<
check also: 地震


pronunciation: shinsaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: new (piece of) work


pronunciation: shinsatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: medical examination
診察する: shinsatsusuru: examine a patient
診察を受ける: shinsatsuoukeru: consult a physician, be examined <<<
診察室: shinsatsushitsu: consultation [consulting] room <<<
診察料: shinsatsuryou: doctor's fee, fee for a medical examination <<<
診察日: shinsatsubi: consultation [consulting] day <<<
診察時間: shinsatsujikan: consultation [consulting] hours <<< 時間
外来診察: gairaishinsatsu: outpatient clinic, ambulatory <<< 外来
患者を診察する: kanjaoshinsatsusuru: examine a patient <<< 患者
synonyms: 診療 , 診断

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