Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 嗜好 , 思考 , 施工 , 四国 , 歯根 , 私語 , 仕事 , 示唆 , 司祭 , 仔細


pronunciation: shikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: taste, liking, fancy
嗜好に適う: shikounikanau: suit [be to] one's taste, catch [strike] one's fancy <<<
嗜好品: shikouhin: luxury goods, one's favorite food <<<
嗜好物: shikoubutsu <<<


pronunciation: shikou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: thinking, thought, contemplation, consideration
思考力: shikouryoku: thinking power, contemplative faculty <<<
思考過程: shikoukatei: chain of thoughts, line of thought <<< 過程
水平思考: suiheishikou: lateral thinking <<< 水平
垂直思考: suichokushikou: vertical thinking <<< 垂直
check also: 考慮


pronunciation: shikou, sekou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: construction
施工する: shikousuru: construct, build, make a construction
施工中: shikouchuu: under construction, in course [process] of construction <<<
施工図: sekouzu: construction [constructing] drawing <<<
check also: 工事


pronunciation: shikoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: japan   
translation: Shikoku (Island, Region)
四国地方: shikokuchihou: Shikoku Region <<< 地方
四国巡礼: shikokujuunrei: pilgrimage of major (88) Shikoku temples <<< 巡礼
四国遍路: shikokuhenro
check also: Shikoku


pronunciation: shikon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: root of a tooth, gums
歯根膜炎: shikonmakuen: periodontitis
人工歯根: jinkoushikon: implant <<< 人工


pronunciation: shigo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: whispering
私語する: shigosuru: whisper, talk in a low voice


pronunciation: shigoto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: work (n.), task, job, employment, occupation, exercise
仕事する: shigotosuru: work (v.), labor (v.)
仕事を捜す: shigotoosagasu: seek for employment, hunt for a job <<<
仕事が無い: shigotoganai: have nothing to do, be out of job [work] <<<
仕事に追われる: shigotoniowareru: be pressed with business, be very busy <<<
仕事を休む: shigotooyasumu: absent oneself [stay away] from work <<<
仕事に行く: shigotoniiku: go to work <<<
仕事を止める: shigotooyameru: knock off work <<<
仕事を辞める: shigotooyameru: resign one's post, retire <<<
仕事を任せる: shigotoomakaseru: entrust with a task <<<
仕事中: shigotochuu: at work, occupied <<<
仕事場: shigotoba: studio, working place <<<
仕事着: shigotogi: working [workaday] clothes <<<
針仕事: harishigoto: needlework, sewing <<<
手仕事: teshigoto: handwork, manual labor <<<
畑仕事: hatakeshigoto: farmwork, agricultural work <<<
生涯の仕事: shougainoshigoto: (one's) lifework <<< 生涯
下請仕事: shitaukeshigoto: subcontracted work <<< 下請
百姓仕事: hyakushoushigoto: farmwork <<< 百姓
徹夜で仕事する: tetsuyadeshigotosuru: sit up all night working, work all night <<< 徹夜
大工仕事: daikushigoto: carpentry <<< 大工
毎日の仕事: mainichinoshigoto: daily work <<< 毎日
腰掛け仕事: koshikakeshigoto: stopgap [temporary] work <<< 腰掛
合間仕事: aimashigoto: odd [side] job <<< 合間
野良仕事: norashigoto: farmwork, agricultural work <<< 野良
家事仕事: kajishigoto: domestic works <<< 家事
台所仕事: daidokoroshigoto: kitchen work <<< 台所
台所仕事をする: daidokoroshigotoosuru: cook <<< 台所
一日の仕事: ichinichinoshigoto: day's work <<< 一日
杜撰な仕事: zusannnashigoto: badly done work <<< 杜撰
一生の仕事: isshounoshigoto: lifework <<< 一生
隠居仕事: inkyoshigoto: sinecure <<< 隠居
手間仕事: temashigoto: piecework <<< 手間
check also: 作業 ,


pronunciation: shisa   kanji characters: ,   
translation: suggestion, inspiration, allusion
示唆する: shisasuru: suggest, inspire
示唆的: shisateki: suggestive, allusive <<<
check also: 暗示


pronunciation: shisai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: priest, pastor
司祭長: shisaichou: dean <<<
check also: 祭司


pronunciation: shisai   kanji characters:    other spells: 子細  
translation: reason, circumstances, details, particulars
仔細の: shisaino: detailed
仔細に: shisaini: minutely, in detail, closely
仔細有って: shisaiatte: for certain [some] reason <<<
仔細有りげに: shisaiarigeni: meaningly, significantly

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