Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 消毒 , 小児 , 承認 , 証人 , 商人 , 少年 , 正念 , 商売 , 消費 , 商標


pronunciation: shoudoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: hygiene   
translation: disinfection, sterilization
消毒する: shoudokusuru: disinfect, subject to disinfection, sterilize
消毒した: shoudokushita: disinfected, sterilized
消毒衣: shoudokui: disinfected clothes <<<
消毒液: shoudokueki: disinfectant solution <<<
消毒器: shoudokuki: sterilizer <<<
消毒室: shoudokushitsu: disinfected room [station] <<<
消毒所: shoudokujo <<<
消毒綿: shoudokumen: sterilized cotton <<< 綿
消毒薬: shoudokuyaku: disinfectant <<<
消毒剤: shoudokuzai <<<
消毒包帯: shoudokuhoutai: sterilized bandages <<< 包帯
傷口を消毒する: kizuguchioshoudokusuru: disinfect a wound <<< 傷口
熱湯消毒: nettoushoudoku: disinfection with boiling water <<< 熱湯
熱湯消毒をする: nettoushoudokuosuru: disinfect with boiling water <<< 熱湯
日光消毒: nikkoushoudoku: disinfections by sunlight <<< 日光
熱気消毒: nekkishoudoku: hot-air sterilization <<< 熱気


pronunciation: shouni   kanji characters: ,    keyword: kids   
translation: child, infant, baby
小児科の: shounikano: pediatric <<<
小児科: shounika: pediatrics
小児科医: shounikai: pediatrician <<<
小児病: shounibyou: infantile disease <<<
小児病の: shounibyouno: infantilistic, infantile
小児愛: shouniai: pedophilia, paedophilia <<<
小児愛者: shouniaisha: pedophile <<<
小児麻痺: shounimahi: infantile paralysis, poliomyelitis, polio <<< 麻痺
check also: 幼児 , 赤ん坊 , ベビー


pronunciation: shounin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: acknowledge, recognition
承認する: shouninsuru: admit, agree, recognize
承認を得る: shouninnoeru: obtain approval <<<
承認を求める: shouninnomotomeru: ask approval <<<
承認書: shouninsho: written acknowledgment <<<
限定承認: genteishounin: acceptance in profit of inventory <<< 限定
辞職を承認する: jishokuoshouninsuru: accept a person's resignation <<< 辞職
check also: 了承


pronunciation: shounin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: witness, evidence
証人に立つ: shouninnnitatsu: bear witness, testify <<<
証人に成る: shouninnninaru <<<
証人席: shouninseki: witness stand, witness box <<<
証人台: shounindai <<<
証人尋問: shouninjinmon: questioning of the witness <<< 尋問
証人召喚: shouninshoukan: witness summons <<< 召喚
エホバの証人: ehobanoshounin: Jehovah's Witnesses <<< エホバ
check also: 証拠


pronunciation: shounin, akindo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , business   
translation: merchant, dealer, trader, tradesman
商人の: shouninnno: mercantile, mercenary
商人根性: shouninkonjou: tradesman's [mercenary] spirit <<< 根性
商人道徳: shounindoutoku: tradesman's morality <<< 道徳
死の商人: shinoshounin: merchant of death, weapon trader <<<
奴隷商人: doreishounin: slave trader <<< 奴隷
薬草商人: yakusoushounin: herbalist <<< 薬草
近江商人: oumishounin: merchants from Omi region <<< 近江
悪徳商人: akutokushounin: wicked [dishonest] traders [dealers] <<< 悪徳
露店商人: rotenshounin: stallkeeper, street vendor <<< 露店
天性の商人: tenseinoshounin: born merchant <<< 天性
縁日の商人: ennnichinoshounin: stallkeeper at a fair <<< 縁日
羊毛商人: youmoushounin: wool merchant <<< 羊毛
街頭商人: gaitoushounin: street trader [vendor] <<< 街頭
中間商人: chuukanshounin: middleman, broker <<< 中間
ベニスの商人: benisunoshounin: The Merchant of Venice (play of William Shakespeare, 1596-1598) <<< ベニス


pronunciation: shounen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family , life   
translation: boy, juvenile
少年の様な: shounennnoyouna: boyish <<<
少年らしい: shounenrashii
少年院: shounennin: reformatory, workhouse <<<
少年法: shounenhou: juvenile law <<<
少年団: shounendan: Boy Scouts <<<
少年団員: shounendannin: boy scout <<<
少年犯罪: shounenhanzai: juvenile delinquency <<< 犯罪
少年時代: shounenjidai: boyhood <<< 時代
少年雑誌: shounenzasshi: boy's magazine <<< 雑誌
少年保護: shounenhogo: youth welfare <<< 保護
青少年: seishounen: the youth, rising [younger] generation <<<
青少年教育: seishounenkyouiku: education of youth <<< 教育
青少年補導: seishounenhodou: protection and guidance of young people <<< 補導
美少年: bishounen: handsome boy <<<
狼少年: ookamishounen: The Boy Who Cried Wolf <<<
電波少年: denpashounen: Denpa Shonen (a Japanese TV reality show, 1992-2003) <<< 電波
不良少年: huryoushounen: delinquent boy, juvenile delinquent <<< 不良
非行少年: hikoushounen: juvenile delinquency <<< 非行
check also: 少女 , 年少 , ボーイ


pronunciation: shounen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: one's right [true] mind
正念場: shounenba: moment of truth <<<


pronunciation: shoubai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: trade, business, commerce
商売をする: shoubaiosuru: do [conduct] business, trade [deal] (in)
商売を始める: shoubaiohajimeru: open a shop, go into [start in] business <<<
商売を止める: shoubaioyameru: give up one's business, be out of business <<<
商売を継ぐ: shoubaiotsugu: succeed a person in business <<<
商売に成る: shoubaininaru: pay, be a paying business <<<
商売に成らない: shoubaininaranai: do not pay, be not a paying business
商売を替える: shoubaiokaeru: change one's trade <<<
商売敵: shoubaigataki: trade rival <<<
商売柄: shoubaigara: professionally, because of one's profession <<<
商売気: shoubaigi: business turn, commercial spirit <<<
商売気が有る: shoubaigigaaru: be of a business turn, have a commercial spirit <<<
商売が上手い: shoubaigaumai <<< 上手
商売人: shoubainin: merchant, tradesman, professional <<< , 商人
商売が繁盛する: shoubaigahanjousuru: do good business [trade], do very well in business <<< 繁盛
商売道具: shoubaidougu: requisites for a trade, stock in trade, one's kit <<< 道具
水商売: mizushoubai: hospitality industry <<<
check also: 商業 , ビジネス


pronunciation: shouhi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: consumption
消費する: shouhisuru: consume
消費額: shouhigaku: amount of consumption <<<
消費税: shouhizei: sales tax, vat <<<
消費財: shouhizai: consumers' goods <<<
消費者: shouhisha: consumer, buyer <<<
消費者価格: shouhishakakaku: consumers' price <<< 価格
消費者物価: shouhishabukka <<< 物価
消費者物価指数: shouhishabukkashisuu: consumers' price index, CPI <<< 指数
消費者金融: shouhishakinnyuu: consumer credit
消費組合: shouhikumiai: co-operative society <<< 組合
消費社会: shouhishakai: consumer society <<< 社会
消費経済: shouhikeizai: consumption economy <<< 経済
国内消費: kokunaishouhi: home consumption <<< 国内
自家消費: jikashouhi: home consumption <<< 自家
個人消費: kojinshouhi: personal consumption <<< 個人
synonyms: 消耗


pronunciation: shouhyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: advertisement   
translation: trademark, brand, mark
商標名: shouhyoumei: trade name, proprietary name <<<
商標法: shouhyouhou: trademark law <<<
商標登録: shouhyoutouroku: registration of trademark <<< 登録
登録商標: tourokushouhyou: registered trade-mark <<< 登録
check also: マーク

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