Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 出資 , 出生 , 出身 , 出世 , 出席 , 出張 , 出典 , 出頭 , 出発 , 出版


pronunciation: shusshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: investment, financing
出資する: shusshisuru: invest one's money (in a business, enterprise), contribute money (to), finance (an enterprise)
出資額: shusshigaku: amount of investment <<<
出資金: shusshikin: an investment <<<
出資者: shusshisha: investor, financier <<<
出資払込: shusshiharaikomi: payment of contributions
共同出資: kyoudoushusshi: joint investment <<< 共同


pronunciation: shusshou, shussei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: birth, arrival
出生する: shusshousuru: bear, arrive
出生率: shusshouritsu: birth rate <<<
出生地: shusshouchi: birth place <<<
出生届: shusseitodoke: notification of birth <<<
出生証書: shusseishousho: birth certificate <<< 証書
check also: 出産 , 誕生


pronunciation: shusshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: nativity
出身の: shusshinnno: native
出身地: shusshinchi: native place <<<
出身校: shusshinkou: one's alma mater <<<


pronunciation: shusse   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: success in life
出世する: shussesuru: succeed in life, rise in the world, be promoted
出世が速い: shussegahayai: move up quickly, set up fast <<<
出世頭: shussegashira: the most successful man (of the same generation) <<<
check also: 昇進


pronunciation: shusseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: presence, attendance
出席する: shussekisuru: be present, attend
出席を取る: shussekiotoru: call the roll [names] <<<
出席簿: shussekibo: roll book <<< 簿
出席表: shussekihyou: table of attendance <<<
出席者: shussekisha: person present, those present, attendance <<<
出席数: shussekisuu: attendance <<<
出席率: shussekiritsu: percentage of attendance <<<
出席日数: shussekinissuu: number of attendances, days attended <<< 日数
皆出席: minashusseki: complete attendance <<<
講義に出席する: kouginishussekisuru: attend [be present at] a lecture <<< 講義
学会に出席する: gakkainishussekisuru: attend the congress <<< 学会
礼拝に出席する: reihainishussekisuru: attend a service <<< 礼拝
check also: 欠席 , 出勤


pronunciation: shutchou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: official tour [trip], business trip
出張する: shutchousuru: go (to a place) on official business, make a business trip (to)
出張を命じられる: shutchouomeijirareru: be ordered (to a place) on official business, be dispatched (to) <<<
出張員: shutchouin: an agent, traveling salesman <<<
出張所: shutchousho, shutchoujo: branch office, agency <<<
出張店: shutchouten: branch shop <<< , 支店
出張先: shutchousaki: destination of a business trip <<<
出張中: shutchouchuu: on official business <<<
出張費: shutchouhi: traveling allowance, traveling expenses <<<
出張費用: shutchouhiyou <<< 費用
出張教授: shutchoukyouju: lessons at one's pupil's home <<< 教授


pronunciation: shutten   kanji characters: ,    keyword: literature   
translation: source, original text
出典を示す: shuttennoshimesu: give [reveal] the source (of) <<<
出典を挙げる: shuttennoageru <<<


pronunciation: shuttou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: appearance, presence, attendance
出頭する: shuttousuru: appear (before the court), present oneself, report (to, at), attend
任意出頭: ninnishuttou: voluntary reporting (to the police) <<< 任意


pronunciation: shuppatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: departure, start (n.)
出発する: shuppatsusuru: depart, start (v.)
出発点: shuppatsuten: starting point <<<
出発地: shuppatsuchi <<<
出発地点: shuppatsuchiten <<< 地点
出発駅: shuppatsueki: starting station <<<
出発日: shuppatsubi: date of one's departure <<<
出発時間: shuppatsujikan: starting time <<< 時間
再出発: saishuppatsu: fresh start <<<
再出発する: saishuppatsusuru: start afresh, make a fresh start
synonyms: スタート
antonyms: 到着


pronunciation: shuppan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: book   
translation: publication, press
出版する: shuppansuru: publish
出版社: shuppansha: publisher, publishing company <<<
出版会社: shuppangaisha <<< 会社
出版費: shuppanhi: publishing costs <<<
出版界: shuppankai: publishing world <<<
出版物: shuppanbutsu: publication <<<
出版権: shuppanken: right of publication, copyright <<< , 版権
出版業: shuppangyou: publishing business <<<
出版部数: shuppanbusuu: print run <<< 部数
出版目録: shuppanmokuroku: catalogue of publications
電子出版: denshishuppan: electronic publishing <<< 電子
予約出版: yoyakushuppan: publication by subscription <<< 予約
synonyms: 発行

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