Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 't'

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Direct access: 鉄道 , 鉄棒 , 徹夜 , 手作り , 手拭 , 手配 , 手拭き , 手袋 , 手本 , 手間


pronunciation: tetsudou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: train   
translation: railroad, railway
鉄道を敷く: tetsudouoshiku: lay (construct, build) a railroad <<<
鉄道網: tetsudoumou: railroad network <<<
鉄道員: tetsudouin: railroad worker, railroader <<<
鉄道駅: tetsudoueki: train station <<<
鉄道輸送: tetsudouyusou: railway transportation <<< 輸送
鉄道運賃: tetsudouunchin: railway fares <<< 運賃
鉄道旅客: tetsudouryokyaku: railway passenger <<< 旅客
鉄道工事: tetsudoukouji: railway work <<< 工事
鉄道会社: tetsudougaisha: railroad company <<< 会社
鉄道事故: tetsudoujiko: railway accident <<< 事故
東武鉄道: toubutetsudou: Tobu railway (private railway connecting north-eastern suburb of Tokyo) <<< 東武
登山鉄道: tozantetsudou: mountain railway <<< 登山
高速鉄道: kousokutetsudou: high-speed railroad [railway] <<< 高速
西武鉄道: seibutetsudou: Seibu railway (private railway connecting western suburb of Tokyo) <<< 西武
市街鉄道: shigaitetsudou: street railway, tramway <<< 市街
狭軌鉄道: kyoukitetsudou: narrow-gauge railroad <<< 狭軌
広軌鉄道: koukitetsudou: broad-gauge railroad <<< 広軌
シベリア鉄道: shiberiatetsudou: Siberian Railroad [Railway] <<< シベリア


pronunciation: tetsubou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: iron bar, horizontal bar


pronunciation: tetsuya   kanji characters: ,   
translation: night without sleep
徹夜する: tetsuyasuru: sit [stay, be] up all night, keep vigil
徹夜で: tetsuyade: all night
徹夜で仕事する: tetsuyadeshigotosuru: sit up all night working, work all night <<< 仕事


pronunciation: teZukuri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: homemade cooking [article]
手作りの: teZukurino: handmade (a.), homemade
手作り料理: teZukuriryouri: homemade cooking <<< 料理
手作りのパン: teZukurinopan: homemade bread <<< パン


pronunciation: tenugui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: hygiene   
translation: towel, washcloth
手拭で拭く: tenuguidehuku: dry (one's hands) on a towel, dry oneself with a towel <<<
手拭を絞る: tenuguioshiboru: wring the washcloth <<<
手拭掛け: tenuguikake: towel horse [rack] <<<
手拭地: tenuguiji: toweling <<<
check also: タオル


pronunciation: tehai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: arrangements, preparations, search instructions, dispositions of men
手配する: tehaisuru: arrange (for), spread a search (for), cast a dragnet (for)
手配書: tehaisho: police bulletin <<<
手配師: tehaishi: employment agent <<<
手配写真: tehaishashin: photograph of a wanted criminal <<< 写真
指名手配: shimeitehai: wanted (criminal) <<< 指名
check also: 準備


pronunciation: tehuki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: hygiene   
translation: towel, washcloth, napkin
synonyms: タオル , 手拭 , ナプキン


pronunciation: tebukuro   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accessory   
translation: glove
手袋をする: tebukuroosuru: put on gloves
手袋を填めるて: bukuroohameru <<<
手袋をした: tebukurooshita: gloved
手袋を取る: tebukurootoru: put off gloves <<<
手袋を外す: tebukuroohazusu <<<
長手袋: nagatebukuro: gauntlet <<<


pronunciation: tehon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: model (n.), pattern (n.), example
手本にする: tehonnnisuru: model (v.), pattern (v.), imitate
手本引き: tehonbiki: A Japanese gamble card game <<<


pronunciation: tema   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: time, labor, trouble, wages
手間が掛かる: temagakakaru: take time, cost much labor <<<
手間取る: temadoru: take (much) time, be long (in doing), be delayed, procastinate <<<
手間が省ける: temagahabukeru: save (a person) trouble <<<
手間を省く: temaohabuku: save time [trouble], spare oneself trouble
手間を払う: temaoharau: pay wages, pay for labor <<<
手間潰: tematsubushi: waste of labor <<<
手間賃: temachin: piecework payment <<<
手間仕事: temashigoto: piecework <<< 仕事
手間職人: temashokunin: piecework man <<< 職人
片手間: katatema: spare time, leisure hours <<<
片手間に: katatemani: in spare time, in leisure hours
片手間仕事: katatemashigoto: spare-time work, odd job <<< 仕事
check also: 労力

660 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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