Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 大綱 , 大公 , 大佐 , 対策 , 滞在 , 大使 , 退社 , 大衆 , 対処 , 対象


pronunciation: taikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: fundamental, principles, outline
大綱を述べる: taikouonoberu: give an outline (of) <<<
check also: 概要 , 骨子 , 要綱


pronunciation: taikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: grand duke
大公国: taikoukoku: grand duchy <<<
大公妃: taikouhi: grand duchess <<<


pronunciation: taisa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: military rank   
translation: colonel, captain
check also: 中佐 , 少佐


pronunciation: taisaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: countermeasure, counterplan, provision
対策を講じる: taisakuokoujiru: consider how to cope with, take measures to meet <<<
物価対策: bukkataisaku: prices policy <<< 物価
失業対策: shitsugyoutaisaku: unemployment counter-measure <<< 失業
不況対策: hukyoutaisaku: anti-depression policy, anti-recession measures <<< 不況
治安対策: chiantaisaku: security policy <<< 治安
景気対策: keikitaisaku: economic policy [measure] <<< 景気
緊急対策: kinkyuutaisaku: emergency counter-measure <<< 緊急
テロ対策: terotaisaku: measure against the terrorism <<< テロ


pronunciation: taizai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: stay (n.), sojourn (n.)
滞在する: taizaisuru: stay (v.), stop (v.), sojourn (v.), remain (v.)
滞在地: taizaichi: place of sojourn <<<
滞在先: taizaisaki: place [address] of stay [sojourn], place where you stay <<<
滞在費: taizaihi: cost of sojourn <<<
滞在客: taizaikyaku: guest, sojourner <<<
滞在許可: taizaikyoka: residence permit <<< 許可
滞在許可証: taizaikyokashou: residency permit, green card <<<
滞在日数: taizainissuu: length of one's stay <<< 日数
滞在期間: taizaikikan <<< 期間
不法滞在: huhoutaizai: illegal residence <<< 不法
長期滞在: choukitaizai: long [prolonged] stay <<< 長期
synonyms: 居留 , 駐在


pronunciation: taishi   kanji characters: , 使    keyword: politics , travel   
translation: ambassador
大使館: taishikan: embassy <<<
大使館員: taishikannin: member of the embassy staff <<<
大使夫人: taishihujin: ambassadress <<< 夫人
移動大使: idoutaishi: roving ambassador <<< 移動
巡回大使: junkaitaishi: roving ambassador <<< 巡回
代理大使: dairitaishi: chargé d'affaires, ad interim <<< 代理
check also: 領事 , 公使


pronunciation: taisha   kanji characters: 退 ,    keyword: job   
translation: retirement from a company, office-leaving
退社する: taishasuru: retire from a company, leave office, get away from work
退社時間: taishajikan: office-leaving time <<< 時間
check also: 退職


pronunciation: taishuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: people, mass, crowd
大衆向き: taishuumuki: popular <<<
大衆的: taishuuteki <<<
大衆化: taishuuka: popularization <<< , 普及
大衆化する: taishuukasuru: popularize
大衆紙: taishuushi: popular newspaper <<<
大衆文化: taishuubunka: pop culture <<< 文化
大衆社会: taishuushakai: mass society <<< 社会
大衆酒場: taishuusakaba: saloon, public house, pub <<< 酒場
大衆文学: taishuubungaku: popular [lowbrow] literature <<< 文学
大衆作家: taishuusakka: popular writer <<< 作家
大衆小説: taishuushousetsu: popular novel <<< 小説
大衆芸術: taishuugeijutsu: popular [folk] art <<< 芸術
一般大衆: ippantaishuu: public at large, general public <<< 一般
勤労大衆: kinroutaishuu: working masses <<< 勤労
check also: 民衆 , 群集


pronunciation: taisho   kanji characters: ,   
translation: countermeasure
対処する: taishosuru: cope with, deal with
前向きに対処する: maemukinitaishosuru: deal with (the situation) positively [in a positive way] <<< 前向き
check also: 対応


pronunciation: taishou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: literature   
translation: object (of an action)
対象的: taishouteki: objective <<<
課税対象: kazaitaishou: taxables <<< 課税
実験対象: jikkentaishou: experimental object <<< 実験

221 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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