Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 軽視 , 形式 , 傾斜 , 継承 , 敬称 , 軽食 , 刑事 , 掲示 , 啓示 , 係数


pronunciation: keishi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: depreciation, devaluation, marking down
軽視する: keishisuru: despise, make light [little] of, think little of, slight, neglect, ignore, think nothing of
synonyms: 無視


pronunciation: keishiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: form, rite
形式を重んじる: keishikioomonjiru: stick to forms <<<
形式的な: keishikitekina: formal, ritual, superficial <<<
形式上の: keishikijouno: as a matter of form <<<
形式を守る: keishikiomamoru: respect the form <<<
形式論理: keishikironri: formal logic <<< 論理
形式主義: keishikishugi: formalism <<< 主義
形式主義者: keishikishugisha: formalist <<<
三部形式: sanbukeishiki: ternary [three-part] form <<< 三部
ファイル形式: fairukeishiki: file format <<< ファイル
ソナタ形式: sonatakeishiki: sonata form <<< ソナタ


pronunciation: keisha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: nature   
translation: inclination, slope, acclivity, declivity, skew (n.), list of ship
傾斜する: keishasuru: slant, slope, incline, lean, list, heel
傾斜した: keishashita: inclined, sloping, skew (a.)
傾斜角: keishakaku: angle of inclination, dip <<<
傾斜度: keishado: gradient <<<
傾斜面: keishamen: slope <<<
傾斜計: keishakei: clinometer <<<
急傾斜: kyuukeisha: scarp, escarpment <<<
synonyms: , スロープ


pronunciation: keishou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history , life   
translation: succession, inheritance, accession
継承する: keishousuru: succeed, inherit, take over
継承者: keishousha: heir, successor, inheritor <<<


pronunciation: keishou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: title of honor, honorific title
敬称略: keishouryaku: without honorific titles <<<


pronunciation: keishoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: gastronomy   
translation: light meal, snack
check also: スナック


pronunciation: keiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security , crime   
translation: (police) detective, inspector
刑事上の: keijijouno: criminal, penal <<<
刑事犯: keijihan: penal offence [offender] <<<
刑事事件: keijijiken: criminal case <<< 事件
刑事裁判: keijisaiban: criminal trial <<< 裁判
刑事訴訟: keijisoshou: criminal action [suit] <<< 訴訟
刑事訴訟法: keijisoshouhou: criminal procedure code <<<
刑事被告: keijihikoku: accused, culprit <<< 被告
刑事責任: keijisekinin: criminal responsibility <<< 責任
刑事補償: keijihoshou: criminal indemnity (for) <<< 補償
刑事コロンボ: keijikoronbo: Columbo (US TV series, 1971-1978 and 1989-2003)


pronunciation: keiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer , town   
translation: notice, notification, placard (n.), bill
掲示する: keijisuru: notify, put up a notice, placard (v.)
掲示板: keijiban: bulletin board, notice board, signboard <<< , フォーラム
掲示場: keijijou: notice shed [wall] <<<
check also: 表示


pronunciation: keiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: christianity   
translation: revelation (of God)
啓示する: keijisuru: reveal
神の啓示: kaminokeiji: revelation of God <<<


pronunciation: keisuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: coefficient
拡散係数: kakusankeisuu: diffusion index <<< 拡散
摩擦係数: masatsukeisuu: frictional coefficient <<< 摩擦
膨張係数: bouchoukeisuu: coefficient of expansion <<< 膨張
相関係数: soukankeisuu: coefficient of correlation <<< 相関

202 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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